ITU Operational Bulletin |
No. 1101 |
1.VI.2016 |
received by 18 May 2016) �ISSN 1564-5223 (Online) |
E-mail:������ |
Standardization Bureau (TSB) |
Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) |
General �information
Lists annexed to the ITU Operational Bulletin: Note
from TSB
Approval of ITU-T Recommendations
Assignment of Signalling Area/Network Codes
(SANC) (Recommendation ITU-T Q.708 (03/99)): Namibia (Republic of)
Telephone Service:
Congo (Rep. of the): Agence de
R�gulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE), Brazzaville
Denmark (Danish Energy Agency, Copenhagen)
Myanmar (Ministry of Transport and
Communications, Nay Pyi Taw)
Other communicationAustria
Service Restrictions
Call � Back and alternative calling procedures
(Res. 21 Rev. PP � 2006)
to� service� publications
List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile� Service Identity Assignments (List V)
Mobile Network Codes (MNC) for the
international identification plan� for
public networks and subscriptions
List of Signalling Area/Network Codes (SANC)
List of International Signalling Point Codes
National Numbering Plan