Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Abstract
�2���� Introduction
�3���� Spectrum requirements questionnaire
�4���� Spectrum allocations for television broadcasting
������� 4.1���� Number of Multiplexes with Nation-Wide coverage
������� 4.2���� Number of programmes in one 8 MHz channel
�5���� Capacity improvement techniques
�6���� Spectrum efficiency techniques
�7���� Limitations on efficiency
�8���� Foreseen evolution of broadcasting services: present and future trends
������� 8.1���� High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (UHD)
������� 8.2���� Interactive Broadcast Broadband (IBB)
������� 8.3���� Time shifted services
������� 8.4���� Local, regional and community services
������� 8.5���� Pay-TV programme services
������� 8.6���� 5G Broadcast
�9���� Other usages of the 470-694 MHz in addition to DTTB
������ �9.1���� Use of additional local capacity by SAB/SAP
������� 9.2���� Use of additional local capacity by White Space applications
10���� Conclusions
Annex 1� Analysis of responses to Circular Letter 6/LCCE/104
������ A1.1���� Responses
������ A1.2���� Introduction of digital terrestrial television
������ A1.3���� Analogue television switch-off
������ A1.4���� Choice of technology
������ A1.5���� Proportion of users who receive television by terrestrial
������ A1.6���� Percentage of population covered by DTTB networks
������ A1.7���� Total number of national DTTB multiplexes
������ A1.8���� Total number of local or regional DTTB multiplexes
������ A1.9���� Number of TV programme services broadcast on DTTB
����� A1.10���� Number of operational or planned DTT transmitters
����� A1.11���� Other usages of the band 470-694 MHz
����� A1.12���� Future services
����� A1.13���� Required amount of spectrum for DTT in the future
Attachment 1 to Annex 1� Full Responses received from Administrations to the
2020 Questionnaire
Annex 2� Case Study 1 � The consequences of the loss of further broadcasting�
spectrum for RCC countries
������ A2.1���� Existing and planned situation(s)
����������������� A2.1.1���� Consequences of possible elimination of 694-790
MHz band in addition to already eliminated 790-862 MHz band from �Geneva-06�
Plan for RСС countries
������ A2.2���� Future situation(s), consequences of the new allocation
����������������� A2.2.1���� Short-term consequences
������ A2.3���� Assessment of spectrum requirements for terrestrial TV broadcasting
in the frequency band 694-790 MHz for the RCC countries