1     Introduction  2
        1.1     Summary of findings  2
2     Types of radars in the bands  2
3     Types of potential interference effects  3
4     Interference-mitigating characteristics commonly found in radars  3
        4.1     Isolation in power coupling (antenna-mediated effects) 4
                  4.1.1     Sidelobe-to-sidelobe coupling  4
                  4.1.2     Main-beam-to-sidelobe coupling  6
                  4.1.3     Sidelobe blanking  6
                  4.1.4     Sidelobe-to-main-beam coupling  6
        4.2     Processor-mediated effects  7
                  4.2.1     Individual-pulse processes  7
                  4.2.2     Multiple-pulse integration techniques  8
                  4.2.3     Asynchronous pulse removal and replacement techniques  9
                  4.2.4     Asynchronous pulse rejection requirements and practices  12
        4.3     Nonlinear and time-varying gain effects  13
                  4.3.1     Limiting  13
                  4.3.2     Logarithmic amplifiers  14
                  4.3.3     Sensitivity time control (STC) 14
        4.4     CFAR processing  14
        4.5     Software-mediated effects (post-processing) 15
        4.6     Spectrally-mediated effects  15
5     Conclusions  16