Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Building entry loss
measurements (VHF & UHF, Europe)
�3���� Building entry loss
measurements (5.2 GHz, Japan)
�4���� Exit loss measurements
������� 4.1���� Measured result
�5���� Slant path measurements (500
MHz - 6 GHz)
������� 5.1���� UHF satellite signal
measurements (860 MHz � 2.6 GHz)
������� 5.2���� Slant-path
measurements from towers or high rise buildings
������� 5.3���� Helicopter
measurements to office building
������� 5.4���� Balloon measurements
to domestic buildings (1-6 GHz)
�6���� Impact of thermally-insulating
materials (88 MHz � 5.8 GHz)
������� 6.1���� Introduction
������� 6.2���� Median building entry
������� 6.3���� Variability of loss
within a room
������� 6.4���� Variability of loss
from room-to-room
������� 6.5���� Impact of insulating
materials on loss
�7���� Measurements at 3.5 GHz
������� 7.1���� Environment
������� 7.2���� Measurement
������� 7.3���� Measurement results at
3.5 GHz
�8���� Measurements in Stockholm at
0.5 to 5 GHz
������� 8.1���� Configuration of the
������� 8.2���� General results
������� 8.3���� Average excess loss
������� 8.4���� Method 1 versus Method 2 results
�9���� Building entry loss measurement
at 3.5 GHz in Beijing
������� 9.1���� Measurement scenarios
����������������� 9.1.1���� Building A
����������������� 9.1.2���� Building B
����������������� 9.1.3���� Building C
������� 9.2���� Test methodology
����������������� 9.2.1���� Measuring
system and instrument
����������������� 9.2.2���� Calculation
method of building entry loss
������� 9.3���� Measurement results
������� ����������9.3.1���� Measurement
results and analysis of building A scenario
����������������� 9.3.2���� Measurement
results and analysis of building B scenario
����������������� 9.3.3���� Measurement
results and analysis of building C scenario
10���� Building entry loss measurement
at 3.5 GHz in UK
������ 10.1� ���UK measurements
������ 10.2���� Methodology
����������������� 10.2.1���� Hardware
��� ��������������10.2.2���� Software
������ 10.3���� Test locations
����������������� 10.3.1���� Terraced
����������������� 10.3.2���� Small
����������������� 10.3.3���� Retail
������ 10.4���� Results
����������������� 10.4.1���� Building
entry loss
����������������� 10.4.2���� BEL
11���� Building entry loss
measurements at 28 GHz
������ 11.1���� Scenario
������ 11.2���� Experimental Set-up
������ 11.3���� Data
������ 11.4���� Results
������ 11.5���� Conclusion
12���� Measurements at 5.2 GHz
13���� Building Entry Loss from 5-32 GHz
������ 13.1���� Introduction
����� 13.2 �����Experimental Setup
����������������� 13.2.1���� Building
����������������� 13.2.2���� Testing
����������������� 13.2.3 �����Data
post processing
������ 13.3���� Results
����������������� 13.3.1���� Tabulated
����������������� 13.3.2���� Coverage
����������������� 13.3.3���� Distance
����������������� 13.3.4���� PDF
����������������� 13.3.5���� CDF
������ 13.4���� Tables of Building
������ 13.5���� Conclusion
14���� Measurements at 3, 10 and 17
������ 14.1���� Measurement Campaign
����������������� 14.1.1���� Scenario
����������������� 14.1.2���� Setup and
������ 14.2���� Data Processing
������ 14.3���� Measurement results
and analysis
����������������� 14.3.1�� ��Measurement
validation (LoS cases)
����������������� 14.3.2���� Penetration
Losses and Delay Spread
������ 14.4���� Conclusion
������ 14.5���� References
15���� Measurements in Stockholm in
the 2-60 GHz frequency range
������ 15.1���� Introduction
������ 15.2���� Measurement campaign
������ 15.3���� Monte Carlo simulation
of multi-pane glass window transmission loss
16���� Measurements at 5-31 GHz in
������ 16.1���� Measurement scenarios
����������������� 16.1.1���� Building
����������������� 16.1.2 �����Building
������ 16.2���� Test methodology
����������������� 16.2.1���� Measuring
system and instrument
����� 16.3 �����Calculation method of building entry loss
����� 16.4 �����Measurement results
����������������� 16.4.1 �����Measurement
results and analysis of Building B scenario
17���� Measurements below 6 GHz in a
modern office building
������ 17.1���� Method
������ 17.2���� Locations
������ 17.3���� Measurement procedure
������ 17.4���� Reference measurements
������ 17.5���� Results
����������������� 17.5.1���� Building
entry loss (median loss)
����������������� 17.5.2���� Building
entry loss statistics
������ 17.6���� Conclusions
������ 17.7���� Annex - link budgets
������ 17.8���� Annex - measurement
zones at Riverside House
18���� Building loss in an urban
environment (Japan, 0.8-37 GHz)
������ 18.1���� Measurement methods
and parameters
������ 18.2���� Measurement results
from 0.8 to 37.1 GHz band
19���� Multi-frequency sounder measurements in Canada (2.4 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 5.8
GHz, 13 GHz, 26 GHz, 38 GHz, and 61 GHz)
������ 19.1���� Introduction
������ 19.2���� Building description
������ 19.3���� Description of the BEL measurements through Building 76
����� �19.4���� Methodology used for the estimation of BEL
������ 19.5���� BEL measurement results and modelling
������ 19.6���� Description of building material loss measurements in the
anechoic chamber
������ 19.7���� Some key building material loss results suitable for BEL
������ 19.8���� References
20���� BEL measurements at 3, 10, 17 and 60 GHz frequencies from Orange
������ 20.1���� Measurement campaign
������ 20.2���� Data processing
������ 20.3���� Measurement results and analysis
������ 20.4���� Conclusion
21���� Some zero elevation angle BEL measurement results in China
������ 21.1���� Measurement scenarios
����������������� 21.1.1���� Building A
����������������� 21.1.2���� Building B
����������������� 21.1.3���� Building C
������ 21.2���� Test methodology
����������������� 21.2.1���� Measuring system and instrument
����������������� 21.2.2���� Calculation method of BEL
������ 21.3���� Conclusion
22���� BEL measurements for two office buildings in the frequency range
800 MHz-28 GHz from Nokia
������ 22.1���� Introduction
������ 22.2���� Measurement description
������ 22.3���� Measurement results
������ 22.4���� Normal incidence
������ 22.6���� Summary
����� 22.A1���� Measurement Scenarios
����������������� 22.A1.1���� Traditional Office Building (STV)
����������������� 22.A1.2���� Modern Office Building (AAU)
����� 22.A2���� Methodology
����������������� 22.A2.1���� Measurement Setup
����������������� 22.A2.2���� Measurement Procedures and Data Processing
����� 22.A3���� Measurements at Normal Incidence
23���� BEL: Measurements covering 25 to 73 GHz frequency range in the United
������ 23.1���� Introduction
������ 23.2���� Overview of BEL measurement campaign
������ 23.3���� Measurement methodology and equipment
������ 23.4���� Campaign results
����������������� 23.4.1���� Traditional build houses
����������������� 23.4.2���� Modern Construction Houses
������ 23.5���� Concluding remarks
������ 23.6���� References
24���� BEL from 5-39 GHz in the United States
������ 24.1���� Introduction
������ 24.2���� Experimental setup
����������������� 24.2.1���� Building descriptions
����������������� 24.2.2���� Testing locations
������ 24.3���� Results
����������������� 24.3.1���� Tabulated results
����������������� 24.3.2���� BEL vs depth
����������������� 24.3.3���� PDF distributions
����������������� 24.3.4���� CDF Distributions
����������������� 24.3.5���� BEL vs frequency
������ 24.4���� Conclusion
25���� Measurements on slant-path BEL in bands around 24 GHz from Telstra
������ 25.1���� Introduction
������ 25.2���� Approach
������ 25.3���� Observations & Results
������ 25.4���� Conclusions
����� 25.A1���� Appendix 1: General Building Layout � Buildings G and E,
Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
����� 25.A2���� Appendix 2: Detailed building illumination plans
����� 25.A3���� Appendix 3: Detailed measurement results (Tx2 � Frequency 2)
����� 25.A4���� Appendix 4: Detailed measurement results (Tx1 � Frequency 1)
����� 25.A5���� Appendix 5: Mean BEL vs AoA
����� 25.A6���� Appendix 6: Selected Polar Plots
26���� BEL measurement results and modelling vary with elevation incident angle
in China
������ 26.1���� Introduction
����� 26.A �����Annex : BEL measurement
����������������� 26.A.1 �����Measurement scenarios
26.A.2 Test methodology
26.A.3 Measurement results
����������������� 26.A.4���� Conclusion
27���� BEL measurement and modelling results on elevation angle dependence from
������ 27.1���� Introduction
������ 27.2���� Measurement campaign
������ 27.3���� Analysis
28���� BEL measurements for three buildings in the frequency range
800 MHz-5.2 GHz with varying elevation incident angle from Nokia
������ 28.1���� Introduction
������ 28.2��� �Measurement overview
������ 28.3���� Measurement results and comparison with KED-based model
������ 28.5���� Summary
������ 28.A���� Annex: Methodology
����������������� 28.A.1���� Measurement Setup
����������������� 28.A.2���� Measurement Procedures and Data Processing