Policy on Intellectual Property Right (IPR)
�1���� Overview of ITU-R ADM Renderer
������� 1.1���� Introduction
������� 1.2���� Audio elements and their uses
������� 1.3���� Renderer implementations
������� 1.4���� The options and usage for the ADM Renderer
������� 1.5���� Allocentric frame of reference (FoR) and loudspeaker mapping
�2���� Current challenges, opportunities, and suggestions for the ITU ADM
Renderer (IAR)
�3���� How to use the software
������� 3.1���� General remarks
������� 3.2���� Implementation of renderers for use in production
������� 3.3���� Notes on ADM metadata
����������������� 3.3.1���� Size of audioBlockFormat
����������������� 3.3.3���� Treatment of LFE channels
������� 3.4���� Interface with non-ADM systems
������� 3.5���� Guidelines for subjective evaluations
�4���� Explaining the purposes of the AdvSS/NGA
�5���� Development of software implementations of the ADM Renderer