

1              ICT-enabled Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

     1.1     Why Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

     1.2     Why tech MSMEs?

     1.3     Definitions

     1.4     Survival Rates vs Firm Age and Size

     1.5     Tech ecosystem

     1.6     Structure of the report

2              Contribution of tech MSMEs to the ICT sector and wider economy

     2.1     Benefits for the economy

     2.2     Benefits for the ICT sector

     2.3     Observations

3              Role of the ICT sector in supporting tech MSMEs

     3.1     ICT networks as a global foundation for tech products

     3.2     Nurturing tech MSMEs

     3.3     Electronic payments

     3.4     Observations

4              The power of networks

     4.1     How going beyond local ecosystems is vital for modern tech MSMEs and startups

     4.2     Internationalisation challenges

     4.3     Breaking barriers between ecosystems

     4.4     Access to talent

     4.5     Other examples of internationalisation support

     4.6     Recommendations to overcome internationalisation challenges

     4.7     Observations

5              Mobilizing financial capital in emerging markets: myths, risks and realities.

     5.1     Introduction

     5.2     Stages of funding

     5.3     Types of funding

     5.4     Observations

6              Enabling tech MSMEs

     6.1     Innovation Environment

     6.2     Business environment

     6.3     Entrepreneurship culture

     6.4     Measuring Results

     6.5     Observations

7              ICT-Enabled Innovation and Applications for Sustainable Development

     7.1     Introduction

     7.2     Innovation for Impact in the Context of the Sustainable Development Goals

     7.3     A Framework for ICT-Enabled Innovation for Impact: Principles for Digital Development

     7.4     Toward a Business Model for Principle-Based, Open Innovation

     7.5     Observations

8              Observations and recommendations for key stakeholders

Annex 1: Principles in Practice: Case Studies of Innovation and ICT Applications for Sustainable Development

     A.1    Case Study 1 | mHero: Digital Development Done Right

     A.2    Case Study 2 | Pre-Election Observation and Quick Count in Nigeria

     A.3    Case Study 3 | Digital Principles in Mobile Service Delivery in Somalia

     A.4    Case Study 4 | Learning from Failure: QOWA Initiative in Iraq

Annex 2: SDG 9

Table 1.1: ICT sector definition

Table 1.2: Startups, MSMEs and companies

Table 3.1: Examples of Corporate Venture Capital, 2016

Table 5.1: Accelerators by region, 2015

Table 5.2: Internet-related venture capital investment (US$ million), United States, 2015

Table 5.3: Venture Capital and Private Equity Country Attractiveness Index

Table 5.4: Crowd funding examples

Table 6.1: Starting a Business, 2016

Table 6.2: Stock market indicators

Figure 1.1: Establishment Age and Survival, Information Sector, United States, 2006-2015

Figure 2.1: Brooklyn-454111: Electronic shopping

Figure 2.2: Contribution to employment and job destruction and creation, young MSMEs, 2001-2011

Figure 2.3: Average annual net job creation by firm age and industry, United States, 1990-2011

Figure 2.4: Americans increasingly use smartphones for more than voice calls, texting

Figure 2.5: Most common data plan changed from 500MB/month to 5GB/month with LTE

Figure 2.6: Computer software and services export intensity and computer software and services spending as a % of GDP, 2010

Figure 3.1: Platforms, buyers and sellers

Figure 3.2: Internet users (per 100 people) and mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people), Low- and middle-income economies

Figure 3.3: Cairo Tech Sector Network Map

Figure 3.4: Emerging Market APIs

Figure 3.5: Developing markets with mobile money services, by region, 2015

Figure 5.1: MSMEs access to finance and bank lending

Figure 5.2: Startup funding sources and sources of funding, MENA

Figure 5.3: Tech MSME investment phases

Figure 5.4: Startupbootcamp metrics (2010-March 2016)

Figure 5.5: Global venture capital investment

Figure 5.6: Distribution of venture capital investment by amount and number of deals, 2015

Figure 5.7: Global venture capital investment by sector, 2015

Figure 5.8: Country risk

Figure 5.9: BDL Circular 331, 22 August 2013

Figure 5.10: Crowdfunding by value and distribution, 2015

Figure 5.11: Investment plans of South African entrepreneurs, 2015

Figure 6.1: Tech hubs in Africa

Figure 6.2: Adoption of E-Commerce Legislation Worldwide

Figure 6.3: Tech IPOs

Figure 6.4: Relationship between innovation and entrepreneurship indexes

Figure 6.5: Entrepreneurship as a desirable career choice (% of respondents), 2014

Figure 6.6: Relationship between TEA and opportunity entrepreneurial activity, 2014

Figure 6.7: Entrepreneurs, innovators and higher education

Figure 6.8: MIT cluster map

Figure 7.1: SDGs

Figure 7.2: How ICTs can support Sustainable Development

Box 1.1: High-Growth Firms

Box 2.0 Startup-Corporate Collaboration

Box 2.1: Against All Odds: Tech startups in Iran