�2���� Introduction
�3���� Properties of noise to be measured
�4���� Measurement method/algorithms
������� 4.1���� Receivers and detectors
������� 4.2���� Selecting a frequency
������� 4.3���� Collecting the noise containing samples (swept or single frequency
������� 4.4���� Selecting the noise containing samples
����������������� 4.4.1���� Determining the percentage
����������������� 4.4.2���� Validation of the chosen percentage
����������������� 4.4.3���� Calculating the average noise level
������� 4.5���� Correcting for equipment noise
������� 4.6���� Correcting for 20% or x% values
������� 4.7���� Correcting for antenna (K) factor differences in scanning
������� 4.8���� Correcting for filter shape/bandwidth
������� 4.9���� Plotting the results
������ 4.10���� Alternative method
�5���� Required equipment specifications
������� 5.1���� Receiver specifications
������� 5.2���� r.m.s. or average detector
r.m.s. detector
Average detector
������� 5.3���� Sensitivity
������� 5.4���� Input impedance
������� 5.5���� Spurious radiation
������� 5.6���� LNA and preselectors
������� 5.7���� Cables, cable routers and connectors
������� 5.8���� Feeder identification, terminations and grounding
������� 5.9���� Sealing
������ 5.10���� Inspection for moisture
�6���� Antenna systems
������� 6.1���� Introduction
������� 6.2���� Antenna properties
����������������� 6.2.1���� Calculation of the antenna factor (K-factor)
����������������� 6.2.2���� Gain versus frequency (bandwidth and
����������������� 6.2.3���� Measurement sensitivity matters
������� 6.3���� Required properties of LNAs
������� 6.4���� Methods of calibration of the antenna factor
����������������� 6.4.1���� Using a laboratory calibrated measuring
����������������� 6.4.2���� Using simulation tools
������� 6.5���� Field strength over ground or free space field strength
������� 6.6���� Stability (dependency on ground properties)
������� 6.7���� Long-term stability
������� 6.8���� Integrity testing
������� 6.9���� Input impedance and measurement error
������ 6.10���� Wind loading
������ 6.11���� Wind vibration
������ 6.12���� Degradation of antenna performance
������ 6.13���� Examples (possible antennas for noise measurements)
����������������� 6.13.1���� German quad
����������������� 6.13.2���� Inverted V
����������������� 6.13.3���� Monopole
����������������� 6.13.4���� Loop antennas
�7���� Measurement conditions and site survey
������� 7.1���� Initial site survey and antenna selection
������� 7.2���� Calibration and static site survey
�8���� Format for the exchange of measurement data
������� 8.1���� Common interchange format
����������������� 8.1.1���� Header section
����������������� 8.1.2���� Data section
����������������� 8.1.3���� Example files
������� 8.2���� Transfer software
������� 8.3���� Presentation of data
������� 8.4���� Correlation of multiple 24 h plots/periods
������� 8.5���� 365 day plots
�9���� Measurement accuracy
������� 9.1���� Calibration uncertainty of measurement antenna
������� 9.2���� Mismatch between receiver antenna and LNA
������� 9.3���� Gain accuracy of LNA
������� 9.4���� Accuracy of external attenuator
������� 9.5���� Calibration uncertainty of receiver/analyser
������� 9.6���� Accuracy of the noise source to determine the correction factors
������� 9.7���� Total measurement uncertainty
ITU-R Recommendations