1     Introduction      
 2     Methodology    
        2.1     General  
        2.2     Detailed description of the flow chart          
                  2.2.1     Box (1): Existing ITU documents   
                  2.2.2     Box (2): Existing ITU documents   
                  2.2.3     Box (3): Evaluate interference       
                  2.2.4     Boxes (4), (5) and (6): New information    
                  2.2.5     Box (i): Transmitter emission         
                  2.2.6     Box (ii): Interference power          
                  2.2.7     Box (iii): Assess discrepancy         
                  2.2.8     Box (iv): Consultative solution       
                  2.2.9     Diamond (a): Interference power ≤ passive service criteria 
                  2.2.10     Diamond (b): Interference power ≤ threshold      
                  2.2.11     Diamond (c): Can the emission parameters be refined?    
                  2.2.12     Diamond (d): Can the reception parameters in passive band be refined?   
                  2.2.13     Diamond (e): Is the application of mitigation techniques feasible?  
                  2.2.14     End circles (a), (b), (c)    
        2.3     Technical appendix
                  2.3.1     Representation of unwanted emission spectra        
                  2.3.2     Use of dynamic simulation techniques to refine interference analyses           
                  2.3.3     Additional refinements       
 3     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) systems operating in the 1 400‑1 427 MHz band and radiolocation service systems operating in the 1 350‑1 400 MHz band     
        3.1     EESS (passive)      
                  3.1.1     Allocated band     
                  3.1.2     Application           
                  3.1.3     Required protection criteria           
                  3.1.4     Operational characteristics
        3.2     Radiolocation service         
                  3.2.1     Allocated transmit band    
                  3.2.2     Application           
                  3.2.3     Levels based on Recommendation ITU-R SM.1541         
                  3.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
                  3.2.5     Operational characteristics
                  3.2.6     In-band transmit level        
        3.3     Compatibility threshold      
        3.4     Interference assessment     
                  3.4.1     Methodology used to assess interference level       
                  3.4.2     Calculation of interference level     
        3.5     Mitigation techniques         
                  3.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  3.5.2     Radiolocation service        
                  3.5.3     Potential impact    
        3.6     Results of studies   
                  3.6.1     Summary  
                  3.6.2     Conclusions          
 4     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) systems operating in the 1 400-1 427 MHz band and the fixed service in the bands 1 350-1 400 MHz and 1 427-1 452 MHz band     
        4.1     EESS (passive)      
        4.2     Fixed service         
                  4.2.1     Allocated transmit bands   
                  4.2.2     Application           
                  4.2.3     Level of unwanted emissions         
                  4.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
                  4.2.5     Operational characteristics of point to point (P-P) systems 
        4.3     Compatibility studies          
                  4.3.1     Methodology used to assess interference level       
                  4.3.2     Calculation of aggregate interference levels using dynamic model simulation
                  4.3.3     Values achieved    
        4.4     Mitigation techniques         
                  4.4.1     Earth exploration‑satellite (passive) service
                  4.4.2     Fixed service        
                  4.4.3     Potential impact    
        4.5     Results of studies   
                  4.5.1     Summary  
                  4.5.2     Conclusions          
 5     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) systems operating in the 1 400-1 427 MHz band and space operation (Earth-to-space) service systems operating in the 1 427‑1 429 MHz band     
        5.1     EESS (passive)      
        5.2     Space operation service (Earth-to-space)   
                  5.2.1     Allocated transmit band    
                  5.2.2     Application           
                  5.2.3     Levels based on ITU-R provisions and Recommendations 
                  5.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
                  5.2.5     Operational characteristics
                  5.2.6     In-band transmit level        
        5.3     Interference threshold        
        5.4     Interference assessment     
                  5.4.1     Methodology used to assess interference level       
                  5.4.2     Dynamic simulation results 
        5.5     Mitigation techniques         
                  5.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  5.5.2     Space operation service    
                  5.5.3     Potential impact    
        5.6     Results of studies   
                  5.6.1     Summary  
                  5.6.2     Conclusions          
 6     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) systems operating in the 1 400-1 427 MHz band and the mobile service in the bands 1 350-1 400 MHz and 1 427-1 452 MHz     
        6.1     EESS (passive)      
        6.2     Mobile service       
                  6.2.1     Allocated transmit bands   
                  6.2.2     Application           
                  6.2.3     Unwanted emission levels based on ITU documents          
                  6.2.4     Unwanted emission levels based on measurement of actual mobile stations 
                  6.2.5     Transmitter characteristics of mobile station           
                  6.2.6     Operational characteristics of mobile stations         
        6.3     Compatibility threshold      
        6.4     Interference assessment     
                  6.4.1     Methodology used to assess interference level       
                  6.4.2     Calculation of interference level     
                  6.4.3     Calculation of interference affected EESS (passive) measurement area       
                  6.4.4     Values achieved    
        6.5     Mitigation techniques         
                  6.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  6.5.2     Mobile service      
                  6.5.3     Potential impact    
        6.6     Results of studies   
                  6.6.1     Summary  
                  6.6.2     Conclusions          
 7     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) in the 23.6-24 GHz band and the ISS in the        22.55-23.55 GHz band     
        7.1     EESS (passive)      
                  7.1.1     Allocated band     
                  7.1.2     Application           
                  7.1.3     Required protection criteria           
                  7.1.4     Operational characteristics
        7.2     Inter-satellite service          
                  7.2.1     Allocated transmit band    
                  7.2.2     Application           
                  7.2.3     Representation of unwanted emission spectra        
                  7.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
        7.3     Compatibility interference criteria   
        7.4     Interference assessment     
                  7.4.1     Semi-static analyses          
                  7.4.2     Dynamic analyses 
                  7.4.3     Summary of study results  
        7.5     Mitigation techniques         
                  7.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  7.5.2     ISS          
                  7.5.3     Potential impact    
        7.6     Conclusions           
                  7.6.1     Summary  
                  7.6.2     Conclusions          
 8     Compatibility analysis between the EESS (passive) in the 31.3-31.5 GHz band and the FSS (Earth-to-space) and the MSS (Earth-to-space) in the 30-31 GHz band     
        8.1     EESS (passive)      
                  8.1.1     Allocated band     
                  8.1.2     Application           
                  8.1.3     Required protection criteria           
                  8.1.4     Operational characteristics
        8.2     FSS and MSS       
                  8.2.1     Allocated transmit band    
                  8.2.2     Application           
                  8.2.3     Representation of unwanted emission spectra        
                  8.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
        8.3     Interference threshold        
        8.4     Interference assessment     
                  8.4.1     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 1   
                  8.4.2     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 2   
                  8.4.3     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 3   
                  8.4.4     Simulation Number 4        
        8.5     Mitigation technique           
                  8.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  8.5.2     FSS         
                  8.5.3     Evaluation and usage of simulation results  
                  8.5.4     Potential impact    
        8.6     Results of studies   
                  8.6.1     Summary  
                  8.6.2     Conclusions          
 9     Compatibility analysis between Earth exploration-satellite service (EESS) (passive) systems operating in the 31.3‑31.5 GHz band and fixed service (FS) systems operating in the 31-31.3 GHz band     
        9.1     EESS (passive)      
                  9.1.1     Allocated band     
                  9.1.2     Application           
                  9.1.3     Required protection criteria           
                  9.1.4     Operational characteristics
        9.2     Fixed service         
                  9.2.1     Allocated band     
                  9.2.2     Application           
                  9.2.3     Levels based on existing ITU documents   
                  9.2.4     Transmitter characteristics 
                  9.2.5     Operational characteristics
                  9.2.6     In band transmit power     
        9.3     Compatibility threshold (if applicable)         
        9.4     Interference assessment     
                  9.4.1     Methodology used to assess the interference level  
                  9.4.2     Calculation           
                  9.4.3     Value achieved     
                  9.4.4     Dynamic simulation           
        9.5     Mitigation techniques         
                  9.5.1     EESS (passive)     
                  9.5.2     FS
                  9.5.3     Potential impact    
        9.6     Results of the studies          
                  9.6.1     Summary  
                  9.6.2     Conclusion           
10     Compatibility analysis between EESS (passive) systems operating in the 50.2‑50.4 GHz band and FSS (Earth-to-space) systems operating in the 47.2-50.2 GHz band     
       10.1     EESS (passive)     
                  10.1.1     Allocated band   
                  10.1.2     Application         
                  10.1.3     Required protection criteria         
                  10.1.4     Operational characteristics          
       10.2     FSS (Earth-to-space)       
                  10.2.1     Allocated transmit band  
                  10.2.2     Application         
                  10.2.3     Representation of unwanted emission spectra      
                  10.2.4     Transmitter characteristics           
       10.3     Interference threshold       
       10.4     Interference assessment    
                  10.4.1     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 1 
                  10.4.2     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 2 
       10.5     Mitigation techniques        
                  10.5.1     EESS (passive)   
                  10.5.2     FSS       
                  10.5.3     Potential impact  
       10.6     Results of studies  
                  10.6.1     Summary
                  10.6.2     Conclusions        
11     Compatibility analysis between EESS (passive) systems operating in the 50.2‑50.4 GHz band and the FSS (Earth-to-space) service systems operating in the 50.4-51.4 GHz band     
       11.1     EESS (passive)     
                  11.1.1     Allocated band   
                  11.1.2     Application         
                  11.1.3     Required protection criteria         
                  11.1.4     Operational characteristics          
       11.2     FSS
                  11.2.1     Allocated transmit band  
                  11.2.2     Application         
                  11.2.3     Representation of unwanted emission spectra      
                  11.2.4     Transmitter characteristics           
       11.3     Interference threshold       
       11.4     Interference assessment    
                  11.4.1     Dynamic simulation study No. 1  
                  11.4.2     Dynamic Simulation Study No. 2 
       11.5     Mitigation techniques        
                  11.5.1     EESS (passive)   
                  11.5.2     FSS       
                  11.5.3     Potential impact  
       11.6     Results of studies  
                  11.6.1     Summary
                  11.6.2     Conclusions        
12     Compatibility analysis between EESS (passive) systems operating in the 52.6-52.8 GHz band and FS systems operating in the 51.4-52.6 GHz band     
       12.1     EESS (passive)     
                  12.1.1     Allocated band   
                  12.1.2     Application         
                  12.1.3     Required protection criteria         
                  12.1.4     Operational characteristics          
       12.2     Fixed service        
                  12.2.1     Allocated band   
                  12.2.2     Application         
                  12.2.3     Levels based on existing ITU documents 
                  12.2.4     Transmitter characteristics           
                  12.2.5     Operational characteristics          
                  12.2.6     In-band transmit power   
       12.3     Compatibility threshold     
       12.4     Interference assessment    
                  12.4.1     Methodology to assess the interference level        
                  12.4.2     Calculation         
                  12.4.3     Value achieved   
                  12.4.4     Dynamic simulation         
       12.5     Mitigation techniques        
                  12.5.1     EESS (passive)   
                  12.5.2     FS          
                  12.5.3     Potential impact  
       12.6     Results of the studies         
                  12.6.1     Summary
                  12.6.2     Conclusion