Annex 1  Results of tests with a meteorological radar operating  in the frequency band 2 700-2 900 MHz
Executive summary
1     Introduction
2     Theoretical calculation of necessary protection criteria
        2.1     Minimum signal level
        2.2     Reflectivity maximum I/N
        2.3     Mean radial velocity maximum I/N
        2.4     Spectrum width maximum I/N
3     System operation, output products and interference sensitivity
        3.1     System operation mode for testing
        3.2     Output products
        3.3     Interference sensitivity
4     Measurement approach
5     Data analysis assumptions, methodology and results
        5.1     Assumptions
        5.2     Data analysis methodology
        5.3     Reflectivity analysis methodology
        5.4     Spectrum width analysis methodology
        5.5     Summary of actual measurement results
        5.6     Radar improvements
6     Overall summary
Annex 2  Interference testing of meteorological radar operating  in the band 5 600-5 650 MHz)
1     Testing configuration
        1.1     Radar characteristics
        1.2     Interfering signal generation
        1.3     Interfering signals
                  1.3.1     CW signals
                  1.3.2     FM signals
                  1.3.3     Pulsed signal
                  1.3.4     Linear FM chirp signals
                  1.3.5     SAR satellite
        1.4     Radar measurement principle
2     Testing results
        2.1     Typical representation of interference impact at the threshold
        2.2     Sensitivity threshold for modes 1 and 2 (with a filter margin = 2 dB)
        2.3     Impact of the filter margin on the threshold
3     Overall summary