Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)

�1���� Introduction

�2���� General considerations

������� 2.1���� Fundamental idea of UHDTV

������� 2.2���� Classification of image systems

������� 2.3���� Application

����������������� 2.3.1 �����Overview

����������������� 2.3.2���� Considerations of audience viewing

������� 2.4���� System model

������� 2.5���� Viewing conditions

����������������� 2.5.1���� Field of view

����������������� 2.5.2���� Angular resolution

����������������� 2.5.3���� Viewing distance

����������������� 2.5.4���� Surrounding luminance

����������������� 2.5.5���� Black and white luminance and electro-optical transfer function (EOTF)

����������������� 2.5.6���� Technical constraints imposed by the assumed display device

���� ���2.6���� Feasibility of technologies required for development of UHDTV

�3���� Baseband image format

������� 3.1���� General considerations on the baseband image format in programme signal chain

������� 3.2���� Parameters

����������������� 3.2.1���� Aspect ratio

����������������� 3.2.2���� Spatial and temporal sampling structure

����������������� 3.2.3���� Pixel count

����������������� 3.2.4���� Frame frequency

����������������� 3.2.5���� Non-linear coding function

����������������� 3.2.6���� Colorimetry


����������������� 3.2.7���� Colour encoding

����������������� 3.2.8���� Bit depth

�4���� Operational experience

������� 4.1���� London Olympics SUPER Hi-VISION public viewing operations

Appendix 1� Input documents to WP 6C or SG 6 related to UHDTV

Attachment 1� Analysis of sub-sampled versions of the UHDTV signals

�1���� Summary

�2���� Fundamental

������� 2.1���� Why YC transmission is needed

������� 2.2���� Fundamental of YC transmission

������� 2.3���� The constant luminance issue

������� 2.4���� Block diagrams for the encoder and decoder in the non-constant luminance (NCL) and CL

������� 2.5���� Crosstalk characteristics

������� 2.6���� Quality degradation by clipping

������� 2.7���� Evaluation index

������� 2.8���� Factors other than picture quality

�3���� The reference models of the NCL and CL

�4���� Objective and subjective evaluation results

������� 4.1���� Objective evaluation of YC encoding-decoding

������� 4.2���� The evaluation results in a production process

������� 4.3���� Real implementation vs. the hypothetical loss in G for the CL

������� 4.4���� The evaluation results in a delivery chain

����������������� 4.4.1���� The evaluation schemes and test sequences

����������������� 4.4.2���� The evaluation measure

����������������� 4.4.3���� The evaluation results in terms of BD-PSNR and BD-Rate

�5���� Summary of the evaluation results

Attachment 2London Olympics SUPER Hi-VISION Public Viewing Operations Report

�1���� Introduction

�2���� Overview

�3���� Venue production

1)���� Outside broadcasting-van system (OB-van)

2)���� Shooting

3)���� Audio

4)���� Other issues

�4���� Transmission and editing

1)���� Line and transmission systems (Fig. 55)

2)���� Video post-production

3)���� Audio post-production

4)���� SHV preview room

�5���� Distribution and screening

1)���� Distribution and screening overview

2)���� Distribution system

3)���� Screening system

4)���� Screening venues and reactions

�6���� Conclusion