REPORT  ITU-R  BT.2343-8 - Collection of field trials of UHDTV over DTT networks
Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
1 Introduction
2 Status of standardization of UHDTV
     2.1 Standardization within ITU
     2.2 Standardization within DVB
     2.3 Standardization within TTA
3 Field trials of UHDTV over DTTB networks
Annex  Field experiments of UHDTV terrestrial transmission
1 Japan
     1.1 Introduction
          1.1.1 R&D project on basic technologies for a next-generation DTTB system (2013-2016)
          1.1.2 R&D project on advanced DTTB system (2016-2018)
          1.1.3 Technical verification of advanced DTTB system (2019-2022)
     1.2 Trials on R&D phase of advanced DTTB system (2016-2018)
          1.2.1 Overview of tentative advanced DTTB system on R&D phase
          1.2.2 Transmission parameters
          1.2.3 Field measurements
     1.3 Trials in verification phase of advanced DTTB system (2019-2022)
          1.3.1 End-to-end demonstration of an advanced DTTB system
      Overview of tentative advanced DTTB system
           Advanced DTTB system
           Compatible DTTB system
      Transmission parameters
      Field trials
           Experimental environment
           Trials of the advanced DTTB system
           Trials of the compatible DTTB system
          1.3.2 8K-UHDTV field experiments for the verification of  channel bonding
      Transmission parameter and equipment
      Field measurement
     1.4 Summary
2 Republic of Korea
     2.1 UHDTV terrestrial trial broadcasting based on DVB-T2
          2.1.1 Phase 1
          2.1.2 Phase 2
          Kwan-Ak Mountain Transmission Site
          2.1.3 Phase 3
     2.2 UHDTV terrestrial trial broadcasting based on ATSC 3.0
     2.3 Extensive experiments for ATSC 3.0 system performance evaluation
          2.3.1 Overview
          2.3.2 Computer simulation
          2.3.3 Laboratory test
          2.3.4 Field test
          2.3.5 Experiment results: data
          2.3.6 Summary of results
     2.4 ATSC 3.0 LDM/TDM Performance Comparison Field Test
          2.4.1 Overview
          2.4.2 Test facilities and parameters
          2.4.3 Field measurements
      Fixed rooftop reception
      Indoor reception
      Mobile reception
          2.4.4 Summary of field test results
     2.5 UHDTV terrestrial SFN trial based on ATSC 3.0
          2.5.1 Overview of ATSC 3.0 SFN with MISO, TDCFS
          2.5.2 Test facilities and parameters
          2.5.3 Field measurements
          2.5.4 Summary of test results
     2.6 ATSC 3.0 MIMO 8K-UHD Test
          2.6.1 Overview
          2.6.2 Field trial description
          2.6.3 Field trial results
          2.6.4 Summary of results
3 France
     3.1 Initial experiment (2014-2018)
          3.1.1 Introduction
          3.1.2 4K-UHDTV field experiment conducted in France
      System parameters and coverage area
      Implementation of 4K UHDTV terrestrial transmission platform
      Live 4K UHDTV terrestrial transmission of the “French Open” international tennis tournament (2014)
          3.1.3 Conclusion
     3.2 Revised experiment (Started 2018)
          3.2.1 Network architecture and system parameters
          3.2.2 Measurements
          3.2.3 Services
          3.2.4 Conclusion
4 Spain
     4.1 UHDTV trial from Museo del Prado (Madrid) – 2014
     4.2 Trials by the Chair of RTVE in UPM during the 2016-2021 period
          4.2.1 UHDTV trial from Teatro Real (Madrid) – April 2016
          4.2.2 UHDTV trial from Palacio Real (Madrid) – July 2017
          4.2.3 UHD-Phase 2 complete trial – October 2018
          4.2.4 First worldwide complete pilot broadcast of UHD-8K signal in DVB-T2 – October 2020
     4.3 UHD Spain coordinated trials starting on 2021
5 Sweden
6 United Kingdom
7 Brazil
     7.1 Introduction
     7.2 Diagram of the PV
     7.3 Transmission and reception station equipment
     7.4 Transmission parameters
     7.5 Field tests in Rio de Janeiro
     7.6 Measurements
          7.6.1 Multiple point measurements
          7.6.2 Single point long-term measurement
     7.7 Demonstration
     7.8 Conclusion
8 China
     8.1 4K UHDTV trial in Jiaxing (2017)
          8.1.1 Introduction
          8.1.2 Diagram of the trial
          8.1.3 Transmission and reception station equipment
          8.1.4 Transmission parameters
          8.1.5 Field tests in Jiaxing
          8.1.6 Measurements
          8.1.7 Conclusion
     8.2 8K UHDTV trial in Shenzhen (2021)
          8.2.1 Diagram of the system
          8.2.2 Transmission and reception equipment
          8.2.3 System parameters
          8.2.4 Live demonstration
9 Iran