The State of Broadband 2020: Tackling digital inequalities, A decade of action
Current Commissioners of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development
List of boxes, figures and tables
Commissioner Insights / Case Studies Summaries
Executive Summary
1. Introduction to the Broadband Commission – A decade of change and its role as a global multi-stakeholder partnership
     1.1 The Broadband Commission: A decade of advocacy
     1.2 From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals
     1.3 The first decade of impact for the Broadband Commission Goals
2. Meeting the 2025 Targets: Connectivity, Affordability, Access, Equality and Use
     2.1 Advocacy Target 1
     2.2 Advocacy Target 2
     2.3 Advocacy Target 3
     2.4 Advocacy Target 4
     2.5 Advocacy Target 5
     2.6 Advocacy Target 6
     2.7 Advocacy Target 7
     2.8 Data Collection Challenges
3. Meaningful digital transformation: Preparing for the next decade
     3.1 Persistent Digital Inequality
     3.2 Technology / Telecom response to COVID-19
     3.3 Economic impacts of broadband for the 2030 Agenda
4. Action for the next ten years
5. Commissioner Insights / Case Study Executive Summaries
Annex 1: Former Commissioners of the Broadband Commission
Annex 2: Full list of recommendations presented in the State of Broadband reports 2012 - 2019
Annex 3: Countries with a focus on broadband in a National Broadband Plans, digital agenda or strategy