- World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-17)
- Table of Contents
- PART A –
- PART B –
- PART C –
- Section 1 –
- Section 2 –
Objectives and outputs
- Objective 1 – Coordination: Foster international cooperation and
agreement on telecommunication/ICT development issues
- Objective 2 – Modern and secure telecommunication /ICT Infrastructure: Foster the development of infrastructure and services, including building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/
- Output 2.1 – Products and services on telecommunication/ICT infrastructure and services, wireless and fixed broadband, connecting rural and remote areas, improving international connectivity, bridging the digital standardization gap, conformance and interoperability, spectrum management and monitoring and the effective and efficient management and proper
use of telecommunicat
- Output 2.2 – Products and services for building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs, such as reports and publications, and for contributing to the implementation of national and global
- Output 2.3 – Products and services on disaster risk reduction and management and emergency telecommunications, including assistance to enable Member States to address all phases of disaster management,such as early warning, response, relief and restoration of
telecommunication networks
- Objective 3 – Enabling environment: Foster an enabling policy and regulatory environment conducive to sustainable
telecommunication/ICT development
- Output 3.1 – Products and services on telecommunication/ICT policy and regulation for better international coordination and coherence, such as assessment studies and other publications, and other platforms to
exchange information
- Output 3.2 – Products and services on telecommunication/ICT statistics and data analysis, such as research reports, collection, harmonization and dissemination of high-quality, internationally comparable statistical data, and forums of discussi
- Output 3.3 – Products and services on capacity building and human skills development, including those on international Internet governance, such as online platforms, distance and face-to-face training programmes to enhance practical skills, and shared material, taking into account partnerships with telecommunication/ICT educatio
n stakeholders
- Output 3.4 – Products and services on telecommunication/ICT innovation, such as knowledge-sharing and assistance, upon request, on developing a national innovation agenda; mechanisms for partnerships; development of projects, studies and telecommunic ation/ICT innovation
- Objective 4 – Inclusive digital society: Foster the development and use of telecommunications/ICTs and applications to empower
people and societies for sustainable development
- Output 4.1 – Products and services on concentrated assistance to LDCs,SIDS and LLDCs and countries with economies in transition, to foster the
availability and affordability of telecommunications/ICTs
- Output 4.2 – Products and services on telecommunication/ICT policies supporting the development of the digital economy, ICT applications and new technologies, such as information sharing and support for their
deployment, assessment studies and toolkits
- Output 4.3 – Products and services on digital inclusion for girls and women and people with specific needs (elderly, youth, children and indigenous people, among others), such as awareness-raising on digital inclusion strategies, policies and practices, development of digital skills, toolkits and guidelines and forums of discussion to share practices and strategies
- Output 4.4 – Products and services on ICT climate-change adaptation and mitigation, such as promotion of strategies and dissemination of best practices on mapping vulnerable areas and developing information
systems, metrics and e-waste management
- Section 3 –
Regional initiatives
- Section 4 –
Resolutions and Recommendations
- RESOLUTION 1 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication
Development Sector
- RESOLUTION 2 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Establishment of study groups
- RESOLUTION 5 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Enhanced participation by developing countries in the activities of the Union
- RESOLUTION 8 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Collection and dissemination of information and statistics
- RESOLUTION 9 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Participation of countries, particularly developing
countries, in spectrum management
- RESOLUTION 10 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) – Financial support for
national spectrum-management programmes
- RESOLUTION 11 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Telecommunication/information and communication technology services in rural, isolated and poorly served areas
and indigenous communities
- RESOLUTION 15 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Applied research and transfer of technology
- RESOLUTION 16 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) Special actions and measures for the least developed countries, small island developing states, landlocked developing countries and countries with economies in
- RESOLUTION 17 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Implementation of and cooperation on regionally approved regional initiatives at the national, regional, interregional and global levels
- RESOLUTION 18 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Special technical assistance to Palestine
- RESOLUTION 20 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Non-discriminatory access to modern telecommunication/ information and communication technology facilities, services and related a
- RESOLUTION 21 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Coordination and collaboration with regional and
subregional organizations
- RESOLUTION 22 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks and identification of origin in providing international
telecommunication services
- RESOLUTION 23 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Internet access and availability for developing countries and charging principles for i
nternational Internet connection
- RESOLUTION 24 (Rev. Dubai 2014) – Authorization for the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group to act between world telecommunication
development conferences
- RESOLUTION 25 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) Assistance to countries in special need: Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Liberia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Ti
- RESOLUTION 26 (Rev. Doha, 2006) – Assistance to countries in sp
ecial need: Afghanistan
- RESOLUTION 27 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) – Admission of entities or organizations to participate as Associates in the work of the ITU
Telecommunication Development Sector
- RESOLUTION 30 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Role of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector in implementing the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, taking into account the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmen
- RESOLUTION 31 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Regional preparations for world telecommunication
development conferences
- RESOLUTION 32 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) –
International and regional cooperation on regional initiatives
- RESOLUTION 33 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) Assistance and support to Serbia for rebuilding
its destroyed public broadcasting system
- RESOLUTION 34 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – The role of telecommunications /information and communication technology in disaster preparedness, early warning, rescue,
mitigation, relief and response
- RESOLUTION 35 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) –Support for development of the African information and c
ommunication technology sector
- RESOLUTION 36 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) –
Support for the African Telecommunication Union
- RESOLUTION 37 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Bridging the digital divide
- RESOLUTION 39 (Istanbul, 2002) – Agenda for connectivity in the Americas and Quito Action Plan
- RESOLUTION 40 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Group on capacity-building initiatives
- RESOLUTION 43 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Assistance in implementing International Mobile
Telecommunications and future networks
- RESOLUTION 45 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on cybersecurity, including countering and c
ombating spam
- RESOLUTION 46 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Assistance to indigenous peoples and communities through information and commun
ication technology
- RESOLUTION 47 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, including conformance and interoperability testing of systems m
anufacturedon the basis of ITU Recommendations
- RESOLUTION 48 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Strengthening cooperation a
mong telecommunication regulators
- RESOLUTION 50 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Optimal integration of information and communication
- RESOLUTION 51 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) – Provision of assistance and support to Iraq
to rebuild and re-equip its public telecommunication systems
- RESOLUTION 52 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Strengthening the executing agency role of the
ITU Telecommunication Development Sector
- RESOLUTION 53 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Strategic and financial framework for the elaboration and implementation of the Dubai Action Pla
- RESOLUTION 54 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Information and communication technology app
- RESOLUTION 55 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Mainstreaming a gender perspective for an inclusive and egalitarian information
- RESOLUTION 57 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) –
Assistance to Somalia
- RESOLUTION 58 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons
with specific needs
- RESOLUTION 59 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Strengthening coordination and cooperation among the three ITU Sectors on matters o
f mutual interest
- RESOLUTION 60 (Hyderabad, 2010) – Assistance to countries in
special situations: Haiti
- RESOLUTION 61 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Appointment and maximum term of office of chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups in the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector and of the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group
- RESOLUTION 62 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Assessment and measurement of human exposure
to electromagnetic fields
- RESOLUTION 63 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – IP address allocation and facilitating the transition to IPv6 deployment in the developing countries
- RESOLUTION 64 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Protecting and supporting users/consumers of telecommunication/information and communication t
echnology services
- RESOLUTION 66 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017)
Information and communication technology and climate change
- RESOLUTION 67 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – The role of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector
in child online protection
- RESOLUTION 68 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) – Assistance to indigenous peoples within the activities of the Telecommunication Development Bureau in its
related programmes
- RESOLUTION 69 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Facilitating creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries, and
cooperation between them
- RESOLUTION 71 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Strengthening cooperation between Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector and the evolving role of the private sector in the ITU Telecommunic
ation Development Sector
- RESOLUTION 73 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) –
ITU centres of excellence
- RESOLUTION 75 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Implementation of the Smart Africa Manifesto and support for the development of information and communication
technologies sector in Africa
- RESOLUTION 76 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Promoting information and communication technologies among young women and men for social
and economic empowerment
- RESOLUTION 77 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Broadband technology and applications for greater growth and development of telecommunication/information and
communication services and broadband connectivity
- RESOLUTION 78 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Capacity building for countering and combating misappropriation and misuse of ITU Telecommunication Standardization
Sector numbering resources
- RESOLUTION 79 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – The role of telecommunications/ information and communication technologies in combating and dealing with counterfeit
telecommunication/information and communication devices
- RESOLUTION 80 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Establishing and promoting trusted information frameworks in developing countries to facilitate and encourage electronic
exchanges of economic information between economic partners
- RESOLUTION 81 (Rev. Buenos Aires, 2017) – Further development of electronic working methods for the work of the ITU Telecommunication
Development Sector
- RESOLUTION 82 (Dubai, 2014) – Preserving and promoting multilingualism on the Internet
for an inclusive information society
- RESOLUTION 83 (Buenos Aires, 2017) – Special assistance and support to the Government of Libya
for rebuilding its telecommunication networks
- RESOLUTION 84 (Buenos Aires, 2017) –
Combating mobile telecommunication device theft
- RESOLUTION 85 (Buenos Aires, 2017) – Facilitating the Internet of Things and smart cities and
communities for global development
- RESOLUTION 86 (Buenos Aires, 2017) – Use in the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector of the languages of the Union on an equal footing
- RECOMMENDATION ITU-D 15 – Models and methods to determine the cost of
national telecommunication services
Tariff rebalancing and cost-oriented tariffs
Sharing of facilities in rural and remote areas
Telecommunications for rural and remote areas
- RECOMMENDATION ITU-D 20 – Policy and regulatory initiatives for developing
telecommunications/ICTs/broadband in rural and remote areas
ICT and climate change
- RECOMMENDATION ITU-D 22 – Bridging the standardization gap in association with regional groups of the study groups
- Section 5 –
Study group Questions
- QUESTION 1/1 – Strategies and policies for the deployment of broadbandn developing countries
- QUESTION 2/1 – Strategies, policies, regulations and methods of migration to and adoption of digital broadcasting and implementation
of new services
- QUESTION 3/1 – Emerging technologies, including cloud computing, m-services and OTTs: Challenges and opportunities, economic and policy impact for developing countries
- QUESTION 4/1 – Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/information and communication technology networks, including
next-generation networks
- QUESTION 5/1 – Telecommunications/information and communication technologies
for rural and remote areas
- QUESTION 6/1 – Consumer information, protection and rights:
Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks
- QUESTION 7/1 – Access to telecommunication/ information and communication technology services by persons with disabilities and other persons with sp
ecific needs