Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
Glossary of abbreviations
�1���� Description of terrestrial automatic dependent surveillance � broadcast
�2���� Description of automatic dependent surveillance � broadcast reception by
�3���� Operational environment for the reception of automatic dependent
surveillance � broadcast via satellite
������� 3.1���� Operational environment
������� 3.2���� Techniques to improve automatic dependent surveillance �
broadcast signal discrimination and detection
�4���� Current use of the frequency band
�5���� Sharing and compatibility studies
������� 5.1���� Characteristics of incumbent services
������� 5.2���� Assumptions
������� 5.3���� Static calculation of carrier to interference ratios of
undesired non-International Civil Aviation Organization signals and desired
automatic dependent surveillance � broadcast signals
������� 5.4���� Calculations of the probability of pulse collisions based on
the pulse nature and characteristics of some non-ICAO systems
������� 5.5���� Detailed dynamic simulation of sharing environment including
both ICAO and non‑ICAO systems (Annex 3)
������� 5.6���� Statistical simulation of sharing environment including both
ICAO and non- ICAO systems (Annex 5)
������ 5.7 �����Statistical and dynamical simulation of sharing environment
including both ICAO and non-ICAO systems (Annex 6)
�6���� Summary
Annex 1� Typical transmitter characteristics of non-ICAO systems
Annex 2� Tables of carrier-to-noise performance for satellite automatic
dependent surveillance � broadcast link
Annex 3� Analysis of compatibility of space-based reception� of automatic
dependent surveillance � broadcast signals at 1 090 MHz (Study # 1)
������ A3.1���� Introduction
������ A3.2���� Automatic dependent surveillance � broadcast co-channel
������ A3.3���� Automatic dependent surveillance � broadcast adjacent channel
������ A3.4���� Modelling of 1 090 MHz interference environment
����������������� A3.4.1���� Description of model structure and assumptions
����������������� A3.4.2���� Aggregation of parameters for instantaneous Penv
������ A3.5���� Results of modelling of space-based automatic dependent
surveillance � broadcast
������ A3.6���� Conclusion
Annex 4� Assumptions, equations and system parameters presented in Study #1 of
Annex 3
Annex 5� Simulation of
Automatic Dependent Surveillance System - Broadcast Message Collision Onboard
Satellites (Study # 2)
Annex 6� Dynamic statistical study on satellite reception of the automatic
dependent surveillance - broadcast signal for global flight tracking for civil
aviation� (Study # 3)
A6-1���� General information of the
employed methodology
A6-2 �����Characteristics of the aeronautical services
���� A6-2.2���� Characteristics of transponders
���� A6-2.3���� Specific case of automatic dependent
surveillance - broadcast emissions
���� A6-2.4���� Automatic dependent
surveillance - broadcast antenna pattern
A6-3���� Characteristics of the receiving satellite
���� A6-3.1���� Receiver sensitivity
���� A6-3.1���� Satellite antenna
A6-4 �����Determination of satellite reception
���� A6-4.1���� Summary of hypothesis
���� A6-4.2���� Interpretations of the hypothesis and
���� A6-4.3���� Results of
dynamic-statistical studies
A6-5���� Conclusion