Report ITU-R BT.2209-2(05/2019)Calculation model for SFN reception andreference receiver characteristicsof ISDB-T system
Chapter I SFN with delays less than guard interval duration
1 In the case of a single SFN wave
     1.1 Mathematical equations used in this text
     1.2 Note to CNR used in theoretical calculation
     1.3 Increase in the required CNR
     1.4 Noise characteristics in receivers
          1.4.1 Clipping noise
          1.4.2 Quantization noise of A/D conversion
          1.4.3 Other amplitude proportional noises
     1.5 Conditions that gives SFN failure
     1.6 SFN non-failure conditions
     1.7 Location variation
     1.8 Location correlation
2 In the case of multiple SFN waves
     2.1 Appropriate function to express multiple SFN waves
     2.2 SFN failure probability in the case of multiple SFN waves
Chapter II SFN with delays exceeding guard interval duration
3 In the case of SFNs with delays exceeding guard interval duration
     3.1 SFN wave with a large delay exceeding guard interval duration
     3.2 SFN with relatively small delays (but larger than guard interval duration)
     3.3 Aliasing effects of scattered pilot signals
     3.4 Calculation method for required DUR
          3.4.1 Re-consideration on aliasing effects of scattered pilot signals
     3.5 Setting of FFT window
          3.5.1 Optimum position of FFT window
     3.6 Protection ratios for analogue to digital interference
     3.7 Receiver characteristics to be specified
     3.8 GI Mask characteristics of receivers on the market
Chapter III Adjacent channel interference
4 Major factors affecting on interference performance
     4.1 Receiver configuration
     4.2 Unnecessary components
     4.3 Out-channel interference immunity
     4.4 Aliasing noise
     4.5 Strong signal interference immunity
          4.5.1 Leakage spectrum into adjacent channel
          4.5.2 Receiver model
          4.5.3 Measurement results
Chapter IV Fading
Appendix 1  Fading margin for less than 1% of time (Kumada’s law)
Appendix 2  Intermodulation noise
     A2.1 Formulas for intermodulation calculations
     A2.2 Examples of intermodulation noise
     A2.3 Determination of coefficient Nim
Appendix 3  Laboratory test for strong signal interference
     A3.1 Equipment layout and test procedures
     A3.2 Measurement results