Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
������� 1.1���� Definition and general requirements of a radio quiet zone
������� 1.2���� Overview of the characteristics of the electromagnetic environment and the impact of intentional and unintentional radiators
����������������� 1.2.1���� Regulatory controls of RFI: role of regulation
����� ��1.3���� Goals of creating an RQZ
�2���� Characteristics of radio astronomy instruments relevant to RQZ
������� 2.1���� Geographic considerations
������� 2.2���� Frequency range
������� 2.3���� Modes of operation
������� 2.4���� Sensitivity
������� 2.5���� Effect of RFI on RAS observations
������� 2.6���� Geometric considerations
�3���� The electromagnetic environment
������� 3.1���� Intentional radiators
����������������� 3.1.1���� Licensed radio devices
����������������� 3.1.2���� Class-licensed (unlicensed) radio devices
����������������� 3.1.3���� Spacecraft-, aircraft- and platform-based radio transmitters
������� 3.2���� Unintentional radiators
����������������� 3.2.1���� Industrial, scientific, medical
����������������� 3.2.2���� Vehicles
����������������� 3.2.3���� Power lines
����������������� 3.2.4���� Electrical and electronic equipment
����������������� 3.2.5���� Cumulative interference, the noise floor and its increase with time
������� 3.3���� Propagation of RFI signals
����������������� 3.3.1���� Free-space
����������������� 3.3.2���� Diffraction
����������������� 3.3.3���� Gaseous absorption and rain attenuation
����������������� 3.3.4���� Ducting and other enhancement mechanisms
����������������� 3.3.5���� Reflection and scattering
�4���� Methods to achieve an RQZ
������� 4.1���� Receive-side Methods
����������������� 4.1.1���� Geographic location
������� 4.2���� Transmit-side Methods � Managing an RQZ
����������������� 4.2.1���� Legislative and regulatory control
����������������� 4.2.2���� Alternative technologies and network design
�5���� Implications in establishing an RQZ
������� 5.1���� Maintenance of RQZs
������� 5.2���� Increase in capabilities
������� 5.3���� Life of a facility
������� 5.4�� ��Evolution in the EMC environment
�6���� Challenges for radio quiet zones
�7���� References
�1���� Radio quiet zone around the Gran Telescopio Milim�trico (GTM) or Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT)
�1���� The US national radio quiet zone
�1���� The Radio Quiet and Radio Coordination Zones around ALMA and other telescopes in northern Chile
�1���� The coordination zone around the Arecibo Telescope
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Applicability
�3���� Background
�4���� Impetus for developing notification zones
�5���� Notification zone determination
�6���� Notification zone process
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Protection from individually licensed radiocommunications
�3���� Protection from spectrum licensed radiocommunications
�4���� Protection from class licensed radiocommunications
�5���� Protection from mining activities
�6���� Self protection from telescope operations
�1���� Determining an appropriate geographic zone
�2���� Terrestrial transmitters � Technical characteristics
�3���� Radio astronomy receivers � Technical characteristics
�4���� Propagation model
�5���� Interference analysis � centre criterion
�6���� Interference analysis � area criterion
�7���� Results
�8���� Impact of zones
�1���� Actions taken by the administration of Spain to protect the IRAM 30 m radio telescope operating in the Sierra Nevada near Granada
�2���� Actions taken by the administration of Spain to protect the Yebes radio telescope
�1���� Introduction
�2���� The SKA Observatory
�3���� Protection Thresholds for the SKA
������� 3.1���� Telescope Protection Levels
������� 3.2���� Interferometric effect
������� 3.3���� Telescope Saturation Level
�4���� Classification of RFI Sources
�5���� Protection from ground-based RFI
������� 5.1���� Restriction Zones
������� 5.2���� Coordination zones
������� 5.3���� Exempted frequencies
������� 5.4���� Restricted access zones (RFI zones)
�6���� Protection from aerial and space-borne RFI
�7���� Conclusions
�1���� Restricted Zones
�2���� Coordination Zones
�3���� RFI originating beyond the RQZs
�4���� Establishment of RQZs
�5���� RFI management within the site
�6���� Safety critical situations
�1���� Propagation studies
�2���� Computerized Predictions
�3���� Location and Characterization of Potential RFI Sources
�4���� RFI Database
�5���� Field Measurements
�6���� Potential future RFI
�1���� The coordination zone around Itapetinga radio telescope
�1���� Actions taken by the administration of the Republic of South Africa to protect the MeerKAT/SKA radio telescope operating in the Karoo area in the Northern Cape Province
������� 1.1���� Introduction and description
�2���� Means to achieve the Radio Quiet Zone for MeerKAT/SKA
������� 2.1���� Geographic location and site shielding
������� 2.2���� Legislative and Regulatory control
����������������� 2.2.1���� Declaration of the Karoo core and central astronomy advantage areas
����������������� 2.2.2���� Prohibition of spectrum usage
����������������� 2.2.3���� Management of the Karoo Core and Central Astronomy Advantage Areas
����������������� 2.2.4���� Conditions for spectrum use within the KCAAAs
����������������� 2.2.5���� Restriction of spectrum use
������� 2.3���� Spectrum policy controls for broadcasting services
������� 2.4���� Maintenance of RQZ
�1���� Introduction
�2���� The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
�3���� The need for a study
�4���� The study
������� 4.1���� Path loss measurement and calculations
������������� ����4.1.1���� The hardware
����������������� 4.1.2���� Measurements
����������������� 4.1.3���� Modelling propagation path losses
����������������� 4.1.4���� Conclusions
������� 4.2���� Domestic radio emissions
����������������� 4.2.1���� The problem
����������������� 4.2.2���� Unwanted emissions from a single device
����������������� 4.2.3���� Unwanted emissions from a community
����������������� 4.2.4���� Conclusion
�1���� Introduction and description
�2���� Research activities
�3���� Legislative and regulatory control
�4���� RQZs in China
������� 4.1���� RQZ around FAST
������� 4.2���� RQZ around MUSER
������� 4.3���� RQZ around Delingha 13.7 m radio telescope
������� 4.4���� RQZ around Tianma telescope
������� 4.5���� RQZ for QTT 110 m telescope (proposed)