Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Background
�3���� Organization of Report
�4���� Study methods
�5���� Results of studies
������� 5.1���� Spectrum Occupancy Study (Annex 2)
������� 5.2���� Sharing and Compatibility Study Case A (Annex 3)
������� 5.3���� Sharing and Compatibility Study Study Case B (Annex 4)
������� 5.4���� Sharing and Compatibility Study Study Case C (Annex 5)
������� 5.5���� Sharing and Compatibility Study Study Case D (Annex 6)
� ������5.6���� Sharing and Compatibility Study with Stations in the Mobile Service (Annex 7)
������� 5.7���� Compatibility Study with Oceanographic Radar (Annex 8)
������� 5.8���� Compatibility with Stations in the Aeronautical Mobile Service (Annex 9)
Annex 1� Reference information
Annex 2� Spectral occupancy within the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz� as observed near Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Data collection procedures
�3���� Observations
�4���� Conclusions
Annex 3� Study Case A
�1���� Compatibility of the amateur systems with the fixed systems
������� 1.1���� Study Case: Pangnirtung NU to Makkovik NL
������� 1.2���� Antenna assumptions
������� 1.3���� Study Data Tables
�2���� Analysis of the results
������� 2.1���� Circuit availability
�3���� Parameters used for compatibility study
Annex 4� Study Case B� Interference assessment from potential amateur service stations on the fixed/land mobile service based on I/N criteria.
�1���� Scenario
�2���� Methodology
������� 2.1���� Calculation of external noise at an fixed/land mobile station
������� 2.2���� Calculation of potential co-channel interference from an amateur station
������� 2.3���� Calculation of potential adjacent channel interference from amateur stations to fixed/land mobile service receivers
�3���� Results
������� 3.1���� Result of potential co-channel interference
������� 3.2���� Result of potential adjacent channel interference
�4���� Conclusions
Annex 5� Study Case C
1 �����Characteristics of fixed stations used in the compatibility studies
2 �����Characteristics of amateur stations to be used in the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz
�3���� Scenario of interference impact from amateur radio stations
�4���� Methodology of interference impact assessment from amateur service stations to fixed/land mobile service, aeronautical service and oceanographic radars
�5���� Analysis of the study results
������ 5.1 �����Study results for multihop links using omnidirectional antennas under steady conditions
������ 5.2 �����Study results for multihop links using directional antennas under steady conditions
������ 5.3 �����Study results for multihop links using omnidirectional antennas under fading conditions
������ 5.5 �����Study results for single-hop links using omnidirectional antennas under steady conditions
������ 5.6 �����Study results for single-hop links using directional antennas under steady conditions
������ 5.7 �����Results for single-hop links using omnidirectional antennas under fading conditions
������ 5.8 �����Results for single-hop links using directional antennas under fading conditions
������ 5.9 �����Analysis of efficient usage of mitigation technique �listen-before-transmitting� for protection of FS receivers
�6���� Conclusions
Annex 6Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems with incumbent services at middle latitudes in the frequency band 5 275-5 450 kHz
�1���� Background
�2���� Executive Summary
�3���� Compatibility of the amateur systems with the mobile systems
������� 3.1���� Study Cases: Mobile AL, New Orleans LA, and Galveston TX to Miami FL
������� 3.2���� Antenna Assumptions
������� 3.3���� Study data tables
�4���� Analysis of the results
������� 4.1���� Circuit availability
�5���� Conclusion
Attachment 1� to Annex 6� REC533 parameters
Annex 7� Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems with the land mobile� service in the frequency band 5 250-5 450 kHz
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Background
�3���� Executive Summary
�4���� Compatibility of the amateur systems with the mobile systems
������� 4.1���� Study Case: Pangnirtung NU to Makkovik NL
������� 4.2���� Antenna assumptions
������� 4.3���� Study Data Tables
�5���� Analysis of the results
������� 5.1���� Circuit availability
Annex 8� Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems and radiolocation services in the frequency band 5 250-5 275 kHz
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Oceanographic radar characteristics and protection criteria
������� 2.1���� Characteristics of oceanographic radars
�3���� Theoretical ground-wave analysis
���� ���3.1���� Ground-wave propagation model
������� 3.2���� Input parameters for GRWAVE based analysis
������� 3.3���� Path loss calculation
������� 3.4���� External noise calculation
������� 3.5���� Maximum interference level
�4���� Results
Annex 9� Compatibility analysis of possible amateur systems in the frequency band� 5 250-5 450 kHz with the aeronautical mobile service in the 5 450-5 480 kHz band
�1���� Background
�2���� Parameters used in this study
�3���� Study Results
�4���� Probability of interference
�5���� Conclusions
Attachment 1� to Annex 9� Methods and calculations
������� A.1���� Path geometry
������� A.2���� Noise sources
������� A.3���� Spurious emission power
������� A.4���� Transmit and receive antenna gains
������ �A.5���� Transmitter antenna characteristics
������� A.6���� Calculation of signal to noise and signal to noise plus interference ratios