ITU Operational Bulletin |
15 II
2013 |
received by 1 February 2013)�������������������������������������������� |
E-mail:������ |
Standardization Bureau (TSB) |
Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) |
Lists annexed to the ITU Operational
Bulletin: Note from TSB
Approval of ITU-T Recommendations
Telephone Service:
Burkina Faso (Autorit� de R�gulation
des Communications Electroniques et des Postes RCEP),Ouagadougou)
Costa Rica (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUTEL), San Jos�)
Kuwait (Ministry of Communications
(MOC), Safat)
Niue (Telecom Niue, Alofi)
Tunisia (Instance Nationale des
T�l�communications (INT), Tunis)
Changes in Administrations/ROAs and other
entities or Organizations
Netherlands (Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Agriculture and Innovation, The Hague): Changes of name and URL
Romania (Ministry of Communications and
Information Society, Bucharest): Changes of name, e-mail address and URL
Other communication
Service Restrictions
Call-Back and alternative calling procedures
(Res. 21 Rev. PP-2006)
Amendments to service publications
List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile
Service Identity Assignments (List V)
List of Issuer Identifier Numbers for the
International Telecommunication Charge Card
Mobile Network Code (MNC) for the international
identification plan� for public networks
and subscriptions
List of ITU Carrier Codes
List of International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)
National Nu