Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)     ii
REPORT ITU-R SM.2153     1
Technical and operating parameters and spectrum use for short‑range radiocommunication devices     1
1     Introduction  1
2     Definition of short-range radio devices  2
3     Applications  2
        3.1     Telecommand  2
        3.2     Telemetry  2
        3.3     Voice and video  2
        3.4     Equipment for detecting avalanche victims  2
        3.5     Broadband radio local area networks  2
        3.6     Railway applications  3
                  3.6.1     Automatic vehicle identification  3
                  3.6.2     Balise system   3
                  3.6.3     Loop system   3
        3.7     Road transport and traffic telematics  3
        3.8     Equipment for detecting movement and equipment for alert 3
        3.9     Alarms  3
                  3.9.1     Alarm in general 3
                  3.9.2     Social alarms  4
       3.10     Model control 4
       3.11     Inductive applications  4
       3.12     Radio microphones  4
       3.13     RF identification  systems  4
       3.14     Ultra low power active medical implant 5
       3.15     Wireless audio applications  5
       3.16     RF (radar) level gauges  5
4     Technical standards/regulations  6
5     Common frequency ranges  6
6     Radiated power or magnetic or electric field strength  7
        6.1     European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations  member countries     8
        6.2     United States of America Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Brazil and Canadian general limits     11
        6.3     Japan  11
        6.4     The Republic of Korea  12
 7     Antenna requirements  12
8     Administrative requirements  13
        8.1     Certification and verification  13
                  8.1.1     CEPT countries  13
                  8.1.2     United States of America FCC   13
Certification     13
Verification     13
                  8.1.3     The Republic of Korea  14
                  8.1.4     Brazil 14
        8.2     Licensing requirements  15
        8.3     Mutual agreements between countries/regions  15
                  8.3.1     The MRA with the United States of America  15
                  8.3.2     MRAs − Canada  15
                  8.3.3     The MRAs with Australia and New Zealand  16
                  8.3.4     MRAs − The Republic of Korea  16
                  8.3.5     Global harmonization of regulations  16
9     Additional applications  16
Annex 1  Additional applications     16
1     SRDs operating in the 57-64 GHz band  16
2     RF level gauges  17
        2.1     Pulsed systems  17
        2.2     FMCW systems  18
        2.3     RF level gauge operating parameters and spectrum use  18
Annex 2     18
Appendix 1 to Annex 2     19
1     Recommendation CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03  19
2     Applications and frequency bands  20
 3     Technical requirements  25
        3.1     ETSI standards  25
        3.2     EMC and safety  26
                  3.2.1     EMC   26
                  3.2.2     Electrical safety  26
        3.3     National type approval specifications  26
4     Additional spectrum use  26
        4.1     Radiated power or magnetic field strength  26
        4.2     Transmitter antenna source  27
        4.3     Channel spacing  27
        4.4     Duty cycle categories  27
5     Administrative requirements  28
        5.1     Licensing requirements  28
        5.2     Conformity assessment, marking requirements and free circulation  28
6     Operating parameters  29
7     The R&TTE Directive  29
8     Update of Recommendation CEPT/ERC/REC 70-03  29
Appendix 2 to Annex 2  (United States of America)  Understanding the FCC rules for legal low-power, non‑licensed transmitters     30
1     Introduction  30
2     Low-power, non-licensed transmitters − general approach  30
3     Definition list 31
4     Technical standards  31
        4.1     Conducted emission limits  31
        4.2     Radiated emission limits  32
 5     Antenna requirement 40
6     Restricted bands  40
 7     Equipment authorization  41
        7.1     Certification  42
        7.2     Verification  43
8     Special cases  43
        8.1     Cordless telephones  43
        8.2     Tunnel radio systems  43
        8.3     Home-built transmitters that are not for sale  44
9     Commonly asked questions  44
        9.1     What happens if one sells, imports or uses non-compliant low-power transmitters?  44
        9.2     What changes can be made to an FCC-authorized device without requiring a new FCC authorization?     44
        9.3     What is the relationship between μV/m and W?  45
Appendix 3 to Annex 2  (People�s Republic of China)  Provisions and technical parameters requirements for SRDs in China     46
1     Technical parameters requirements  46
        1.1     Analogue cordless telephone  46
        1.2     Wireless audio transmitters and measuring devices for civilian purposes  46
        1.3     Model and toy remote-control devices  47
        1.4     Citizen band private mobile radio equipment 47
        1.5     General radio remote-control devices  48
        1.6     Biomedical telemetry transmitters  48
        1.7     Equipment for lifting  48
        1.8     Equipment for weighing  48
        1.9     Radio remote-control equipment used in industry  48
       1.10     Equipment for transporting data  49
       1.11     Radio control devices for civilian purposes  49
       1.12     Other SRDs  49
       1.13     Digital cordless telephone  50
       1.14     Automotive radars (collision avoidance radars) 50
2     Operating parameters requirements  50
                  2.9.1     Wireless audio transmitters  51
                  2.9.2     Biomedical telemetry transmitters  51
                  2.9.3     Equipment for lifting, equipment for weighing  51
                  2.9.4     Radio remote-control equipment used in industry  51
                  2.9.5     Equipment for transporting data  51
                  2.9.6     Radio control devices for civilian purposes  52
                  2.9.7     General radio remote-control devices  52
                  2.9.8     Model and toy remote-control devices  52
                  2.9.9     Digital cordless telephone  52
3     General requirements  52
        3.1     Frequency ranges of measurement for radiated spurious emissions  52
        3.2     Radiated spurious emission limits  53
                  3.2.1     Radiated spurious emission limits are shown in the following table when a transmitter is in the state of maximum emission power     53
                  3.2.2     Radiated spurious emission limits are shown in the following table when a transmitter is in idle or standby state     53
Appendix 4 to Annex 2  (Japan)  Japanese requirements for short-range radio devices     54
1     Radio stations emitting extremely low power 54
2     Low-power radio stations  55
20 MHz system:
 10 mW/MHz     60
DFS/ TPC is required for the key station.     60
Appendix 5 to Annex 2  (The Republic of Korea)  Technical parameters and spectrum use for SRDs in Korea     62
1     Introduction  62
2     Technical parameters and spectrum use for SRDs  63
        2.1     Low-power devices and specific SRDs  63
        2.2     Measurement instruments  68
        2.3     Receiver 68
        2.4     Radio equipment used for relaying public radiocommunication service or broadcasting service to shaded area     68
        2.5     Measurement instruments  68
        2.6     Receiver 68
        2.7     Radio equipment used for relaying public radiocommunication service or broadcasting service to shadowed area     69
Appendix 6 to Annex 2  (Federative Republic of Brazil)  Regulation on restricted radiation radiocommunications  equipment in Brazil     69
1     Introduction  69
2     Definitions  70
3     General conditions  71
4     Restricted frequency bands  72
5     General emission limits  73
6     Exception or exclusions from the general limits  74
7     Certification and authorization procedures  80
        7.1     Authorization validity and procedure  80
        7.2     Authorization  81
Appendix 7 to Annex 2  UAE Regulations for the use of SRDs and low power equipment permitted usage     82