Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Usage of the 3 300-3 400 MHz band
������� 2.1���� Region 1
����������������� 2.1.1���� Summary of the 3 300-3 400 MHz band usage survey in Africa
����������������� 2.1.2���� In-band co-existence (3 300‑3 400 MHz)
����������������� 2.1.3���� Adjacent band compatibility (3 100‑3 300 MHz)
������� 2.2���� Region 2
������� 2.3���� Region 3
�3���� System characteristics
������� 3.1���� Characteristics for IMT systems
����������������� 3.1.1���� Main characteristics of IMT BSs
����������������� 3.1.2���� Antenna pattern of the non-AAS IMT BSs
����������������� 3.1.3���� Main characteristics of IMT user terminals
����������������� 3.1.4���� Out of block emissions of IMT BSs
������� 3.2���� Characteristics of the Radiolocation systems
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Interference criteria
������� 5.1���� Interference criteria for radar systems
����������������� 5.1.1���� Blocking of radar receivers
����������������� 5.1.2���� Radar interference criterion
������� 5.2���� Interference criteria for IMT systems
������� 5.3���� Methodology for interference calculation from IMT to Radar
����������������� 5.3.1���� Methodology for single entry studies in co-channel
����������������� 5.3.2���� Methodology for single entry studies in adjacent channel
����������������� 5.3.3���� Methodology to calculate aggregated interference
�6���� Summary of results from the technical studies
������� 6.1���� In-band coexistence and compatibility studies
����������������� 6.1.1���� Introduction
����������������� 6.1.2���� Results of co-channel studies
����������������� 6.1.3���� Results of the frequency offset in-band study
����������������� 6.1.4���� Radar interference to IMT system
������� 6.2���� Adjacent-band compatibility studies
����������������� 6.2.1���� Introduction
����������������� 6.2.2���� Results of adjacent channel studies
����������������� 6.2.3���� Radar interference to IMT system
�7���� Analysis of the results
������� 7.1���� Analysis of the results of studies for non-AAS IMT Systems
������� 7.2���� Analysis of the results of studies for AAS IMT Systems
�8���� Technical and operational measures to ensure coexistence
������� 8.1���� Technical measures
������� 8.2���� Operational measures
������� 8.3���� Analysis of the technical and operational measures
Annex 1� Analysis of co-channel interference between IMT-Advanced� systems operating in the 3 300-3 400 MHz band and� radar systems operating in the same band
Study A
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Shipborne radar parameters
�2���� Propagation model and related parameters
�3���� Analysis approach
������� 3.1���� Single Entry Interference Analysis Approach
������� 3.2���� Aggregate Interference Analysis Approach
�4���� Co-channel single entry interference analysis results
������� 4.1���� Micro urban
����������������� 4.1.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 4.1.2���� Analysis with clutter loss
������� 4.2���� Macro urban
����������������� 4.2.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 4.2.2���� Analysis with Clutter Loss
�5���� Co-channel aggregate interference analysis results
������� 5.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 5.1.1���� Assumptions
����������������� 5.1.2���� 22 km scenario
����������������� 5.1.3���� Protection distances
������� 5.2���� Sensitivity analysis
����������������� 5.2.1���� IMT cell radius
����������������� 5.2.2���� Percentage time
������������ �����5.2.3���� IMT BS activity factor
����������������� 5.2.4���� IMT BS power
����������������� 5.2.5���� IMT BS bandwidth
����������������� 5.2.6���� Propagation loss
Study B
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and Radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Radar parameters
�2���� Coexistence and compatibility scenarios between IMT and Radar
������� 2.1���� Interference from IMT to ship based radar
�3���� Interference criteria
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Study results
������� 5.1���� IMT micro base stations deployed in small cells outdoors
����������������� 5.1.1���� Single entry Interference from one IMT micro base-station
������ �����������5.1.2���� Aggregation study of micro BS
����������������� 5.1.3���� Summary of co-channel study of interference from Outdoor micro BS to shipborne radars
������� 5.2���� IMT base stations deployed in urban macro cells
����������������� 5.2.1���� Interference from only one IMT macro base-station interference
����������������� 5.2.2���� Aggregation study
����������������� 5.2.3���� Summary of co-channel interference from urban macro BS to shipborne radars
������� 5.3���� IMT terminal interference to Radar system
������� 5.4���� Radar interference to IMT system
Study C
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and land-based radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
�2���� Coexistence and compatibility scenarios between IMT and Radar
������� 2.1���� Interference from IMT to land based radar
�3���� Interference criteria
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Study results
������� 5.1���� IMT micro base stations deployed in outdoor micro BS
����������������� 5.1.1���� Single entry Interference from one IMT micro base-station
������� 5.2���� IMT base stations deployed in urban macro cells
��� ��������������5.2.1���� Interference from only one IMT urban macro base-station
Study D
�1���� Scenarios for coexistence study
�2���� System characteristics
������� 2.1���� Characteristics for IMT BS with Adaptive Antenna System
������� 2.2���� Characteristics of the Radiolocation systems
�3���� Propagation models
�4���� Interference criteria
�5���� Methodology for interference calculation from IMT to Radar
������� 5.1���� Methodology for single entry studies in co-channel
������� 5.2���� Methodology for single entry studies in adjacent-channel
�6���� Results of coexistence studies
������� 6.1���� Co-channel studies between single IMT base station and radar
������� 6.2���� Studies between IMT terminals and radars
�7���� Summary and concluding remarks
������� 7.1���� Co-channel studies
Study E
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and radar systems
�2���� Propagation model
�3���� Analysis approach
�4���� Co-channel single entry interference analysis results
Study F
�1���� Characteristics of IMT and radar systems
������� 1.1���� Radar system characteristics
������� 1.2���� Characteristics of IMT Systems
������� 1.3���� Antenna patterns for AAS
�2���� AAS Beamforming
3 �����Propagation environment
�4���� Radar beam pointing for analysing the interference from coastal IMT deployments
�5���� Monte Carlo analysis of single entry I/N from a three sector BS into shipborne radar D
������� 5.1���� Summary
6 �����Monte Carlo analysis of aggregated I/N from AAS-based IMT deployments
������ 6.1 �����Aggregated I/N for radars stationed 22 km from the coastline
������ 6.2 �����Co-channel separation distances between coastal macro IMT deployments and ship based radars to meet the ITU-R M.1461 recommended radar protection criteria of I/N = −6 dB
������� 6.3���� Summary
Annex 2� Analysis of adjacent channel interference between IMT-advanced systems operating in the 3 300-3 400 MHz band and radar systems operating in the 3 100-3 300 MHz band
Study G
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Shipborne radar parameters
�2���� Propagation model and related parameters
�3���� Analysis approach
������� 3.1���� Single entry interference analysis approach
������� 3.2���� Aggregate interference analysis approach
�4���� Off frequency rejection calculations
�5���� Adjacent band single entry interference analysis results
������� 5.1���� Micro urban
����������������� 5.1.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 5.1.2���� Analysis with clutter loss
������� 5.2���� Macro urban
����������������� 5.2.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 5.2.2���� Analysis with Clutter Loss
�6���� Adjacent band aggregate interference analysis results
������� 6.1���� Baseline analysis
����������������� 6.1.1���� Assumptions
����������������� 6.1.2���� 22-km Scenario
����������������� 6.1.3���� Protection distances
������� 6.2���� Sensitivity analysis
����������������� 6.2.1���� IMT cell radius
����������������� 6.2.2���� Percentage Time
����������������� 6.2.3�� ��IMT BS Activity Factor
����������������� 6.2.4���� IMT BS Power
����������������� 6.2.5�� ��Guard Band
����������������� 6.2.6���� IMT BS Bandwidth
����������������� 6.2.7�� ��Propagation loss
Study H
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and Radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Radar parameters
�2���� Coexistence and compatibility scenarios between IMT and radar
������� 2.1���� Interference from IMT to ship based radar
�3���� Interference criteria
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Study results
������� 5.1���� IMT outdoor micro base stations
����������������� 5.1.1���� Single entry Interference from one IMT micro base-stations
����������������� 5.1.2���� Aggregation study of micro base-stations
������� 5.2���� IMT base stations deployed in urban macro cells
����������������� 5.2.1���� Single entry Interference from one IMT station
����������������� 5.2.2���� Aggregation study
����������������� 5.2.3���� Summary of adjacent band interference from urban macro BS to shipborne radars
������� 5.3���� IMT terminal interference to Radar system
������� 5.4���� Radar interference to IMT system
Study I
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and land-based radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Radar parameters
������� 1.3���� Frequency rejection
�2���� Coexistence and compatibility scenarios between IMT and Radar
������� 2.1���� Interference from IMT to land based radar
�3���� Interference criteria
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Study results
������� 5.1���� IMT micro base stations deployed in outdoor
����������������� 5.1.1���� Single entry Interference from one IMT micro base-station
����������������� 5.1.2���� Aggregation study of micro base stations
������� 5.2���� IMT macro base stations
����������������� 5.2.1���� Single entry interference from one urban IMT 10MHz macro base-station
Study J
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and land-based radar systems
������� 1.1���� IMT system parameters
������� 1.2���� Radar parameters
�2���� Coexistence and compatibility scenarios between IMT and Radar
�3���� Interference criteria
�4���� Propagation models
�5���� Study results
������� 5.1���� Single entry interference from IMT spurious emissions
����������������� 5.1.1���� IMT micro base-station
����������������� 5.1.2���� Urban IMT macro base-station
����������������� 5.1.3���� Sub-Urban IMT macro base-station
������� 5.2���� Single entry interference mitigation on IMT spurious emissions level
����������������� 5.2.1���� IMT micro base-station
����������������� 5.2.2���� Urban IMT macro base-station
����������������� 5.2.3���� Sub-Urban IMT macro base-station
����������������� 5.2.4���� Conclusion
Study K
�1���� Scenarios for coexistence study
�2���� System characteristics
������� 2.1���� Characteristics for IMT BS with adaptive antenna system
������� 2.2���� Characteristics of the Radiolocation systems
�3���� Propagation models
�4���� Interference criteria
�5���� Methodology for interference calculation from IMT to Radar
������� 5.1���� Methodology for single entry studies in co-channel
������� 5.2���� Methodology for single entry studies in adjacent-channel
�6���� Results of coexistence studies
������� 6.1���� Adjacent-channel studies between single IMT base station and radar
������� 6.2���� Studies between IMT terminals and radars
�7���� Summary and concluding remarks
������� 7.2���� Adjacent channel studies
����������������� 7.2.1���� 10 MHz guard band
����������� ������7.2.2���� 30 MHz guard band
Study L
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and radar systems
�2���� Propagation model
�3���� Modelling approach
�4���� Simulation results
������� 4.1���� AAS systems
������� 4.2���� Non-AAS systems
Study M
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Adjacent band sharing and compatibility study
������� 2.1���� Co-existence scenarios and assumptions
������� 2.2���� Study results for the co-existence between IMT non-AAS and radars at 3 300 MHz
������� 2.3���� Study results for the co-existence between IMT AAS and radars at 3 300 MHz
����������������� 2.3.1���� Results for single entry scenario
����������������� 2.3.2���� Monte-Carlo simulation results for multiple entry case
������� 2.4���� Summary and conclusions
�3���� Possible interference mitigation techniques
������� 3.1���� Possible interference mitigation techniques for in-band co-existence
������� 3.2���� Possible interference mitigation techniques for adjacent-band co-existence
Attachment M.1� System parameters, co-existence scenarios, Interference calculation/ simulation methodology
������� 1.1���� Radars characteristics (3 100-3 400 MHz)
������� 1.2���� IMT BS characteristics (3 300-3 400 MHz)
��� ����1.3���� Interference calculation/simulation methodology
�1���� Overview on the scenario of coexistence between IMT and radar systems
�2���� Analysis of the interference from Base Stations in adjacent band
Attachment M.2� Calculation and simulations of potential interference from IMT BS� non-AAS to Radars at 3 300 MHz
Attachment M.3� Calculation and simulations of potential interference from IMT with AAS to Radars at 3 300 MHz
������� 3.1���� Configuration, methodology and assumptions
������� 3.2���� Results for the single entry scenario
������� 3.3���� Results for the aggregated effect scenario
������� 3.4���� Comparison between single entry scenario and aggregated effect scenario
������� 3.5���� Examples of interim results
Study N
�1���� Technical characteristics of IMT and radar systems
�2���� Propagation model
�3���� Modelling approach
�4���� Simulations results
������� 4.1���� Simulations of reference
������� 4.2���� Parametric study on the number of IMT BS rings in simulations
������� 4.3���� Parametric study on impact of AAS correlation coefficient
������� 4.4���� Parametric study on the impact of AAS electronic tilt statistical law
������� 4.5���� Study case of IMT AAS deployment modelled with 20 rings
�5���� Summary of results