CPM Report on technical, operational and regulatory/procedural matters to be considered by the 2012 World RadiocommunicationConference
I Introduction to the CPM Report to WRC-12
I.1 Origin and purpose of CPM-11
I.2 Organization of the ITU-R preparation for the conference
I.3 Preparation of the CPM Report to WRC-12
I.4 Presentation and structure of the Report
ANNEX I-1 – RESOLUTION 1291 (MOD) – Place, dates and agenda of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-12)
CHAPTER 1 – Maritime and aeronautical issues
1/1.3/1 Executive summary
1/1.3/2 Background
1/1.3/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
1/1.3/3.1 Radiocommunication system spectrum studies
1/1.3/3.2 Sense and avoid system spectrum studies
1/1.3/3.3 Spectrum needs to support command and control, relay of ATC and relay of sense and avoid
1/1.3/3.4 Compatibility studies
1/1.3/4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.3/4.1 Spectrum requirements to support command and control, relay of ATC and relay of sense and avoid
1/1.3/4.2 Spectrum needs to support the UAS sense and avoid function
1/1.3/4.3 Compatibility studies and other considerations
1/1.3/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
1/1.3/5.1 Methods to satisfy the UAS radiocommunication requirements
1/1.3/5.2 Methods to satisfy the UAS sense and avoid requirements
1/1.3/5.3 Views
1/1.3/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.3/6.1 Regulatory and procedural considerations for the UAS radiocommunication requirements
1/1.3/6.2 Regulatory and procedural considerations for the UAS sense and avoid requirements
1/1.4/1 Resolution 413 (Rev.WRC-07)
1/1.4/1.1 Executive summary
1/1.4/1.2 Background
1/1.4/1.3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
1/1.4/1.4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.4/1.5 Method to satisfy Resolution 413 (Rev.WRC-07)
1/1.4/1.6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.4/2 Resolution 417 (WRC-07)
1/1.4/2.1 Executive summary
1/1.4/2.2 Background
1/1.4/2.3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
1/1.4/2.4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.4/2.5 Method to satisfy Resolution 417 (WRC-07)
1/1.4/2.6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.4/3 Resolution 420 (WRC-07)
1/1.4/3.1 Executive summary
1/1.4/3.2 Background
1/1.4/3.3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
1/1.4/3.4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.4/3.5 Methods to satisfy Resolution 420 (WRC-07)
1/1.4/3.6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.9/1 Executive summary
1/1.9/2 Background
1/1.9/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU R Recommendations
1/1.9/4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.9/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
1/1.9/5.1 Method A1
1/1.9/5.2 Method A2
1/1.9/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.9/6.1 Method A1
1/1.9/6.2 Method A2
1/1.10/1 Executive summary
1/1.10/2 Background
1/1.10/2.1 Regulatory status of AIS 1 and AIS 2
1/1.10/2.2 Satellite-AIS
1/1.10/2.3 Broadcasts of safety and security information for ships and ports1
1/1.10/2.4 RR Appendix 18
1/1.10/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
1/1.10/3.1 Regulatory status of AIS 1 and AIS 2
1/1.10/3.2 Satellite-AIS
1/1.10/3.3 Broadcasts of safety and security information for ships and ports
1/1.10/3.4 RR Appendix 18
1/1.10/4 Analysis of the results of studies
1/1.10/4.1 Regulatory status of AIS 1 and AIS 2
1/1.10/4.2 Satellite-AIS
1/1.10/4.3 Broadcasts of safety and security information for ships and ports
1/1.10/4.4 RR Appendix 18
1/1.10/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
1/1.10/5.1 Regulatory status of AIS 1 and AIS 2
1/1.10/5.2 Satellite-AIS
1/1.10/5.3 Broadcasts of safety and security information for ships and ports
1/1.10/5.4 RR Appendix 18
1/1.10/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
1/1.10/6.1 For Method A: Regulatory status of AIS 1 and AIS 2
1/1.10/6.2 Satellite-AIS
1/1.10/6.3 Broadcasts of safety and security information for ships and ports
1/1.10/6.4 RR Appendix 18
CHAPTER 2 – Radiolocation and amateur issues
2/1.14/1 Executive summary
2/1.14/2 Background
2/1.14/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
2/1.14/4 Analysis of the results of studies
2/1.14/4.1 Sharing studies with the fixed and mobile services
2/1.14/4.2 Out-of-band compatibility studies
2/1.14/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
2/1.14/5.1 Method A
2/1.14/5.2 Method B
2/1.14/5.3 Method C
2/1.14/5.4 Method D
2/1.14/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
2/1.14/6.1 Method A
2/1.14/6.2 Method B
2/1.14/6.3 Methods A and B
2/1.14/6.4 Method C
2/1.14/6.5 Method D
2/1.15/1 Executive summary
2/1.15/2 Background
2/1.15/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
2/1.15/4 Analysis of the results of studies
2/1.15/4.1 Ground-wave interference path
2/1.15/4.2 Sky-wave interference path
2/1.15/4.3 Spectrum observation
2/1.15/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
2/1.15/5.1 Method A
2/1.15/5.2 Method B
2/1.15/5.3 Method C
2/1.15/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
2/1.15/6.1 Method A
2/1.15/6.2 Method B
2/1.15/6.3 Method C
2/1.21/1 Executive summary
2/1.21/2 Background
2/1.21/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
2/1.21/4 Analysis of the results of studies
2/1.21/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
2/1.21/5.1 Method A
2/1.21/5.2 Method B
2/1.21/5.3 Method C
2/1.21/5.4 Method D
2/1.21/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
2/1.21/6.1 Method A
2/1.21/6.2 Method B
2/1.21/6.3 Method C
2/1.21/6.4 Method D
2/1.23/1 Executive summary
2/1.23/2 Background
2/1.23/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
2/1.23/3.1 Introduction
2/1.23/3.2 Compatibility of amateur service stations with systems of existing services
2/1.23/4 Analysis of the results of studies
2/1.23/4.1 Compatibility of amateur service stations with existing services
2/1.23/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
2/1.23/5.1 Method A
2/1.23/5.2 Method B
2/1.23/5.3 Method C
2/1.23/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
2/1.23/6.1 Method A
2/1.23/6.2 Method B
2/1.23/6.3 Method C
CHAPTER 3 – Fixed, mobile and broadcasting issues
3/1.5/1 Executive summary
3/1.5/2 Background
3/1.5/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
3/1.5/4 Analysis of the results of studies
3/1.5/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
3/1.5/5.1 Method A
3/1.5/5.2 Method B
3/1.5/5.3 Method C
3/1.5/5.4 Method D
3/1.5/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
3/1.5/6.1 For Method A
3/1.5/6.2 For Method B
3/1.5/6.3 For Method C
3/1.5/6.4 For Method D
3/1.8/1 Executive summary
3/1.8/2 Background
3/1.8/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
3/1.8/3.1 Characteristics and applications of fixed wireless systems
3/1.8/3.2 Sharing studies between the fixed service and other co-primary services
3/1.8/4 Analysis of the results of studies
3/1.8/4.1 Characteristics, applications and future trends of fixed wireless systems
3/1.8/4.2 Sharing studies between the fixed service and other co-primary services
3/1.8/4.3 Compatibility studies being carried out in the ITU-R
3/1.8/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
3/1.8/5.1 Method A
3/1.8/5.2 Method B
3/1.8/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
3/1.8/6.1 Method A - Approach A1
3/1.8/6.2 Method A - Approach A2
3/1.8/6.3 Method B - Approach B1
3/1.8/6.4 Method B - Approach B2
3/1.17/1 Executive summary
3/1.17/2 Background
3/1.17/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R material
3/1.17/3.1 System characteristics of the mobile, broadcasting, fixed and aeronautical radionavigation services
3/1.17/3.2 Relation with the GE06 Agreement and Radio Regulations
3/1.17/3.3 Relevant ITU-R Recommendations and agreed elements of ITU-R Reports9
3/1.17/4 Analysis of the results of studies
3/1.17/4.1 Protection of the broadcasting service for countries Contracting Members to the GE06 Agreement
3/1.17/4.2 Protection of the broadcasting service for cases between countries Contracting Members and Non-Contracti...
3/1.17/4.3 Protection of the fixed service
3/1.17/4.4 Protection of the aeronautical radionavigation service
3/1.17/4.5 Protection of the mobile service
3/1.17/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
3/1.17/5.1 Methods to satisfy Issue A
3/1.17/5.2 Methods to satisfy Issue B
3/1.17/5.3 Method to satisfy Issue C
3/1.17/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
3/1.17/6.1 Treatment of RR Nos. 5.316, 5.316A and 5.316B at WRC-12
3/1.17/6.2 Optional procedures (referred to in Methods A1, A3 (Option II), B3 (Option II), C (Option II))
3/1.17/6.3 Methods A1 (Option I), A2, A3 (Option I), B3 (Option I) and C (Option I)
3/1.17/6.4 Methods A1 (Options II and III), B1, B1bis
3/1.17/6.5 Method B2 (see View 1 in § 3/1.17/5.2.1)
3/1.20/1 Executive summary
3/1.20/2 Background
3/1.20/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
3/1.20/4 Analysis of the results of studies
3/1.20/4.1 Compatibility between HAPS and FSS systems
3/1.20/4.2 Compatibility between HAPS and fixed wireless systems
3/1.20/4.3 Compatibility between HAPS and mobile service systems
3/1.20/4.4 Compatibility between HAPS and radio astronomy
3/1.20/4.5 Compatibility between HAPS and Earth exploration-satellite service systems
3/1.20/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
3/1.20/5.1 Method A
3/1.20/5.2 Method B
3/1.20/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
3/1.20/6.1 Method A
3/1.20/6.2 Method B
3/1.22/1 Executive summary
3/1.22/2 Background
3/1.22/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
3/1.22/3.1 Frequency bands, technical and operational characteristics of short-range devices
3/1.22/3.2 Compatibility studies
3/1.22/3.3 Consideration of current practices for short-range devices
3/1.22/4 Analysis of the results of studies
3/1.22/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
3/1.22/5.1 Method A
3/1.22/5.2 Method B
3/1.22/5.3 Method C
3/1.22/5.4 Method D
3/1.22/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
3/1.22/6.1 Method A
3/1.22/6.2 Method B
3/1.22/6.3 Method C
3/1.22/6.4 Method D
CHAPTER 4 – Science issues
4/1.6/1 Resolution 950 (Rev.WRC-07)
4/1.6/1.1 Executive summary
4/1.6/1.2 Background
4/1.6/1.3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
4/1.6/1.4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.6/1.5 Method to satisfy the part of the agenda item related to Resolution 950 (Rev.WRC-07)
4/1.6/1.6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
4/1.6/2 Resolution 955 (WRC-07)
4/1.6/2.1 Executive summary
4/1.6/2.2 Background
4/1.6/2.3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
4/1.6/2.4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.6/2.5 Method to satisfy the part of the agenda item related to Resolution 955 (WRC-07)
4/1.6/2.6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
4/1.11/1 Executive summary
4/1.11/2 Background
4/1.11/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
4/1.11/4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.11/4.1 Compatibility with the inter-satellite service (ISS)
4/1.11/4.2 Sharing with the fixed service (FS)
4/1.11/4.3 Sharing with the mobile service (MS)
4/1.11/5 Method to satisfy the agenda item
4/1.11/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
4/1.12/1 Executive summary
4/1.12/2 Background
4/1.12/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
4/1.12/4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.12/4.1 Sharing between the aeronautical mobile and space research services
4/1.12/4.2 Sharing between the aeronautical mobile and fixed services
4/1.12/4.3 Sharing between systems in AMS and FSS
4/1.12/4.4 Sharing between the aeronautical mobile and land and maritime mobile services
4/1.12/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
4/1.12/5.1 Method A
4/1.12/5.2 Method B
4/1.12/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
4/1.12/6.1 Method A
4/1.12/6.2 Method B
4/1.16/1 Executive summary
4/1.16/2 Background
4/1.16/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
4/1.16/4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.16/5 Method to satisfy the agenda item
4/1.16/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
4/1.24/1 Executive summary
4/1.24/2 Background
4/1.24/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
4/1.24/3.1 Sharing between non-GSO MetSat (space-to-Earth) systems and fixed service systems
4/1.24/3.2 Sharing between non-GSO MetSat (space-to-Earth) systems and MS systems
4/1.24/4 Analysis of the results of studies
4/1.24/5 Method to satisfy the agenda item
4/1.24/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
CHAPTER 5 – Satellite issues
5/1.7/1 Executive summary
5/1.7/2 Background
5/1.7/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
5/1.7/3.1 List of relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
5/1.7/3.2 Long-term AMS(R)S spectrum requirements
5/1.7/4 Analysis of the results of studies
5/1.7/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
5/1.7/5.1 Method A - No change to RR Articles 5 and 9
5/1.7/5.2 Method B - No change to RR Articles 5 and 9, modification to Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07) to implement ...
5/1.7/5.3 Method C - Use of a part of the existing AMS(R)S allocation in the band 5 091-5 150 MHz, for satisfying ...
5/1.7/5.4 Method D - No change to RR Articles 5 and 9, modification to Resolution 222 (Rev.WRC-07) identifying the ...
5/1.7/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
5/1.7/6.1 Method A
5/1.7/6.2 Method B
5/1.7/6.3 Method C
5/1.7/6.4 Method D
5/1.13/1 Executive summary
5/1.13/2 Background
5/1.13/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
5/1.13/4 Analysis of the results of studies
5/1.13/4.1 Approach to efficient and equitable use of the orbit/spectrum resources
5/1.13/4.2 Pfd value vs. availability
5/1.13/4.3 Feeder links
5/1.13/4.4 Sharing between Regions 1 and 3 BSS networks (intra-service protection)
5/1.13/4.5 Other issues
5/1.13/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
5/1.13/5.1 Issue A: Intra-service issues
5/1.13/5.2 Issue B: Feeder-link capacity
5/1.13/5.3 Issue C: Inter-service issues
5/1.13/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
5/1.13/6.1 Issue A: Intra-service issues
5/1.13/6.2 Issue B: Feeder-link capacity
5/1.13/6.3 Issue C: Inter-service sharing
5/1.18/1 Executive summary
5/1.18/2 Background
5/1.18/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
5/1.18/3.1 Summary of studies performed
5/1.18/3.2 Applicable characteristics and Recommendations
5/1.18/3.3 Review of the current regulatory situation for RDSS in the band 2 483.5-2 500 MHz
5/1.18/4 Analysis of the results of studies
5/1.18/4.1 RDSS - FS
5/1.18/4.2 RDSS - MSS
5/1.18/4.3 RDSS - MS
5/1.18/4.4 RDSS - RLS
5/1.18/4.5 Conclusion
5/1.18/5 Method to satisfy the agenda item
5/1.18/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
5/1.25/1 Executive summary
5/1.25/2 Background
5/1.25/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations and Reports
5/1.25/3.1 Estimated spectrum needs
5/1.25/3.2 Frequency bands examined for potential new MSS allocations
5/1.25/3.3 Possible mitigation techniques to be implemented in the potential frequency bands
5/1.25/4 Analysis of the results of studies
5/1.25/4.1 The band 5 150-5 250 MHz
5/1.25/4.2 The band 7 055-7 250 MHz23
5/1.25/4.3 The band 8 400-8 500 MHz26
5/1.25/4.4 The band 10.5-10.6 GHz27
5/1.25/4.5 The band 13.25-13.4 GHz
5/1.25/4.6 The band 15.43-15.63 GHz28
5/1.25/4.7 Views of administrations on the bands 7 055-7 250 MHz, 8 400-8 500 MHz, 10.5-10.6 GHz, and 15.43-15.63 G...
5/1.25/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
5/1.25/5.1 A. The band 5 150-5 250 MHz
5/1.25/5.2 B. The band 7 055-7 250 MHz
5/1.25/5.3 C. The band 8 400-8 500 MHz
5/1.25/5.4 D. The band 10.5-10.6 GHz
5/1.25/5.5 E. The band 13.25-13.4 GHz
5/1.25/5.6 F. The band 15.43-15.63 GHz
5/1.25/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
5/1.25/6.1 Methods A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1: no change to the Radio Regulations
5/1.25/6.2 Method A2
5/1.25/6.3 Method B2
5/1.25/6.4 Method C2
5/1.25/6.5 Method C3
5/1.25/6.6 Method D2
5/1.25/6.7 Method E2
5/1.25/6.8 Method F2
5/1.25/6.9 Method F3
5/7/1 Issues related to RR Appendix 4 parameters
5/7/1A Issue 1A: New RR Appendix 4 data item for non-geostationary satellite systems in bands other than those whe...
5/7/1B Issue 1B: Addition of a data item in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations about occurrence of transmissions o...
5/7/1C Issue 1C: Footnote 2 to Tables A, B, C and D of Annex 2 of RR Appendix 4
5/7/1D Issue 1D: Steerable beams and antenna gain contour covering area beyond submitted service area (Annex 2 to A...
5/7/1E Issue 1E: Addition of a data item in Appendix 4 of the Radio Regulations for antenna dimension aligned with ...
5/7/2 Issues related to publication and coordination process/trigger
5/7/2A Issue 2A: Application of the coordination arc trigger and of RR No. 9.41 in the GSO/GSO FSS coordination und...
5/7/2B Issue 2B: Comments under RR Nos. 9.51 and 9.52 as applied to coordination under RR No. 9.7
5/7/2C Issue 2C: List of satellite networks with which coordination under RR No. 9.7 needs to be effected ...
5/7/2D Issue 2D: Review of the bands listed in Table 5-1 of RR Appendix 5 for RR Nos. 9.11 and 9.19
5/7/2E Issue 2E: Modification to advance publication of information (API) of a satellite network or system not subj...
5/7/3 Issues related to provisional recording of frequency assignments
5/7/3A Issue 3A: Application of RR Nos. 11.41 and 11.42 in respect of satellite networks (Provisional/definitive re...
5/7/3B Issue 3B: Status of frequency assignments initially recorded under RR No. 11.41 in cases where the required ...
5/7/4 Issues related to suspension of use of assignments, due diligence, clarification of bringing into use and ...
5/7/4A Issue 4A: Suspension period for Regions 1 and 3 List assignments of Appendices 30 and 30A
5/7/4B Issue 4B: Clarification of bringing into use of assignments to satellite networks
5/7/4C Issue 4C: Clarification of the application of RR No. 11.49
5/7/4D Issue 4D: Resolution 49 (Rev.WRC-07)
5/7/4E Issue 4E: Provide limited and qualified extensions of the regulatory time-limit for bringing into use assign...
5/7/4F Issue 4F: Provide limited and qualified extensions of the regulatory time-limit for bringing into use satell...
5/7/5 Issues requiring no action by WRC-12
5/7/5A Issue 5A: Application of No. 5.510 of the Radio Regulations
5/7/5B Issue 5B: Harmonizing the text of the footnotes to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations referring to RR No. 9....
5/7/5C Issue 5C: Harmonization of the text of the future proposed footnotes to Article 5 of the Radio Regulations
5/7/6 Other considerations
5/7/6A Interim procedures for notification and recording of complementary ground components of integrated MSS syste...
5/7/6B FSS/BSS interregional sharing in RR Appendix 30 (the limits in Annex 7 of RR Appendix 30)
5/7/6C Application of Nos. 23.13, 23.13A, 23.13B and 23.13C of RR Article 23
CHAPTER 6 – Future work programme and other issues
6/1.2/1 Executive summary
6/1.2/2 Background
6/1.2/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
6/1.2/4 Analysis of the results of studies
6/1.2/4.1 Result of studies with regard to convergence between terrestrial services (fixed and mobile)
6/1.2/4.2 Results of studies with regard to space services (FSS, MSS and BSS)
6/1.2/4.3 Considerations with regard to the impact of other solutions
6/1.2/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
6/1.2/5.1 Issue A - Convergence between terrestrial services (fixed and mobile)
6/1.2/5.2 Issue B - General allocation issues
6/1.2/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
6/1.2/6.1 Issue A - Convergence between terrestrial services (fixed and mobile)
6/1.2/6.2 Issue B - General allocation issues
6/1.19/1 Executive summary
6/1.19/2 Background
6/1.19/3 Summary of technical and operational studies and relevant ITU-R Recommendations
6/1.19/3.1 Issue A: SDR
6/1.19/3.2 Issue B: CRS
6/1.19/4 Analysis of the results of studies
6/1.19/4.1 Issue A: SDR
6/1.19/4.2 Regulatory implications for SDR
6/1.19/4.3 Issue B: CRS
6/1.19/4.4 Regulatory implications for CRS
6/1.19/5 Methods to satisfy the agenda item
6/1.19/5.1 Issue A: SDR
6/1.19/5.2 Issue B: CRS
6/1.19/6 Regulatory and procedural considerations
6/1.19/6.1 Issue A: SDR
6/1.19/6.2 Issue B: CRS
6/2/1 ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference in the RadioRegulations which have been revised and approved since WRC-07
6/2/2 Cross-reference table between ITU-R Recommendations incorporated by reference and RR provisions and footnotes where they arereferenced
6/2/3 Lists of RR provisions and footnotes containing references to ITU-R Recommendations or to WRC Resolutions containing references to ITU-R Recommendations
6/8.1.1 Activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since WRC-07
6/8.1.1/1 Issue A: Protection of radiocommunication services against interference from ISM equipment
6/8.1.1/2 Issue B: Updating of the fiRemarksfl columns in the Tables of Article 9A of Appendix 30A and Article 11 of ...
6/8.1.1/3 Issue C: Earth observation applications
6/8.1.2 Difficulties or inconsistencies encountered in the application of the Radio Regulations
6/8.1.3 Action in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07)
6/8.1.3/1 Work already performed by ITU-R in response to Resolution 80 (Rev.WRC-07)
6/8.2/1 Preliminary agenda items for the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15)
6/8.2/2 Additional suggested items
6/8.2/3 Time-frame for WRC-15
6/8.2/4 Grouping the agenda items for WRC-15
ANNEX TO THE CPM REPORT – Reference List of ITU-R Resolutions, Recommendations and Reports, as well as other ITU and non-ITU publications, ...
1 List of existing ITU-R Resolutions
2 List of preliminary draft new (PDN) ITU-R Resolution(s)
3 List of existing ITU-R Recommendations
4 List of draft new (DN) or draft revised (DR) ITU-R Recommendations (may include preliminary draft new (PDN) or ...
5 List of existing ITU-R Reports
6 List of draft new (DN) or draft revised (DR) ITU-R Reports (may include preliminary draft new (PDN) or draft ...
7 Other ITU publications
8 Non-ITU publications
List of abbreviations used in the CPM Report