Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Technical and operational characteristics of NGSO satellites with short duration missions
�3���� Assessment of spectrum requirements
������� 3.1���� Expected number of NGSO satellites with short duration missions
����������������� 3.1.1���� Short duration mission satellites launched between 2000 and July 2017
����������������� 3.1.2���� Expected number of short duration mission satellites in operation (per year) between 2017 and 2030
������� 3.2���� Spectrum requirements analysis
����������������� 3.2.1���� Method for selection of system parameters for use in simulations
����������������� 3.2.2���� Simulation approach for populating the satellite and earth station sample set
����������������� 3.2.3���� Simulation approach in the space-to-Earth direction
����������������� 3.2.4���� Simulation approach in the Earth-to-space direction
����������������� 3.2.5���� Processing of simulation results
����������������� 3.2.6���� Simulation results
����������������� 3.2.7���� Validation of simulation results in the Space-to-Earth direction
�4���� Summary
Annex 1� Results of a small satellite frequency use questionnaire
Annex 2� Excel file containing orbit parameters of satellites based� on the TU Berlin Small Satellite Database
Annex 3� Excel file containing ground stations of satellites based� on the TU Berlin Small Satellite Database