Final Acts - WRC-12
Final Protocol
Declarations and reservations*
Additional Declarations and Reservations
RESOLUTION 11 (WRC-12) - Use of satellite orbital positions and associated frequency spectrum to deliver international public ...
RESOLUTION 12 (WRC-12) - Assistance and support to Palestine
RESOLUTION 18 (REV.WRC-12) - Relating to the procedure for identifying and announcing the position of ships and aircraft of States ...
RESOLUTION 27 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of incorporation by reference in the Radio Regulations
RESOLUTION 42 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of interim systems in Region 2 in the broadcasting-satellite and fixed-satellite (feeder-link) services ...
RESOLUTION 49 (REV.WRC-12) - Administrative due diligence applicable to some satellite radiocommunication services
RESOLUTION 55 (REV.WRC-12) - Electronic submission of notice forms for satellite networks, earth stations and radio astronomy stations
RESOLUTION 63 (REV.WRC-12) - Protection of radiocommunication services against interference caused by radiation from industrial, scientific ...
RESOLUTION 67 (WRC-12) - Updating and rearrangement of the Radio Regulations
RESOLUTION 75 (REV.WRC-12) - Development of the technical basis for determining the coordination area for coordination of a receiving earth ...
RESOLUTION 98 (WRC-12) - Provisional application of certain provisions of the Radio Regulations as revised by WRC-12 and abrogation ...
RESOLUTION 114 (REV.WRC-12) - Studies on compatibility between new systems of the aeronautical radionavigation service and the fixed-satellite ...
RESOLUTION 125 (REV.WRC-12) - Frequency sharing in the bands 1 610.6-1 613.8 MHz and 1 660-1 660.5 MHz between the mobile-satellite service ...
RESOLUTION 145 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the bands 27.9-28.2 GHz and 31-31.3 GHz by high altitude platform stations in the fixed service
RESOLUTION 149 (REV.WRC-12) - Submissions from new Member States of the Union relating to Appendix 30B of the Radio Regulations
RESOLUTION 150 (WRC-12) - Use of the bands 6 440-6 520 MHz and 6 560-6 640 MHz by gateway links for high-altitude platform stations ...
RESOLUTION 151 (WRC-12) - Additional primary allocations to the fixed-satellite service in frequency bands between 10 and 17 GHz in Region 1
RESOLUTION 152 (WRC-12) - Additional primary allocations to the fixed-satellite service in the Earth-to-space direction in frequency bands ...
RESOLUTION 153 (WRC-12) - The use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service not subject to Appendices 30, 30A and 30B ...
RESOLUTION 154 (WRC-12) - Consideration of technical and regulatory actions in order to support existing and future operation ...
RESOLUTION 205 (REV.WRC-12) - Protection of the systems operating in the mobile- satellite service in the band 406-406.1 MHz
RESOLUTION 215 (REV.WRC-12) - Coordination process among mobile-satellite systems and efficient use of the allocations to the mobile-satellite ...
RESOLUTION 222 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the frequency bands 1 525-1 559 MHz and 1 626.5-1 660.5 MHz by the mobile-satellite service, and procedures...
RESOLUTION 223 (REV.WRC-12) - Additional frequency bands identified for IMT
RESOLUTION 224 (REV.WRC-12) - Frequency bands for the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications below 1 GHz
RESOLUTION 225 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of additional frequency bands for the satellite component of IMT
RESOLUTION 229 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the bands 5 150-5 250 MHz, 5 250-5 350 MHz and 5 470-5 725 MHz by the mobile service for the implementation...
RESOLUTION 232 (WRC-12) - Use of the frequency band 694-790 MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 ...
RESOLUTION 233 (WRC-12) - Studies on frequency-related matters on International Mobile Telecommunications and other terrestrial mobile ...
RESOLUTION 234 (WRC-12) - Additional primary allocations to the mobile-satellite service within the bands from 22 GHz to 26 GHz
RESOLUTION 331 (REV.WRC-12) - Operation of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
RESOLUTION 343 (REV.WRC-12) - Maritime certification for personnel of ship stations and ship earth stations for which a radio installation ...
RESOLUTION 344 (REV.WRC-12) - Management of the maritime identity numbering resource
RESOLUTION 349 (REV.WRC-12) - Operational procedures for cancelling false distress alerts in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
RESOLUTION 358 (WRC-12) - Consideration of improvement and expansion of on-board communication stations in the maritime mobile service ...
RESOLUTION 359 (WRC-12) - Consideration of regulatory provisions for modernization of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System ...
RESOLUTION 360 (WRC-12) - Consideration of regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations for enhanced Automatic Identification System ...
RESOLUTION 413 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the band 108-117.975 MHz by the aeronautical mobile (R) service
RESOLUTION 417 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the frequency band 960-1 164 MHz by the aeronautical mobile (R) service
RESOLUTION 418 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the band 5 091-5 250 MHz by the aeronautical mobile service for telemetry applications
RESOLUTION 422 (WRC-12) - Development of methodology to calculate aeronautical mobile-satellite (R) service spectrum requirements ...
RESOLUTION 423 (WRC-12) - Consideration of regulatory actions, including allocations, to support Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications
RESOLUTION 507 (REV.WRC-12) - Establishment of agreements and associated plans for the broadcasting-satellite service
RESOLUTION 526 (REV.WRC-12) - Future adoption of procedures to ensure flexibility in the use of the frequency band allocated to the broadcasting...
RESOLUTION 548 (REV.WRC-12) - Application of the grouping concept in Appendices 30 and 30A in Regions 1 and 3
RESOLUTION 552 (WRC-12) - Long-term access to and development in the band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3
RESOLUTION 553 (WRC-12) - Additional regulatory measures for broadcasting-satellite networks in the band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3 ...
RESOLUTION 554 (WRC-12) - Application of pfd masks to coordination under No. 9.7 for broadcasting-satellite service networks in the band ...
RESOLUTION 555 (WRC-12) - Additional regulatory provisions for broadcasting-satellite service networks in the band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 ...
RESOLUTION 612 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the radiolocation service between 3 and 50 MHz to support oceanographic radar operations
RESOLUTION 644 (REV.WRC-12) - Radiocommunication resources for early warning, disaster mitigation and relief operations
RESOLUTION 646 (REV.WRC-12) - Public protection and disaster relief
RESOLUTION 647 (REV.WRC-12) - Spectrum management guidelines for emergency and disaster relief radiocommunication
RESOLUTION 648 (WRC-12) - Studies to support broadband public protection and disaster relief
RESOLUTION 649 (WRC-12) - Possible allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis at around 5 300 kHz
RESOLUTION 650 (WRC-12) - Allocation for the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 7-8 GHz range
RESOLUTION 651 (WRC-12) - Possible extension of the current worldwide allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service ...
RESOLUTION 652 (WRC-12) - Use of the band 410-420 MHz by the space research service (space-to-space)
RESOLUTION 653 (WRC-12) - Future of the Coordinated Universal Time time-scale
RESOLUTION 654 (WRC-12) - Allocation of the band 77.5-78 GHz to the radiolocation service to support automotive short-range high-resolution ...
RESOLUTION 673 (REV.WRC-12) - The importance of Earth observation radiocommunication applications
RESOLUTION 716 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the frequency bands 1 980-2 010 MHz and 2 170-2 200 MHz in all three Regions and 2 010-2 025 MHz ...
RESOLUTION 731 (REV.WRC-12) - Consideration of sharing and adjacent-band compatibility between passive and active services above 71 GHz
RESOLUTION 732 (REV.WRC-12) - Consideration of sharing between active services above 71 GHz
RESOLUTION 741 (REV.WRC-12) - Protection of the radio astronomy service in the band 4 990-5 000 MHz from unwanted emissions ...
RESOLUTION 748 (REV.WRC-12) - Compatibility between the aeronautical mobile (R) service and the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) ...
RESOLUTION 749 (REV.WRC-12) - Use of the band 790-862 MHz in countries of Region 1 and the Islamic Republic of Iran by mobile applications ...
RESOLUTION 750 (REV.WRC-12) - Compatibility between the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive) and relevant active services
RESOLUTION 755 (WRC-12) - Power flux-density limits for transmitting stations in the 21.4-22 GHz band
RESOLUTION 756 (WRC-12) - Studies on possible reduction of the coordination arc and technical criteria used in application of No. 9.41 ...
RESOLUTION 757 (WRC-12) - Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites
RESOLUTION 758 (WRC-12) - Allocation to the fixed-satellite service and the maritime- mobile satellite service in the 7/8 GHz range
RESOLUTION 804 (REV.WRC-12) - Principles for establishing agendas for world radiocommunication conferences
RESOLUTION 807 (WRC-12) -Agenda for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference
RESOLUTION 808 (WRC-12) - Preliminary agenda for the 2018 World Radiocommunication Conference
RESOLUTION 906 (REV.WRC-12) - Electronic submission of notice forms for terrestrial services to the Radiocommunication Bureau and exchange ...
RESOLUTION 907 (WRC-12) - Use of modern electronic means of communication for administrative correspondence related to advance publication, ...
RESOLUTION 908 (WRC-12) - Electronic submission and publication of advance publication information
RESOLUTION 909 (WRC-12) - Provisions relating to earth stations located on board vessels which operate in fixed-satellite service networks ...
RESOLUTION 957 (WRC-12) - Studies towards review of the definitions of fixed service, fixed station and mobile station