Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)     ii
Series of ITU-R Reports     ii
1     Introduction  3
2     Satellite system reference models  3
        2.1     Point-to-point links  3
        2.2     VSAT networks  3
                  2.2.1     Star topology  3
                  2.2.2     Mesh topology  4
        2.3     Broadband access  4
3     TCP limitations over satellite links  5
        3.1     Bandwidth-delay product 5
        3.2     Slow start and congestion avoidance  6
        3.3     Fast retransmit and fast recovery  7
        3.4     Effect of bit errors on TCP throughput 8
        3.5     Asymmetric networks  8
        3.6     Advice to designers  9
4     TCP enhancement methodologies  9
        4.1     Variations of baseline TCP  9
        4.2     Segment splitting methodologies  16
                  4.2.1     Two-segment splitting methodology  16
                  4.2.2     Three-segment splitting methodology  17
                  4.2.3     Discussion  19
        4.3     Caching and spoofing  19
                  4.3.1     Caching  19
                  4.3.2     Spoofing  19
                  4.3.3     Spoofing and caching  19
5     Performance enhancing proxies  20
        5.1     TCP spoofing  21
        5.2     TCP splitting  21
        5.3     Other PEP mechanisms  21
        5.4     Implications of using PEP  22
                  5.4.1     End-to-end security  22
                  5.4.2     End-to-end reliability  22
6     Other transmission control protocols  22
        6.1     Space communication protocol specification � transport protocol (SCPS-TP) 22
        6.2     Xpress transport protocol 22
        6.3     Stream control transmission protocol 23
        6.4     Comparison between transmission control protocols  24
 7     Conclusion  24