1     Introduction  3
2     Parameters of AMT systems  3
        2.1     General characteristics  3
        2.2     AMT deployment scenario  4
        2.3     AMT frequency reuse  4
        2.4     AMT aircraft antenna characteristics  5
        2.5     AMT e.i.r.p. and modulation  5
3     Sharing between AMT and space station receivers in the 5 925-6 700 MHz band  5
4     Sharing between AMT and FSS earth stations in the 5 925-6 700 and 4 500‑4 800 MHz bands     6
5     Sharing between AMT and FSS space stations in the 4 500-4 800 MHz band  6
6     Sharing between AMT and radio astronomy observatories in the 4 825-4 835 MHz band  6
7     Sharing between AMT and the fixed and mobile service in the 4 400-4 940 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz bands     6
8     Conclusions  7
Annex 1  Potential aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) for flight testing interference  to GSO satellites in the fixed-satellite service (FSS) (E-S)  in the 5 925-6 700 MHz candidate band     8
1     Introduction  8
2     Methodology and assumptions  8
       2.1      FSS satellite characteristics  8
                  2.1.1     FSS satellite characteristics from ITU published information  8
                  2.1.2     Hypothetical FSS satellite characteristics  11
3     Analysis results  11
Annex 2  Sharing between FSS earth stations and AMT stations operating in the frequency bands 4 400-4 940 MHz and 5 925-6 700 MHz     13
1     Introduction  13
2     Methodology  14
3     FSS system characteristics  14
4     Required propagation loss  16
        4.1     6 GHz sharing case  16
        4.2     4 GHz sharing case  16
5     Separation distance calculations  16
        5.1     Free space loss  17
        5.2     Empirical propagation model (EPM-73) 17
        5.3     Recommendation ITU-R P.452-12  17
6     Results and example calculations  18
        6.1     6 GHz case  19
        6.2     4 GHz case  20
Annex 3  Analysis of AMT for flight testing sharing with the FSS (space-to-Earth) in the 4 500-4 800 MHz band     22
1     Introduction  22
2     Methodology and assumptions  22
        2.1     AMT characteristics  22
        2.2     FSS characteristics  23
3     Analysis results  23
4     Conclusions  24
Annex 4  Potential aeronautical mobile telemetry (AMT) interference  to radio astronomy in the 4 825-4 835 MHz band     25
1     Problem statement and objective  25
2     Assumptions  26
        2.1     AMT characteristics  26
        2.2     Radio astronomy characteristics  26
3     Analysis results  27
1     Introduction  28
2     Potential interference to fixed mobile stations  28
        2.1     System parameters used in the simulations  28
        2.2     Methodologies and interference criteria  29
                  2.2.1     Review of interference criteria  29
                  2.2.2     Application of interference criteria  30
        2.3     Short-term interference analysis  30
        2.4     Long-term interference analysis  34
        2.5     Summary and conclusions  39
3     Potential interference to AMT ground stations from FS transmitters  41
        3.1     FS Transmitter and AMT ground terminal receiver parameters  41
        3.2     Methodology  41
        3.3     Analysis results  41