(TSB) |
Listes annex�es au Bulletin
d'exploitation: Note du TSB |
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(TSB) |
Suppression de Recommandations UIT-T |
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(TSB) |
Attribution de codes de zone/r�seau
s�maphore (SANC) (Recommandation UIT-T Q.708 (03/99)): Gr�ce |
4 |
(TSB) |
Changements d'heure l�gale: Br�sil
(Empresa Brasileira de Telecomunica��es S.A. (EMBRATEL), Rio de Janeiro:
Heure d'�t� au Br�sil pour la p�riode 2001-2002) |
4 |
(TSB) |
Service t�l�phonique: |
Cameroun (Cameroon
Telecommunications, Yaound�) |
5 |
Chypre (Cyprus Telecommunications
Authority (CYTA), Nicosia) |
5 |
Colombie (Empresa Nacional de
Telecomunicaciones (TELECOM), Santaf� de Bogot�, D.C.) |
7 |
G�orgie (Georgian National
Communications Commission, Tbilisi) |
7 |
Indon�sie (Directorate General of
Posts and Telecommunications (Postel), Jakarta) |
7 |
Monaco (Monaco Telecom International,
Monaco) |
10 |
Singapour (Infocomm Development
Authority of Singapore (IDA), Singapore) |
10 |
Venezuela (Comisi�n Nacional de
Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL), Caracas) |
11 |
Wallis-et-Futuna (Service des postes
et t�l�communications, Mata-Utu, Uvea) |
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(TSB) |
Changements dans les
Administrations/ER et autres entit�s ou Organisations: |
Allemagne (Federal Ministry of
Economics and Technology (Bundesministerium f�r Wirtschaft und
Technologie),Bonn: Attribution du statut d�exploitation reconnue (ER)) |
Bosnie-Herz�govine (Communications
Regulatory Agency (CRA), Sarajevo: Nouvelle structure) |
13 |
Egypte (Ministry of Communications
and Information Technology, Cairo: Nouvelle Directrice ex�cutive) |
14 |
Finlande (Telecommunications
Administration Centre: Changement de nom) |
14 |
Japon (CANON Inc., Tokyo) |
14 |
Swaziland (Swaziland Posts and
Telecommunications Corporation (STPC), Mbabane) |
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(TSB) |
Restrictions de service: Note du TSB |
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(TSB) |
Syst�mes de rappel (Call-Back) et
proc�dures d'appel alternatives (R�s. 21 R�v. PP-98): Note du TSB |
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