- Table of contents
- List of countries in French alphabetical order giving the number(s) of theirdeclarations
- DECISION 5 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Revenue and expenses for the Union for the period 2016-2019
- DECISION 11 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Creation and management of Council working groups
- DECISION 12 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Free online access to ITU publications
- DECISION 13 (BUSAN, 2014) - Monitoring mechanism on ITU programmes and projects
- DECISION 14 (BUSAN, 2014) - Use of hyperlinks in ITU documents
- RESOLUTION 2 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - World telecommunication/information andcommunication technology policy forum
- RESOLUTION 21 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Measures concerning alternative calling procedures oninternational telecommunication networks
- RESOLUTION 25 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening the regional presence
- RESOLUTION 30 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Special measures for the least developed countries, small islanddeveloping states, landlocked developing countries and countrieswith economies in transition
- RESOLUTION 34 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Assistance and support to countries in special need for rebuildingtheir telecommunication sector
- RESOLUTION 41 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Arrears and special arrears accounts
- RESOLUTION 48 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Human resources management and development
- RESOLUTION 58 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening of relations between ITU and regionaltelecommunication organizations and regional preparationsfor the Plenipotentiary Conference
- RESOLUTION 64 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Non-discriminatory access to modern telecommunication/information and communication technology facilities, services andapplications, including applied research and transfer of technology,and e-meetings, on mutually agreed terms
- RESOLUTION 70 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Mainstreaming a gender perspective in ITU and promotion ofgender equality and the empowerment of women throughinformation and communication technologies
- RESOLUTION 71 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strategic plan for the Union for 2016-2019
- RESOLUTION 72 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Linking strategic, financial and operational planning in ITU
- RESOLUTION 77 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Scheduling and duration of conferences, forums, assembliesand Council sessions of the Union (2015-2019)
- RESOLUTION 94 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Auditing of the accounts of the Union
- RESOLUTION 99 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Status of Palestine in ITU
- RESOLUTION 101 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Internet Protocol-based networks
- RESOLUTION 102 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - ITU's role with regard to international public policy issuespertaining to the Internet and the management of Internetresources, including domain names and addresses
- RESOLUTION 111 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Considering major religious periods in the scheduling ofITU conferences, assemblies and Council sessions
- RESOLUTION 123 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Bridging the standardization gap between developing1 anddeveloped countries
- RESOLUTION 125 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Assistance and support to Palestinefor rebuilding its telecommunication networks
- RESOLUTION 130 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening the role of ITU in building confidenceand security in the use of information andcommunication technologies
- RESOLUTION 131 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Measuring information and communication technologies to build anintegrating and inclusive information society
- RESOLUTION 133 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Role of administrations of Member States in the managementof internationalized (multilingual) domain names
- RESOLUTION 135 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - ITU's role in the development of telecommunications/informationand communication technologies, in providing technical assistanceand advice to developing countries1 and in implementing relevantnational, regional and interregional projects
- RESOLUTION 136 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - The use of telecommunications/information and communicationtechnologies for monitoring and management in emergencyand disaster situations for early warning,prevention, mitigation and relief
- RESOLUTION 137 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Next-generation network deployment in developing countries
- RESOLUTION 139 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Use of telecommunications/information and communicationtechnologies to bridge the digital divide and buildan inclusive information society
- RESOLUTION 140 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - ITU's role in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit onthe Information Society and in the overall review by United NationsGeneral Assembly of their implementation
- RESOLUTION 144 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Availability of model host-country agreements in advance forconferences and assemblies of the Union held away from Geneva
- RESOLUTION 146 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Periodic review and revision of the InternationalTelecommunication Regulations
- RESOLUTION 150 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Approval of the accounts of the Union for the years 2010-2013
- RESOLUTION 151 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Implementation of results-based management in ITU
- RESOLUTION 152 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Improvement of management and follow-up of the defrayalof ITU expenses by Sector Members and Associates
- RESOLUTION 154 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Use of the six official languages of the Union on an equal footing
- RESOLUTION 157 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening of the project execution function in ITU
- RESOLUTION 158 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Financial issues for consideration by the Council
- RESOLUTION 159 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Assistance and support to Lebanon for rebuilding itstelecommunication networks (fixed and mobile)
- RESOLUTION 162 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Independent management advisory committee
- RESOLUTION 166 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Number of vice-chairmen of Sector advisory groups,study groups and other groups
- RESOLUTION 167 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening and developing ITU capabilities for electronicmeetings and means to advance the work of the Union
- RESOLUTION 169 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Admission of academia1 to participate in the work of the Union
- RESOLUTION 170 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Admission of Sector Members from developing countries to participate in the work of the ITU Radiocommunication Sectorand the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
- RESOLUTION 174 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - ITU's role with regard to international public policy issuesrelating to the risk of illicit use of information andcommunication technologies
- RESOLUTION 175 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Telecommunication/information and communication technologyaccessibility for persons with disabilitiesand persons with specific needs
- RESOLUTION 176 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Human exposure to and measurement of electromagnetic fields
- RESOLUTION 177 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Conformance and interoperability
- RESOLUTION 179 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - ITU's role in child online protection
- RESOLUTION 180 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Facilitating the transition from IPv4 to IPv6
- RESOLUTION 182 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - The role of telecommunications/information and communicationtechnologies in regard to climate change andthe protection of the environment
- RESOLUTION 183 (REV. BUSAN, 2014) - Telecommunication/Information and Communication Technologyapplications for e-health
- RESOLUTION 185 (BUSAN, 2014) - Global flight tracking for civil aviation
- RESOLUTION 186 (BUSAN, 2014) - Strengthening the role of ITU with regard to transparency andconfidence-building measures in outer space activities
- RESOLUTION 187 (BUSAN, 2014) - Review of the current methodologies and development of a futurevision for the participation of Sector Members, Associates andAcademia in the activities of ITU
- RESOLUTION 188 (BUSAN, 2014) - Combating counterfeit telecommunication/informationand communication technology devices
- RESOLUTION 189 (BUSAN, 2014) - Assisting Member States to combat and deter mobile device theft
- RESOLUTION 190 (BUSAN, 2014) - Countering misappropriation and misuse of internationaltelecommunication numbering resources
- RESOLUTION 191 (BUSAN, 2014) - Strategy for the coordination of efforts amongthe three Sectors of the Union
- RESOLUTION 192 (BUSAN, 2014) - ITU participation in memoranda of understandingwith financial and/or strategic implications
- RESOLUTION 193 (BUSAN, 2014) - Support and assistance for Iraq to rebuildits telecommunication sector
- RESOLUTION 194 (BUSAN, 2014) - Options for the Union's headquarters premises over the long term
- RESOLUTION 195 (BUSAN, 2014) - Implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto
- RESOLUTION 196 (BUSAN, 2014) - Protecting telecommunication service users/consumers
- RESOLUTION 197 (BUSAN, 2014) - Facilitating the Internet of Things to prepare fora globally connected world
- RESOLUTION 198 (BUSAN, 2014) - Empowerment of youth through telecommunication/informationand communication technology
- RESOLUTION 199 (BUSAN, 2014) - Promoting efforts for capacity building on software-definednetworking in developing countries
- RESOLUTION 200 (BUSAN, 2014) - Connect 2020 Agenda for global telecommunication/informationand communication technology development
- RESOLUTION 201 (BUSAN, 2014) - Creating an enabling environment for the deployment and use ofinformation and communication technology applications
- RESOLUTION 202 (BUSAN, 2014) - Using information and communication technologies to breakthe chain of health-related emergencies suchas Ebola virus transmission
- RESOLUTION 203 (BUSAN, 2014) - Connectivity to broadband networks