2 Minimum field strengths for the terrestrial
television broadcasting service
3 Protection against interference
4 Protection criteria for BS reception
5 Definition for the fixed, portable and mobile reception
5.1 Fixed reception
5.2 Portable reception
5.3 Mobile reception
6 Assumptions made for this Report
7 Protection requirements
for terrestrial analogue reception in the 620-790 MHz band
8 Protection requirements for terrestrial digital
fixed reception in the 620-790 MHz band
9 Protection requirements for terrestrial digital
portable reception in the 620‑790 MHz band
9.1 Case of terrestrial
digital portable outdoor reception
9.2 Case of terrestrial
digital portable indoor reception
10 Protection requirements for terrestrial digital
mobile reception in the 620-790 MHz band
11 Potential for interference
11.1 pfd from the GSO BSS
11.2 Antenna discrimination in
directivity and polarization
11.3 Summary of calculated
maximum interfering pfd
12 Conclusion
1 - Consolidated characteristics of potential GSO
and non-GSO systems intended to operate in the
620-790 MHz band
1 Introduction
2 System overview
3 Main characteristics of potential GSO BSS and non GSO BSS systems
3.1 Macro-diversity principle
3.2 BSS reception in an
interfered environment
3.3 Potential GSO and non-GSO BSS systems main
3.4 Polarization
4 Constellation parameters for non GSO
5 Non-GSO satellite
operational characteristics
5.1 Times of satellite
5.2 Satellite antenna and power
5.3 Example of link budget for
non-GSO BSS system
5.4 Aggregate system capacity
6 Information about multiple BSS systems in the band
620-790 MHz
7 Characteristics of an example BSS GSO/non-GSO system/network concept for possible use in the
620‑790 MHz band
7.1 Space station
7.2 Satellite transmitting
antenna pattern, for use outside the service area
7.3 Earth station
8 Maximum number of possible BSS systems
9 Aggregate versus single entry interference
10 Coordination request and notification submissions to
the Radiocommunication Bureau
11 Provisions of RR Article 23
2 - On the question of the tilt angle problem in a hilly environment
2 General
3 Practical study
3 - Analysis of polarization loss
1 Polarization
2 Response of an antenna to an incident wave
3 Off-boresight incidence
4 Practical bounds on polarization loss for imperfect
CP � imperfect LP interactions
5 Conclusions