Report ITU-R SM.2182-3
Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Satellite orbital resources
�3���� Satellite facilities
�4���� Conclusion
Annex 1� Space radio monitoring facilities in Germany
�1���� Descriptive specifications of the space radio monitoring station
� ������1.1���� General description
������� 1.2���� Functions
������� 1.3���� System characteristics
������� 1.4���� Measurement parameters
�2���� Tasks
������� 2.1���� Spectrum occupancy monitoring
������� 2.2���� Position measurements
������� 2.3���� Interference measurements
������� 2.4���� Pre-launch monitoring
�3���� Working hours
4���� Contact address
Annex 2� Space radio monitoring facilities in China
�1���� General introduction
�2���� Space radio monitoring facilities in Beijing Monitoring Station
������� 2.1���� Monitoring systems
����������������� 2.1.1���� System No. 1
����������������� 2.1.2���� System No. 2
����������������� 2.1.3���� System No. 3
����������������� 2.1.4�� ��System No. 4
����������������� 2.1.5���� System No. 5
����������������� 2.1.6���� System No. 6
����������������� 2.1.7���� System No. 7
������� 2.2���� Basic parameter of some most-frequently used equipment
������� 2.3���� Working hours and contact
Annex 3� Space radio monitoring facilities in the United States of America�� Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
�1���� Specifications of space radio monitoring station
������� 1.1���� Introduction
������� 1.2���� General description
������� 1.3���� Functions
������� 1.4���� Equipment
������� 1.5���� System characteristics
�2���� Working hours and contact information
Annex 4� Space monitoring facilities in the Republic of Korea
�1���� The details of SRMC
������� 1.1���� General description
������� 1.2���� Function
������� 1.3���� Tasks
����������������� 1.3.1��� �The measurement of geostationary satellite orbit and transmission characteristics
����������������� 1.3.2���� The close examination of reasons for harmful interference radio waves
����������������� 1.3.3���� Offering of satellite radio measurement data
������� 1.4���� Measuring parameter
�2���� System characteristics
������� 2.1���� Geostationary satellite radio monitoring system
����������������� 2.1.1���� Overview
����������������� 2.1.2���� Specification
������� 2.2���� Non-geostationary satellite radio monitoring system
����������������� 2.2.1���� Overview
����������������� 2.2.2���� Antenna 3
����������������� 2.2.3���� Antenna 4
����������������� 2.2.4���� Antenna 5
����������������� 2.2.5���� Antenna 6
����������������� 2.2.6���� Specification
������� 2.3���� Mobile satellite radio monitoring system
����������������� 2.3.1���� Overview
����������������� 2.3.2���� Specification
������� 2.4���� Geolocation system
�3���� Work hours and contact information
������� 3.1���� The work time
������� 3.2���� Contact information
Annex 5� Space radio monitoring facilities in Japan
�1� ���Overview
������� 1.1���� History
������� 1.2���� Role
����������������� 1.2.1���� Monitoring of domestic and foreign satellites
��������� ��������1.2.2���� Elimination of interference
����������������� 1.2.3���� Data collection to utilize for international coordination of the satellite communication network
������� 1.3���� System configuration
������� 1.4���� Main attributes
������� 1.5���� Main measurement parameters
�2���� Main operations
������� 2.1���� Measurement and analysis of orbital location
������� 2.2���� Measurement and analysis of various radio parameters
������� 2.3���� Measurement and analysis of frequency utilization
������� 2.4���� Measurement and analysis of radio emissions
������� 2.5���� Uplink interference source identification
�3���� Working hours
�4���� Contact address
Annex 6� Space radio monitoring facilities in Ukraine
�1���� General introduction
�2���� The main tasks of the Kyiv space radio monitoring station
�3���� Kyiv space radio monitoring station structure
������� 3.1���� Antennas
������� 3.2���� Subsystem for diagnostics and control for terrestrial equipment
������� 3.3���� Subsystem for measuring of satellite emission parameters
������� 3.4���� Subsystem for earth stations location finding (geolocation) and calculation of satellite�s ephemerides
�4���� Contact address
Annex 7� Space radio monitoring facilities in Kazakhstan
Annex 8� Space Radio monitoring Station in Brazil
�1���� Specifications of space radio monitoring station
������� 1.1���� Introduction
������� 1.2���� General Description and functions
������� 1.3���� System characteristics
������� 1.4���� RF Front End and Infrastructure
�2���� Tasks
������� 2.1���� Measurements and analysis of technical parameters
������� 2.2���� Geolocation operations
�3���� Working hours and contact information
Annex 9� Space radio monitoring facilities in Sultanate of Oman� Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (TRA)
�1���� General description
�2���� Functions
�3���� System characteristics
�4���� Structure of the Space Radio Monitoring Station
������� 4.1���� Antennas
������� 4.2���� Subsystem for diagnostics and controlling devices in the station and for pointing antennas to satellite orbital positions
������� 4.3���� Subsystem for monitoring, detecting and characterizing satellite signals
������� 4.4���� Transmitter Location System (geolocation)
������� 4.5���� Mobile Monitoring Unit
������� 4.6���� Unmanned Arial System (UAS)
� ������4.7���� Reference Emitter
������� 4.8���� DVB Monitoring
������� 4.9���� Subsystem for license verification and checking orbit occupancy
������ 4.10���� L-band recorder
�5���� Tasks
�6���� Working hours
�7���� Contact information