Resolutions and Decisions of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union 2021
Summary of Contents
Table of Contents
     1.1 Budget
          RESOLUTION 1396 (C19) Biennial Budget of the International Telecommunication Union for 2020-2021
          RESOLUTION 1405 (C21) Biennial budget of the International Telecommunication Union for 2022-2023
     1.2 Other finance matters
          RESOLUTION 925 (C-1985, last amended C19) Financial conditions for the participation of the United Nations, the specialized agencies and other international organizations in the conferences, assemblies and meetings of the ITU
          RESOLUTION 1111 (C-1997) TELECOM surplus funds
          RESOLUTION 1338 (C11) Information and Communication Technologies Development Fund (ICT-DF)
          RESOLUTION 1397 (C19) Financial operating report for the 2018 financial year
          RESOLUTION 1400 (C20) Financial operating report for the 2019 financial year
          RESOLUTION 1402 (C20) Contributory shares for defraying Union expenses
          DECISION 387 (C-1980) Payment for Union publications
          DECISION 482 (C01, last amended C20) Implementation of cost recovery for satellite network filings
          DECISION 545 (C07) Non-payment of cost recovery fees relating to satellite network filings
          DECISION 603 (C17) Renewal of the mandate of the External Auditor (Corte dei Conti) for a period of two years
          DECISION 613 (C19) General Audit Following the Case of Fraud at a Regional Office
          DECISION 614 (C19) Auditing of the accounts of the Union
          DECISION 615 (C19) Appointment of members to the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC)
          DECISION 621 (C20) Appointment of the new External Auditors
          DECISION 622 (C20) Cancellation of interest on arrears and irrecoverable debts
          DECISION 624 (C21)Cancellation of interest on arrears and irrecoverable debts
     2.1 Conditions of employment
          RESOLUTION 260 (C-1952, last amended C-1954) Leave for military service
          RESOLUTION 261 (C-1952) Position of families of Union officials liable to mobilization
          RESOLUTION 626 (C-1968, last amended C-1984) Advertisement of vacancies
          RESOLUTION 647 (C-1969, last amended C03) Changes in the United Nations common system conditions of remuneration
          RESOLUTION 685 (C-1971, last amended C-1981) International recruitment procedure
          RESOLUTION 792 (C-1977, last amended C-1981) Proposed amendments to Staff Regulations and Staff Rules
          RESOLUTION 1004 (C-1990) Privileges, immunities and facilities related to activities of the Union
          RESOLUTION 1142 (C-1999) Occupational illness
          RESOLUTION 1369 (C14) Amendments to Staff Regulations applicable to appointed Staff
          RESOLUTION 1392 (C18) Staff Regulations applicable to Elected Officials
          RESOLUTION 1406 (C21) Conditions of service of ITU Elected Officials
          DECISION 548 (C07) Conditions of service of the Elected Officials – Special housing subsidy
          DECISION 593 (C16) Amendments to Staff Regulations applicable to appointed Staff
          DECISION 597 (C16)Amendments to Staff Regulations applicable to appointed Staff
     2.2 Human resources management
          RESOLUTION 1106 (C-1996, last amended C01) Implementation of the recommendations of the Tripartite Consultative Group on Human Resources Management
          RESOLUTION 1107 (C-1997) Classification
          RESOLUTION 1108 (C-1997) Post management
          RESOLUTION 1187 (C01) Gender Perspective in ITU Human Resource Management, Policy and Practice
          RESOLUTION 1299 (C08, LAST AMENDED C20) ITU Strategic Plan for Human Resources
          DECISION 2 (C-1948, last amended C-1981) List of permanent and temporary posts and of their incumbents
          DECISION 517 (C04, last amended C09) Strengthening Dialogue between the ITU Administration and the ITU Staff Council
          DECISION 582 (C15-EXT)Voluntary Separation and Early Retirement programme
          DECISION 605 (C18)Creation of post D1, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for the CIS Region
     2.3 Pensions
          RESOLUTION 440 (C-1960) Investments of funds of the ITU staff superannuation and benevolent funds
          RESOLUTION 463 (C-1961) Actuarial bases for the ITU Staff Superannuation and Benevolent Funds
          RESOLUTION 559 (C-1965, last amended C-1984) Cost-of-living allowances to beneficiaries of the S.S. and B. Funds
          RESOLUTION 589 (C-1966, last amended C-1984) Cost-of-living allowances granted to beneficiaries of the ITU SS and B Funds
          RESOLUTION 1211 (C03-ADD) Statutory rate of interest of the ITU Staff Superannuation and Benevolent funds
          RESOLUTION 1394 (C19-EXT) Membership of the ITU Staff Pension Committee
          DECISION 595 (C16) Amendment to Article 5 of the Regulations for the Staff Superannuation and Benevolent Funds of the International Telecommunication Union
          DECISION 596 (C16) Final disposal of the assets of the Pension Fund for the Staff Superannuation and Benevolent Funds of the International Telecommunication Union
     2.4 Other staff matters
          RESOLUTION 105 (C-1948, last amended C-1952) Issue of United Nations laissez-passer to officials of the ITU
          RESOLUTION 747 (C-1975, last amended C-1976) International Civil Service Commission
          DECISION 399 (C-1983, last amended C-1990) Staff representation
     3.1 General
          RESOLUTION 83 (C-1948, last amended C-1990) Organization, financing and liquidation of the accounts of conferences and meetings
          RESOLUTION 741 (C-1974, last amended C-1984) Conditions governing the attendance of liberation organizations at meetings of the ITU
          RESOLUTION 1141 (C-1999) Reduction of the cost and volume of documentation for ITU conferences and assemblies and the Council
          DECISION 304 (C-1963, last amended C-1976) Participation of the delegations of members of the Union in conferences or meetings of the Union
          DECISION 307 (C-1963, last amended C-1976) Regional conferences
     3.2 Council
          RESOLUTION 2 (C-1948, last amended C-1976) Participation of members of the Council in the sessions
          RESOLUTION 687 (C-1971, last amended C-1976)Travel expenses and subsistence allowances for the representatives of members of the Council
          RESOLUTION 1305 (C09, last amended C19) Role of the Dedicated Group in identifying Internet-related Public Policy issues
          RESOLUTION 1306 (C09, last amended C15) Council Working Group on Child Online Protection
          RESOLUTION 1332 (C11, last amended C19) ITU role in the implementation of the WSIS outcomes and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
          RESOLUTION 1333 (C11, last amended C16) Guiding principles for the creation, management and termination of Council working groups
          RESOLUTION 1334 (C11, last amended C15) ITU Role in the Overall Review of the Implementation of the Outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society
          RESOLUTION 1336 (C11, last amended C19) Council Working Group on international Internet-related Public Policy Issues (CWG-Internet)
          RESOLUTION 1372 (C15, last amended C19) Council Working Group on Languages (CWG-LANG)
          RESOLUTION 1404 (C21) Establishment of the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans for 2024-2027
          DECISION 8 (C-1950, last amended C-1958) Documents to be sent to members of the Union in connection with the decisions of the Council
          DECISION 375 (C-1975, last amended C-1990) Travel expenses of members of the Council
          DECISION 495 (C-2000, last amended C16) Council Information documents
          DECISION 519 (C04, last modified C12) Participation of Sector Members in sessions of the Council as observers
          DECISION 524 (C05) Participation of Observer Member States at ITU Council meetings
          DECISION 540 (C06) Creation of a single Standing Committee on Administration and Management
          DECISION 556 (C10, last amended C16) Submission and publication of documentation for Council sessions and Council working group meetings
          DECISION 563 (C11, last amended C19) Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources
          DECISION 584 (C15) Creation and management of Council Working Groups
          DECISION 625 (C21) Dates and duration of the 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, and 2026 sessions of the Council, along with the clusters of Council Working Groups and Expert Groups for 2022, 2023, and 2024
     3.3 Plenipotentiary Conference
          DECISION 610 (C19) Convening of the next ordinary plenipotentiary conference
     3.4 Other conferences and related matters
          RESOLUTION 1292 (C08) World and regional telecommunication/information and communication technology exhibitions and forums
          RESOLUTION 1399 (C20) Agenda of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23)
          DECISION 608 (C19, LAST AMENDED C20) Convening of the next World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-20)
          DECISION 609 (C19) Convening of the next World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-21)
          DECISION 611 (C19, LAST AMENDED C20) Sixth World Telecommunication/Information and Communication Technology Policy Forum
          DECISION 623 (C21) Place and dates of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-23) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-23)
     RESOLUTION 1110 (C-1997) Role of the ITU in the GMPCS-MoU
     RESOLUTION 1116 (C-1998) Implementation of the GMPCS-MoU arrangements
     RESOLUTION 1403 (C21) Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Union for 2022-2025
     5.1 General
          RESOLUTION 1115 (C-1997) International Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Legal Interception of Telecommunications
     5.2 Radiocommunication (ITU-R)
          RESOLUTION 1148 (C-1999) Status of the members of the Radio Regulations Board
          RESOLUTION 1403 (C21) Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Union for 2022-2025
          DECISION 535 (C05, last amended C14) Cost-allocation methodology
     5.3 Telecommunication Standardization (ITU-T)
          RESOLUTION 1155 (C-2000) Implementation of cost recovery for the UIPRN and UISCN registrar functions
          RESOLUTION 1168 (C01) Implementation of cost recovery for the AESAs Registrar Functions
          RESOLUTION 1403 (C21) Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Union for 2022-2025
          DECISION 600 (C17) UIFN Registration
          DECISION 601 (C17) IIN Registration
     5.4 Telecommunication Development (ITU-D)
          RESOLUTION 1114 (C-1997) Regional presence
          RESOLUTION 1143 (C-1999) Strengthening the regional presence
          RESOLUTION 1183 (C01) ITU Regional Presence
          RESOLUTION 1403 (C21)Four-year rolling Operational Plan for the Union for 2022-2025
          DECISION 616 (C19) Regional presence
     6.1 ITU Membership
          RESOLUTION 88 (C-1948, last amended C-1976) Relations of the General Secretariat of the Union with States or administrations which are not Members of the Union
          RESOLUTION 177 (C-1950) Circular telegrams to administrations
          RESOLUTION 216 (C-1951, last amended C-1984) Applications for Membership of the Union
          RESOLUTION 262 (C-1952, last amended C-1984) Complaints from Members of the Union against other Members of the Union
          RESOLUTION 1008 (C-1990) Committee to ascertain the facts concerning Israel's violations of the International Telecommunication Convention
          RESOLUTION 1097 (C-1996) Right to vote of Members of the Union
          DECISION 185 (C-1957, last amended C-1981) Interpretation of the term “majority” in connection with telegraphic consultations
     6.2 United Nations and other organizations
          RESOLUTION 101 (C-1948) Exchange of documents between the ITU and the United Nations
          RESOLUTION 102 (C-1948) Exchange of statistics with the United Nations
          RESOLUTION 126 (C-1949, last amended C-1976) Relationship between a national and an international mandate
          RESOLUTION 193 (C-1950, last amended C-1984) Convention on privileges and immunities of the specialized agencies
          RESOLUTION 659 (C-1969) Action on United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 2395, 2396, 2426 and 2465 (XXIII)
          RESOLUTION 708 (C-1972) Resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations
          RESOLUTION 800 (C-1977, last amended C-1984) Telecommunications, an important factor in economic and social development: role of the ITU in this domain
          RESOLUTION 1027 (C-1992) ITU Centenary Prize Funds
          RESOLUTION 1353 (C12) ITU’s Role in implementing the outcomes of the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20)
          DECISION 43 (C-1951, last amended C-1954) Resolution 411 (V) of the General Assembly of the United Nations on administrative budgets of the specialized agencies
          DECISION 45 (C-1951) Collaboration with the United Nations concerning the agenda of United Nations meetings
     7.1 Building, Rooms, Equipment
          DECISION 588 (C16) Headquarters Premises
          DECISION 619 (C19, LAST AMENDED C21) Headquarters Premises
     7.2 Other miscellaneous matters
          RESOLUTION 1327 (C11) ITU’s role in ICTs and the empowerment of women and girls
          RESOLUTION 1374 (C15) Accelerating the Empowerment and Engagement of Youth through Telecommunication/Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
          RESOLUTION 1379 (C16, last amended C19) Expert Group on the International Telecommunication Regulations (EG-ITRs)
          RESOLUTION 1386 (C17) ITU Coordination Committee for Terminology (ITU CCT)
          DECISION 500 (C-2000) Use of the term “chairman”
          DECISION 576 (C13)Consideration of the possible role of ITU as Supervisory Authority of the International Registration System for Space Assets Under the Space Protocol