ITU Operational
No. 734 - 15.II.2001
(Information received by 8
February 2001)
preceded by the letters (BR) in the table of Contents are dealt with
by Subjects
preceded by the letters (TSB) in the table of Contents are dealt with
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General Information
Lists annexed to Operational Bulletin: Note from TSB
Approval of ITU-T Recommendations
Allocation of ITU-T defined codes for non-standard facilities (ITU-T Recommendation T.35): Czech Rep., Slovakia
Inauguration of Universal International Shared Cost Numbers (UISCN) for the International Shared Cost Service (ISCS) � Advance Information and timetable
Maritime Mobile Service: Namibia (Telecom Namibia)
Legal time changes
International Public Telecommunication Numbering Plan (ITU-T Recommendation E.164 (05/97)): Note from TSB (Identification Codes for International Networks, Verizon � Code reserved)
Access codes/numbers for mobile networks (According to ITU-T Recommendation E.164): Note from TSB (Access codes/numbers for mobile networks used with the E.164 country code � Operational Bulletin No. 726 of 15.X.2000, List No. 1, Amendment No. 5)
Telegram Service: Seychelles (Cable & Wireless � Seychelles Ltd, Mahe: Change of opening hours), Switzerland (Swisscom Ltd, Berne: Cessation of international telegram service in Switzerland)
Telex Service: Iceland (Iceland Telecom Limited, Reykjavik: Closing of telex service in Iceland)
Telephone Service: Germany (Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts � Regulierungsbeh�rde f�r Telekommunikation und Post � Reg TP, Bonn), Bulgaria (State Telecommunications Committee, Sofia), France (Bouygues Telecom, Paris), Georgia (Georgian National Post and Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, Tbilisi), Guyana (Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co, Ltd, Georgetown), Jamaica (Cable and Wireless Jamaica Limited, Kingston), Mauritania (Autorit� de R�gulation de la R�publique Islamique de Mauritanie � ARE, Nouakchott), Netherlands (KPN, Royal Dutch Telecom, The Hague), United Kingdom (Office of Telecommunications � OFTEL, London), Singapore (Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore � IDA, Singapore), Togo (Autorit� de R�glementation des Secteurs de Postes et de T�l�communications, Lom�), Venezuela (Comisi�n Nacional de Telecomunicaciones � CONATEL, Caracas)
Other communication: Poland
Service Restrictions: Note from TSB
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures (Res. 21 Rev. PP-98): Note from the TSB
Amendments to service documents
List of Coast Stations (List IV)
List of Ship Stations (List V)
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)
List of ITU-T Recommendation E.164 assigned Country Codes
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