- Preamble
- Final Protocol
- APPENDIX 4 (REV.WRC-15) - Consolidated list and tables of characteristics for use in theapplication of the procedures of Chapter III
- APPENDIX 5 (REV.WRC-15) - Identification of administrations with which coordination is to be effected oragreement sought under the provisions of Article 9
- APPENDIX 7 (REV.WRC-15) - Methods for the determination of the coordination area around an earthstation in frequency bands between 100 MHz and 105 GHz
- APPENDIX 8 (REV.WRC-15) - Method of calculation for determining if coordination is required betweengeostationary-satellite networks sharing the same frequency bands
- APPENDIX 15 (REV.WRC-15) - Frequencies for distress and safety communications for the GlobalMaritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
- APPENDIX 17 (REV.WRC-15) - Frequencies and channelling arrangements in thehigh-frequency bands for the maritime mobile service
- APPENDIX 18 (REV.WRC-15) - Table of transmitting frequencies in theVHF maritime mobile band
- APPENDIX 26 (REV.WRC-15) - Provisions and associated Frequency Allotment Plan for the aeronauticalmobile (OR) service in the frequency bands allocated exclusively to thatservice between 3 025 kHz and 18 030 kHz
- APPENDIX 30 (REV.WRC-15) - Provisions for all services and associated Plans and List1 forthe broadcasting-satellite service in the frequency bands11.7-12.2 GHz (in Region 3), 11.7-12.5 GHz (in Region 1)and 12.2-12.7 GHz (in Region 2)
- APPENDIX 30A (REV.WRC-15) - Provisions and associated Plans and List1 for feeder links for the broadcastingsatelliteservice (11.7-12.5 GHz in Region 1, 12.2-12.7 GHzin Region 2 and 11.7-12.2 GHz in Region 3) in the frequency bands14.5-14.8 GHz2 and 17.3-18.1 GHz in Regions 1 and 3,and 17.3-17.8 GHz in Region 2
- APPENDIX 30B (REV.WRC-15) - Provisions and associated Plan for the fixed-satellite servicein the frequency bands 4 500-4 800 MHz, 6 725-7 025 MHz,10.70-10.95 GHz, 11.2-11.45 GHz and 12.75-13.25 GHz
- APPENDIX 42 (REV.WRC-15) - Table of allocation of international call sign series
- RESOLUTION 5 (REV.WRC-15) - Technical cooperation with the developing countries in the study of propagationin tropical and similar areas
- RESOLUTION 12 (REV.WRC-15) - Assistance and support to Palestine
- RESOLUTION 18 (REV.WRC-15) - Relating to the procedure for identifying and announcing the position ofships and aircraft of States not parties to an armed conflict
- RESOLUTION 28 (REV.WRC-15) - Revision of references to the text of ITU-R Recommendationsincorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations
- RESOLUTION 31 (WRC-15) - Transitional measures for the elimination of advance publication filingsby administrations for frequency assignments to satellite networksand systems subject to Section II of Article 9
- RESOLUTION 33 (REV.WRC-15) - Bringing into use of space stations in the broadcasting-satellite service,prior to the entry into force of agreements and associated plansfor the broadcasting-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 34 (REV.WRC-15) - Establishment of the broadcasting-satellite service in Region 3 in the 12.5-12.75 GHz frequency band and sharing with space and terrestrial services inRegions 1, 2 and 3
- RESOLUTION 40 (WRC-15) - Use of one space station to bring frequency assignments to geostationarysatellitenetworks at different orbital locations into usewithin a short period of time
- RESOLUTION 42 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of interim systems in Region 2 in the broadcasting-satellite andfixed-satellite (feeder-link) services in Region 2 for the frequency bandscovered by Appendices 30 and 30A
- RESOLUTION 49 (REV.WRC-15) - Administrative due diligence applicable to somesatellite radiocommunication services
- RESOLUTION 55 (REV.WRC-15) - Electronic submission of notice forms for satellite networks,earth stations and radio astronomy stations
- RESOLUTION 76 (REV.WRC-15) - Protection of geostationary fixed-satellite service and geostationarybroadcasting-satellite service networks from the maximum aggregateequivalent power flux-density produced by multiple non-geostationaryfixed-satellite service systems in frequency bands where equivalentpower flux-density limits have been adopted
- RESOLUTION 81 (REV.WRC-15) - Evaluation of the administrative due diligence procedure for satellite networks
- RESOLUTION 99 (WRC-15) - Provisional application of certain provisions of the Radio Regulationsas revised by the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conferenceand abrogation of certain Resolutions and Recommendations
- RESOLUTION 114 (REV.WRC-15) - Compatibility between the aeronautical radionavigation service and thefixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) (limited to feeder links of thenon-geostationary mobile-satellite systems in the mobile-satellite service)in the frequency band 5 091-5 150 MHz
- RESOLUTION 140 (REV.WRC-15) - Measures and studies associated with the equivalent power flux-density (epfd)limits in the frequency band 19.7-20.2 GHz
- RESOLUTION 144 (REV.WRC-15) - Special requirements of geographically small or narrow countriesoperating earth stations in the fixed-satellite servicein the frequency band 13.75-14 GHz
- RESOLUTION 148 (REV.WRC-15) - Satellite systems formerly listed in Part B of the Plan of Appendix 30B(WARC Orb-88)
- RESOLUTION 154 (REV.WRC-15) - Consideration of technical and regulatory actions in order to support existingand future operation of fixed-satellite service earth stations within thefrequency band 3 400-4 200 MHz, as an aid to the safe operation of aircraftand reliable distribution of meteorological informationin some countries in Region 1
- RESOLUTION 155 (WRC-15) - Regulatory provisions related to earth stations on board unmanned aircraftwhich operate with geostationary-satellite networks in the fixed-satelliteservice in certain frequency bands not subject to a Plan of Appendices 30,30A and 30B for the control and non-payload communications ofunmanned aircraft systems in non-segregated airspaces
- RESOLUTION 156 (WRC-15) - Use of the frequency bands 19.7-20.2 GHz and 29.5-30.0 GHz by earth stationsin motion communicating with geostationary space stationsin the fixed-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 157 (WRC-15) - Study of technical and operational issues and regulatory provisions for newnon-geostationary-satellite orbit systems in the 3 700-4 200 MHz,4 500-4 800 MHz, 5 925-6 425 MHz and 6 725-7 025 MHzfrequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 158 (WRC-15) - Use of the frequency bands 17.7-19.7 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 27.5-29.5 GHz(Earth-to-space) by earth stations in motion communicating withgeostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 159 (WRC-15) - Studies of technical, operational issues and regulatory provisions for nongeostationaryfixed-satellite services satellite systems in the frequency bands37.5-39.5 GHz (space-to-Earth), 39.5-42.5 GHz (space-to-Earth),47.2-50.2 GHz (Earth-to-space) and 50.4-51.4 GHz (Earth-to-space)
- RESOLUTION 160 (WRC-15) - Facilitating access to broadband applications deliveredby high-altitude platform stations
- RESOLUTION 161 (WRC-15) - Studies relating to spectrum needs and possible allocation of thefrequency band 37.5-39.5 GHz to the fixed-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 162 (WRC-15) - Studies relating to spectrum needs and possible allocation of the frequency band51.4-52.4 GHz to the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)
- RESOLUTION 163 (WRC-15) - Deployment of earth stations in some Regions 1 and 2 countries in the frequencyband 14.5-14.75 GHz in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)not for feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 164 (WRC-15) - Deployment of earth stations in some Region 3 countries in the frequencyband 14.5-14.8 GHz in the fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space) notfor feeder links for the broadcasting-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 205 (REV.WRC-15) - Protection of the systems operating in the mobilesatelliteservice in the frequency band 406-406.1 MHz
- RESOLUTION 207 (REV.WRC-15) - Measures to address unauthorized use of and interference to frequencies inthe frequency bands allocated to the maritime mobile service and to theaeronautical mobile (R) service
- RESOLUTION 212 (REV.WRC-15) - Implementation of International Mobile Telecommunications in the frequencybands 1 885-2 025 MHz and 2 110-2 200 MHz
- RESOLUTION 223 (REV.WRC-15) - Additional frequency bands identified for InternationalMobile Telecommunications
- RESOLUTION 224 (REV.WRC-15) - Frequency bands for the terrestrial component of InternationalMobile Telecommunications below 1 GHz
- RESOLUTION 235 (WRC-15) - Review of the spectrum use of the frequency band 470-960 MHz in Region 1
- RESOLUTION 236 (WRC-15) - Railway radiocommunication systems betweentrain and trackside
- RESOLUTION 237 (WRC-15) - Intelligent Transport Systems applications
- RESOLUTION 238 (WRC-15) - Studies on frequency-related matters for International MobileTelecommunications identification including possible additionalallocations to the mobile services on a primary basis in portion(s)of the frequency range between 24.25 and 86 GHz for the futuredevelopment of International Mobile Telecommunicationsfor 2020 and beyond
- RESOLUTION 239 (WRC-15) - Studies concerning Wireless Access Systems including radio localarea networks in the frequency bands between5 150 MHz and 5 925 MHz
- RESOLUTION 359 (REV.WRC-15) - Consideration of regulatory provisions for updating and modernization ofthe Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
- RESOLUTION 360 (REV.WRC-15) - Consideration of regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations to the maritimemobile-satellite service to enable the satellite component of the VHF DataExchange System and enhanced maritime radiocommunication
- RESOLUTION 361 (WRC-15) - Consideration of regulatory provisions for modernization of theGlobal Maritime Distress and Safety System andrelated to the implementation of e-navigation
- RESOLUTION 362 (WRC-15) - Autonomous maritime radio devices operating inthe frequency band 156-162.05 MHz
- RESOLUTION 417 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 960-1 164 MHz by the aeronautical mobile (R) service
- RESOLUTION 418 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 5 091-5 250 MHz by the aeronauticalmobile service for telemetry applications
- RESOLUTION 424 (WRC-15) - Use of Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications in thefrequency band 4 200-4 400 MHz
- RESOLUTION 425 (WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 1 087.7-1 092.3 MHz by the aeronauticalmobile-satellite (R) service (Earth-to-space) to facilitateglobal flight tracking for civil aviation
- RESOLUTION 426 (WRC-15) - Studies on spectrum needs and regulatory provisions forthe introduction and use of the Global Aeronautical Distressand Safety System
- RESOLUTION 507 (REV.WRC-15) - Establishment of agreements and associated plans forthe broadcasting-satellite service
- RESOLUTION 517 (REV.WRC-15) - Introduction of digitally modulated emissions in the high-frequency bandsbetween 3 200 kHz and 26 100 kHz allocated to the broadcasting service
- RESOLUTION 528 (REV.WRC-15) - Introduction of the broadcasting-satellite service (sound) systems andcomplementary terrestrial broadcasting in the frequency bands allocated tothese services within the range 1-3 GHz
- RESOLUTION 535 (REV.WRC-15) - Information needed for the application of Article 12 of the Radio Regulations
- RESOLUTION 539 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 2 605-2 655 MHz in certain Region 3 countries bynon-geostationary satellite systems in the broadcasting-satellite service (sound)
- RESOLUTION 552 (REV.WRC-15) - Long-term access to and development in thefrequency band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3
- RESOLUTION 553 (REV.WRC-15) - Additional regulatory measures for broadcasting-satellite networksin the frequency band and 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3 forthe enhancement of equitable access to this frequency band
- RESOLUTION 555 (REV.WRC-15) - Additional regulatory provisions for broadcasting-satellite servicenetworks in the frequency band 21.4-22 GHz in Regions 1 and 3 forthe enhancement of equitable access to this frequency band
- RESOLUTION 556 (WRC-15) - Conversion of all analogue assignments in the Appendices 30 and 30ARegions 1 and 3 Plan and List into digital assignments
- RESOLUTION 557 (WRC-15) - Consideration of possible revision of Annex 7 toAppendix 30 of the Radio Regulations
- RESOLUTION 608 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 1 215-1 300 MHz by systems ofthe radionavigation-satellite service (space-to-Earth)
- RESOLUTION 646 (REV.WRC-15) - Public protection and disaster relief
- RESOLUTION 647 (REV.WRC-15) - Radiocommunication aspects, including spectrum management guidelines,for early warning, disaster prediction, detection, mitigation andrelief operations relating to emergencies and disasters
- RESOLUTION 655 (WRC-15) - Definition of time scale and dissemination of time signals viaradiocommunication systems
- RESOLUTION 656 (WRC-15) - Possible allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite service (active) forspaceborne radar sounders in the range of frequencies around 45 MHz
- RESOLUTION 657 (WRC-15) - Spectrum needs and protection of space weather sensors
- RESOLUTION 658 (WRC-15) - Allocation of the frequency band 50-54 MHz to the amateur service in Region 1
- RESOLUTION 659 (WRC-15) - Studies to accommodate requirements in the space operation service fornon-geostationary satellites with short duration missions
- RESOLUTION 705 (REV.WRC-15) - Mutual protection of radio services operating in the frequency band 70-130 kHz
- RESOLUTION 739 (REV.WRC-15) - Compatibility between the radio astronomy service and the activespace services in certain adjacent and nearby frequency bands
- RESOLUTION 741 (REV.WRC-15) - Protection of the radio astronomy service in the frequency band4 990-5 000 MHz from unwanted emissions of the radionavigation-satelliteservice (space-to-Earth) operating in the frequency band 5 010-5 030 MHz
- RESOLUTION 748 (REV.WRC-15) - Compatibility between the aeronautical mobile (R) service and the fixed-satelliteservice (Earth-to-space) in the frequency band 5 091-5 150 MHz
- RESOLUTION 749 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of the frequency band 790-862 MHz in countries of Region 1 and the IslamicRepublic of Iran by mobile applications and by other services
- RESOLUTION 750 (REV.WRC-15) - Compatibility between the Earth exploration-satellite service (passive)and relevant active services
- RESOLUTION 759 (WRC-15) - Technical studies on the coexistence of the radiolocation service andthe amateur, amateur-satellite and radio astronomy servicesin the frequency band 76-81 GHz
- RESOLUTION 760 (WRC-15) - Provisions relating to the use of the frequency band 694-790 MHz in Region 1by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service and by other services
- RESOLUTION 761 (WRC-15) - Compatibility of International Mobile Telecommunications andbroadcasting-satellite service (sound) in the frequency band1 452-1 492 MHz in Regions 1 and 3
- RESOLUTION 762 (WRC-15) - Application of power flux-density criteria to assess the potential for harmfulinterference under No. 11.32A for fixed-satellite and broadcasting-satelliteservice networks in the 6 GHz and 10/11/12/14 GHz frequency bandsnot subject to a Plan
- RESOLUTION 763 (WRC-15) - Stations on board sub-orbital vehicles
- RESOLUTION 764 (WRC-15) - Consideration of the technical and regulatory impacts of referencingRecommendations ITU-R M.1638-1 and ITU-R M.1849-1in Nos. 5.447F and 5.450A of the Radio Regulations
- RESOLUTION 765 (WRC-15) - Establishment of in-band power limits for earth stations operatingin mobile-satellite service, the meteorological-satellite service and the Earthexploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403 MHzand 399.9-400.05 MHz
- RESOLUTION 766 (WRC-15) - Consideration of possible upgrading of the secondary allocation to themeteorological-satellite service (space-to-Earth) to primarystatus and a primary allocation to the Earth explorationsatelliteservice (space-to-Earth) in thefrequency band 460-470 MHz
- RESOLUTION 767 (WRC-15) - Studies towards an identification for use by administrations for land-mobile andfixed services applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz
- RESOLUTION 809 (WRC-15) - Agenda for the 2019 World Radiocommunication Conference
- RESOLUTION 810 (WRC-15) - Preliminary agenda for the 2023 World Radiocommunication Conference
- RESOLUTION 901 (REV.WRC-15) - Determination of the orbital arc separation for which coordinationwould be required between two satellite networks operating in aspace service not subject to a Plan
- RESOLUTION 903 (REV.WRC-15) - Transitional measures for certain broadcasting-satellite/fixed-satellite servicesystems in the frequency band 2 500-2 690 MHz
- RESOLUTION 906 (REV.WRC-15) - Electronic submission of notices for terrestrial servicesto the Radiocommunication Bureau and exchange ofdata between administrations
- RESOLUTION 907 (REV.WRC-15) - Use of modern electronic means of communication for administrativecorrespondence related to advance publication, coordination andnotification of satellite networks including that related toAppendices 30, 30A and 30B, earth stations andradio astronomy stations
- RESOLUTION 908 (REV.WRC-15) - Electronic submission and publication ofsatellite network filings
- RESOLUTION 958 (WRC-15) - Urgent studies required in preparation for the2019 World Radiocommunication Conference