1���� Introduction
�2���� The criteria approved in the FSS Plan
�3���� The effect of the limited increase of the space and earth station
transmitter power to 8 dB
�4���� The effect of the interference and signal attenuation on the uplink
energy balance of the planned allotments
������� 4.1���� Case where the
attenuation ∆up is less than or equal to 8 dB
������� 4.2���� Case where the
attenuation ∆up is greater than 8 dB
�5���� The
independence of rain events on the uplink and downlink
Annex 1� Effect of rain attenuation on satellite links
�1���� Introduction
�2���� The effect of the rain
attenuation on the earth station thermal noise (downlink)
�3���� The effect of uplink rain attenuation on the downlink
������� 3.1���� Impact of UPC on downlink
������� 3.2���� Impact of ALC on downlink
������� 3.3���� Calculation of the impact of uplink rain attenuation on the downlink
Annex 2� Terms and definitions used in this Report