�1���� Description of the approach���������
�2���� Terms and definitions�������
�3���� Emission classes��
�4���� Requirements concerning �30 dB occupied bandwidth and OoB emissions�����������
�5���� Method of measuring �30 dB bandwidth and bandwidths of OoB spectra�
�6���� Method of measuring of OoB emissions of transmitters in the marine mobile service in the classes of emissions R3EJN, H3EJN, H2BBN, J3EJN����
�7���� Method of measuring bandwidths of OoB spectra of aircraft transmitters in the aeronautical mobile service����
Annex 1 - Converting transmitter OoB spectra data expressed in terms of offset from the centre of the necessary bandwidth����
Annex 2 - Adjusting necessary bandwidth for reduced communication channel error coefficient����
Annex 3 - General requirements for measuring equipment����
Spectrum analysers����
Noise generators����
Shaping filters����
Other instrumentation����
Annex 4 - Example OoB emission limits drawing for checking of emissions����
Annex 5 - Symbols and abbreviations����
�1���� Parameters and variables�
�2���� List of abbreviations designating types of modulation as used in this Report���� �����