Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Executive summary
�2���� Abbreviations
�3���� Useful definitions
������� 3.1���� Radio frequency
signal-to-interference ratio (C/I)
������� 3.2���� Radio frequency protection ratio
������� 3.3���� Receiver (front-end) overloading
������� 3.4���� Adjacent
channel leakage power ratio
������� 3.5���� �Can� tuners
������� 3.6���� �Silicon� tuners
�4���� References
������� 4.1���� Broadcasting technology
������� 4.2���� Mobile technology
�5���� Measurement methodology
������� 5.1���� Example test set-up
������� 5.2���� Wanted signal levels
������� 5.3���� Frequency offsets between
interfering signal and wanted signal
������� 5.4���� Measurements in the presence of
a time varying interfering signal
������� 5.5���� UMTS uplink
������� 5.6���� LTE � downlink
������� 5.7���� LTE � uplink
������� 5.8���� Interferer reference power level
������� 5.9���� Characterization of the
interfering signal
������ 5.10���� Failure point assessment methods
������ 5.11���� Method for determining
protection ratios and overloading thresholds
�6���� Conclusions and further work required
Annex 1� DVB-T receiver performance in the presence of interfering
signals from DVB‑T, UMTS and LTE