(TSB) |
Lists annexed to Operational Bulletin: Note
from the TSB |
3 |
(TSB) |
Use of national numbers for
international services: TSB Circular 66 of 11 October 2001 |
4 |
(BR) |
Maritime Identification Digits (MID): Cambodia |
5 |
(BR) |
Maritime Mobile Service: Greenland
(TeleGreenland) |
5 |
(TSB) |
Assignment of Signalling Area/Network
Codes (SANC) (ITU-T Recommendation Q.708 (03/99)): Australia, Brazil |
6 |
(TSB) |
Telegram Service |
Norway (Telenor Telecom Solutions AS,
Maritime Radio (Rogaland Radio), Sandnes: Cessation of telegram service
� CTITU B24 of 7.XI.2001) |
6 |
Netherlands (Unitel, Alteveer: Reopening of
the telegram service for Germany, Austria, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein
and Switzerland) |
7 |
Singapore (Singapore Telecommunications
Ltd. (Singapore Telecom), Singapore: Cessation of telegram service) |
7 |
(TSB) |
Telephone Service |
Belgium (Belgian Institute for Postal
Services and Telecommunications (BIPT), Brussels) |
8 |
Bolivia (Superintendencia de
Telecomunicaciones (SITTEL), La Paz) |
8 |
Burkina Faso (Autorit� Nationale de
R�gulation des T�l�communications (ARTEL), Ouagadougou) |
9 |
Denmark (National Telecom Agency,
Copenhagen) |
10 |
France (France Telecom, Paris) |
10 |
The Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia (Makedonski Telekomunikacii A.D., Skopje) |
12 |
Mayotte (Collectivit� territoriale de
la R�publique fran�aise) (France Telecom) |
13 |
Czech Rep. (CESK� TELECOM, a.s., Praha) |
13 |
Zimbabwe (Postal and Telecommunication
Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ), Harare) |
24 |
(TSB) |
Changes in Administrations/ROAs and
other entities or Organizations |
Spain (Correos y Tel�grafos, Madrid:
Entidad P�blica Empresarial Correos y Tel�grafos � New name) |
28 |
Norway (Telenor Nett AS, Sandnes: Change
of name) |
29 |
Slovakia (Ministry of Transport, Posts and
Telecommunications, Bratislava: Transfer of regulatory matters) |
29 |
(TSB) |
Other communications |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) (Ministry of
P.T.T., Directorate General of Telecommunications, Tehran) |
29 |
(TSB) |
Service Restrictions: Note from the
30 |
(TSB) |
Call-Back and alternative calling
procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-98): Note from the TSB |
31 |