Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Scope
�3���� Related Recommendations and Reports
�4���� List of acronyms and abbreviations
�5���� Technical and operational characteristics
������� 5.1���� Technical and operational characteristics of LMS applications
operating in the frequency range 252-296 GHz
������� 5.2���� Technical and operational characteristics of FS operating in
the frequency range 252‑296 GHz
�6���� Interference scenarios from LMS to FS applications operating in the
frequency range 252-296 GHz
������� 6.1���� Interference scenarios from LMS to FS applications operating in
the band 252‑296 GHz
����������������� 6.1.1���� Aggregate interference effect to FS receivers
����������������� 6.1.2���� Aggregate interference effect to CPMS receivers
������� 6.2���� Protection criterion for coexistence studies in the frequency
range 252-296 GHz
��������� ��������6.2.1���� Protection
criterion for FS applications
����������������� 6.2.2���� Protection
criterion for LMS applications
����������������� 6.2.3���� Adjacent channel leakage ratio
������� 6.3���� Propagation characteristics
������� 6.4���� Simulation results
����������������� 6.4.1���� Methodology of single-entry interference calculations
����������������� 6.4.2���� Layout of RRH and CPMS transceivers
����������������� 6.4.3���� CPMS interfering scenario
����������������� 6.4.4���� FS interfering scenario
�7���� Summary
Annex 1� Extrapolation of building entry loss from Recommendation ITU-R P.2109
Annex 2� Channel arrangement in the frequency range 252-296 GHz