�1���� Introduction
�2���� Summary of reported interference cases and corresponding solutions
������� 2.1���� Adjacent channel interference cases
������� 2.2���� Co-channel interference cases
����������������� 2.2.1���� Interference from DTT to LTE uplink
��������� ��������2.2.2���� Interference from LTE downlink to DTT
����������������� 2.2.3���� Summary of reported co-channel interference
Annex 1� Field report on the applied methodology used by Germany to protect the
broadcast service when implementing� the IMT service in the 800 MHz band
������ A1.1���� Background
������ A1.2���� Frequency engineering and regulatory framework and key
������ A1.3���� Steps for a computer-assisted standard procedure for
determining compatibility between LTE and broadcasting in specific cases before
setting the site-related usage parameters for an LTE base station
����� �A1.4���� Compatibility with broadcast service in neighboring countries
������ A1.5���� Conclusion
Annex 2� Interim national field report on the introduction of IMT downlinks in
the 700 and 800 MHz bands with co-primary allocation to the broadcasting and
the mobile services in France
������ A2.1���� Introduction
������ A2.2���� Adjacent channel interference situation
����������������� A2.2.1���� Background
������������ �����A2.2.2���� Summary of adjacent channel interference situation
����������������� A2.2.3���� Interference mitigation
����������������� A2.2.4���� Other considerations
����������������� A2.2.5���� Limits to the analysis
������ A2.3���� Summary of co-channel interference situations
����������������� A2.3.1���� Preventive actions taken to avoid or minimize
co-channel interference situations
����������������� A2.3.2���� Interference from DTT to LTE uplink
����������������� A2.3.3���� Interference from LTE downlink to DTT
������ A2.4���� Conclusions
Annex 3�� Interim national field report on the LTE rollout in the 800 MHz band
in the Netherlands
Annex 4� Field report on interference to 800 MHz band IMT base stations in
Portugal from DTTB transmissions in Spain
Annex 5� Collection of answers to the Request For Information to update Report
ITU-R BT.2301, towards WRC-23 agenda item 1.5, November 2020
������ A5.1���� Introduction
������ A5.2���� Summary of interference situations
����������������� A5.2.1���� Co-channel interference from DTT transmitter to
LTE uplink
����������������� A5.2.2���� Co-channel interference from LTE downlink to DTT
����������������� A5.2.3���� Adjacent channel interference from LTE downlink to
DTT receivers
������ A5.3���� Conclusion
Attachment to Annex 5� Answers of Member States and Sector Members