Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Introduction
�2���� Background
�3���� Definitions of SAP/SAB and ENG/OB
������� 3.1���� Overall picture of SAP/SAB world of applications
������� 3.2���� Distinction between radio microphones and in-ear monitors (IEM)
�4���� Spectrum requirements for electronic news gathering
������� 4.1���� Current and future demand for SAP/SAB spectrum
����������������� 4.1.1���� SAP/SAB sectors addressed
���� �������������4.1.2���� Peak vs. aggregate demand
����������������� 4.1.3���� Demand for theatres and touring shows
����������������� 4.1.4���� Demand for studio production
����������������� 4.1.5���� Demand for TV news (ENG)
����������������� 4.1.6���� Demand for sound broadcasters
����������������� 4.1.7���� Demand for casual sport events and similar outside
����������������� 4.1.8���� Demand for coverage of major events
�5���� Technical characteristics of ENG requirements
�6���� Development of TVOB
�7���� User requirements � TVOB/ENG/EFP/mobile platforms
������� 7.1��� �TVOB
����������������� 7.1.1���� TVOB user requirements
������� 7.2���� ENG
������� 7.3���� EFP
������� 7.4���� Mobile platforms
������� 7.5���� Analog FS system parameters for TVOB/ENG/EFP
��������� ��������7.5.1���� System parameters for analog electronic news
����������������� 7.5.2���� System parameters for analog TVOB
������� 7.6���� Summary of service requirements of video and audio SAP/SAB
�8���� Spectrum usage for TVOB, ENG and EFP
������� 8.1���� Frequency assignments for TVOB/ENG/EFP
�9���� Spectrum needs for ENG and TVOB
������� 9.1���� Frequency bands for video links
����������������� 9.1.1���� Frequency bands
2 025-2 110/2 200-2 290 and 2 290-2 500 MHz
����������������� 9.1.2���� Frequency band 2 500-2 690 MHz
����������������� 9.1.3���� Candidate frequency band 2 700-3 400 MHz
����������������� 9.1.4���� Frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz
����������������� 9.1.5���� Frequency band 4 400-5 000 MHz
����������������� 9.1.6���� Frequency band 5 250-5 850 MHz
����������������� 9.1.7���� Frequency band 10.0-10.68 GHz
����������������� 9.1.8���� Frequency band 21.20-24.50 GHz
����������������� 9.1.9���� Frequency band 47.20-50.20 GHz
����������������� 9.1.10 ����Conclusions
������� 9.2���� Frequency bands for audio links and radio microphones
����������������� 9.2.1���� Frequency bands 161.625-161.775, 450-451, 455-456 MHz
����������������� 9.2.2���� Frequency band 169-172 MHz
����������������� 9.2.3���� Frequency band 174-216 MHz (TV Band III)
����������������� 9.2.4���� Frequency band 470-862 MHz (TV Bands IV and V)
����������������� 9.2.5���� Frequency band 1 785-1 800 MHz
����������������� 9.2.6���� Conclusions
������� 9.3���� Licensing considerations
10���� Future investment in spectrum for ENG
11���� Impact of digital technologies
������ 11.1���� Video links
������ 11.2���� Channel bandwidth of digital radio cameras
������ 11.3���� Limits on operational frequency
������ 11.4���� HDTV digital terrestrial electronic news gathering (ENG)
������ 11.5���� Wireless/Radio microphones
������ 11.6���� Analytical study of digital radio microphones
������ 11.7���� Digital radio microphones developments
������ 11.8���� Performance comparison of digital vs. analog radio microphones
������ 11.9���� Spectrum and operation of radio microphones and planning for
digital radio microphones in Japan
����������������� 11.9.1���� Spectrum and operation of radio microphones
�������� ���������11.9.2���� Study of digital radio microphones
����������������� 11.9.3���� Studies of digital wireless microphones of specified low power radio station for use in the 800 MHz band in Japan
12���� Data collection for evaluation of user requirements and spectrum usage
for terrestrial electronic news gathering (ENG) � October 2004
������ 12.1���� Definitions
������ 12.2���� Operational deployment characteristics
������ 12.3���� Equipment characteristics
����������������� 12.3.1���� Central receiving sites
����������������� 12.3.2���� Operational requirements of BAS equipment
������ 12.4���� Other considerations on BAS operations
����������������� 12.4.1���� Migration from analogue to digital television including
high-definition broadcasts
����������������� 12.4.2���� Operational characteristics of BAS systems in the
mobile service
����������������� 12.4.3���� Differences between FWSs and BAS
13�� ��Conclusions arising from European studies in 2002
14���� Results from the EBU questionnaire in 2008 on spectrum requirements for
SAB/SAP and ENG/OB applications
������ 14.1���� Use of frequency bands
������ 14.2���� Difficulties encountered by broadcasters
������ 14.3���� Solutions and proposals received from broadcasters
������ 14.4���� Estimated spectrum requirements for SAB/SAP services
������ 14.5���� Conclusions
�1���� Radiomicrophones, in‑ear monitoring and portable audio links
�2���� Talk‑back and wireless intercom
�3���� Mobile and temporary audio links
�4���� Cordless cameras and portable video links
�5���� Mobile video links (including airborne)
�6���� Telecommand and remote control of camera (and other) equipment
�7���� Role of the administrations
�1���� Performance requirements regarding the basic picture quality for HDTV
codec for contribution, primary distribution and SNG networks
�2���� Assessment of the basic picture quality of H.264|MPEG-4 AVC HDTV codec
for contribution, primary distribution and SNG networks
������� 2.1���� Subjective picture quality assessment
������� 2.2���� Assessment results
����������������� 2.2.1���� Contribution network
����������������� 2.2.2���� Primary distribution network
����������������� 2.2.3���� SNG network