1     Introduction
2     Background
3     Definitions of SAP/SAB and ENG/OB
        3.1     Overall picture of SAP/SAB world of applications
        3.2     Distinction between radio microphones and in-ear monitors (IEM)
4     Spectrum requirements for electronic news gathering
        4.1     Current and future demand for SAP/SAB spectrum
                  4.1.1     SAP/SAB sectors addressed
                  4.1.2     Peak vs. aggregate demand
                  4.1.3     Demand for theatres and touring shows
                  4.1.4     Demand for studio production
                  4.1.5     Demand for TV news (ENG)
                  4.1.6     Demand for sound broadcasters
                  4.1.7     Demand for casual sport events and similar outside broadcasts
                  4.1.8     Demand for coverage of major events
5     Technical characteristics of ENG requirements
6     Development of TVOB
7     User requirements � TVOB/ENG/EFP/mobile platforms
        7.1     TVOB
                  7.1.1     TVOB user requirements
        7.2     ENG
        7.3     EFP
        7.4     Mobile platforms
        7.5     Analog FS system parameters for TVOB/ENG/EFP
                  7.5.1     System parameters for analog electronic news gathering
                  7.5.2     System parameters for analog TVOB
        7.6     Summary of service requirements of video and audio SAP/SAB applications
8     Spectrum usage
        8.1     Frequency assignments for TVOB/ENG/EFP
9     Spectrum needs for ENG and TOB
        9.1     Frequency bands for video links
                  9.1.1     Frequency bands 2 025-2 110/2 200-2 290 and 2 290-2 500 MHz
                  9.1.2     Frequency band 2 500-2 690 MHz
                  9.1.3     Candidate frequency band 2 700-3 400 MHz
                  9.1.4     Frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz
                  9.1.5     Frequency band 4 400-5 000 MHz
                  9.1.6     Frequency band 5 250-5 850 MHz
                  9.1.7     Frequency band 10.0-10.68 GHz
                  9.1.8     Frequency band 21.20-24.50 GHz
                  9.1.9     Frequency band 47.20-50.20 GHz
                  9.1.10     Conclusions
        9.2     Frequency bands for audio links and radio microphones
                  9.2.1     Frequency band 174-216 MHz (TV Band III)
                  9.2.2     Frequency band 470-862 MHz (TV Bands IV and V)
                  9.2.3     Frequency band 1 785-1 800 MHz
                  9.2.4     Conclusions
        9.3     Licensing considerations
10     Future investment in spectrum for ENG
11     Impact of digital technologies
       11.1     Video links
       11.2     Channel bandwidth of digital radio cameras
       11.3     Limits on operational frequency
       11.4     HDTV digital terrestrial electronic news gathering (ENG)
       11.5     Radio microphones
       11.6     Analytical study of digital radio microphones
       11.7     Digital radio microphones developments
       11.8     Performance comparison of digital vs. analog radio microphones
       11.9     Spectrum and operation of radio microphones and planning for digital radio microphones in Japan
                  11.9.1     Spectrum and operation of radio microphones
                  11.9.2     Study of digital radio microphones
                  11.9.3     Studies of digital wireless microphones for use in the 800 MHz band in Japan
12     Data collection for evaluation of user requirements and spectrum usage for terrestrial electronic news gathering (ENG) � October 2004
New Zealand ENG/OB channel plans
13     Conclusions arising from European studies
14     Future work programme of the Rapporteur for spectrum usage and user requirements for electronics news gathering
Appendix 1