ITU-R Study Groups
Table of Contents
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ITU andRadiocommunications
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ITU-R Study Groups
Study Group 1
Spectrum management
ITU-R Working Party 1A � Spectrum engineeringtechniques
ITU-R Working Party 1B � Spectrum managementmethodologies and economic strategies
ITU-R Working Party 1C � Spectrum monitoring
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 1
Study Group 3
Radiowave propagation
ITU-R Working Party 3J � Propagationfundamentals
ITU-R Working Party 3K � Point-to-area propagation
ITU-R Working Party 3L � Ionospheric propagationand radio noise
ITU-R Working Party 3M � Point-to-point andEarth-space propagation
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 3
Study Group 4
Satellite services
ITU-R Working Party 4A � Efficient orbit/spectrumutilization for the fixed-satellite service (FSS) andbroadcasting-satellite service (BSS)
ITU-R Working Party 4B � Systems, air interfaces,performance and availability objectives for the fixedsatelliteservice (FSS), broadcasting-satellite service(BSS) and mobile-satellite service (MSS), includingIP-based applications and satellite news gathering(SNG)
ITU-R Working Party 4C � Efficient orbit/spectrumutilization for the mobile-satellite service (MSS) andthe radiodetermination-satellite service (RDSS)
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 4
Study Group 5
Terrestrial services
ITU-R Working Party 5A � Land mobile serviceexcluding IMT; amateur and amateur-satelliteservice
ITU-R Working Party 5B � Maritime mobile serviceincluding the Global Maritime Distress and SafetySystem (GMDSS); the aeronautical mobile serviceand the radiodetermination service
Working Party 5C � Fixed wireless systems; HFsystems in the fixed and land mobile services
ITU-R Working Party 5D � IMT Systems
ITU-R Task Group 5/1 � WRC-19 Agenda item 1.13
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 5
Study Group 6
Broadcasting service
ITU-R Working Party 6A � Terrestrial broadcastingdelivery
ITU-R Working Party 6B � Broadcast serviceassembly and access
ITU-R Working Party 6C � Programme productionand quality assessment
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 6
Study Group 7
Science services
ITU-R Working Party 7A � Time signals andfrequency standard emissions
ITU-R Working Party 7B � Spaceradiocommunications applications
ITU-R Working Party 7C � Remote sensing systems
ITU-R Working Party 7D � Radio astronomy
Other deliverables from ITU-R Study Group 7
Coordination Committeefor Vocabulary (CCV)
Conference Preparatory Meeting(CPM)
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