Executive Summary
Table of Contents
List of tables, figures and boxes
Section 1 – Introduction
About the Digital Health Platform Handbook
     DHPH role in building a strong digital health system
     Who should read the DHPH?
     Overall learning objectives of the Digital Health Platform Handbook
     Key terms and definitions
     Overview of DHPH content
Section 2 – Digital Health Platform Overview
Why is a DHP needed?
What is a DHP?
What are the benefits of implementing a DHP?
Section 3 – Overview of Digital Health Platform Development
Applying your eHealth Strategy and digital health interventions to DHP development
Importance of considering external application and system design when planning the DHP
Summary of the DHP infostructure development process
Specific DHP development tasks and recommended approach for completing them
Section 4 – Context Analysis
Introduction to context analysis
Broad health system overview
Stakeholder analysis
Digital health technology inventory
Health system business process mapping
     Collaborative Requirements Development Methodology
Section 5 – Digital Health Platform Design
Establish DHP design principles
     Define a set of design principles for your DHP
     Validate principles
     Adhere to principles throughout DHP implementation
Outline the enterprise architecture
     Different enterprise architecture frameworks
     Different architecture views within the DHP
     Process for outlining an enterprise architecture for the DHP
     Considerations when defining an enterprise architecture for the DHP
Identify DHP components
     Common DHP components
     Application of DHP components in health domains
     Sample architecture for a DHP
     Process for identifying DHP components
     Write up your use case as a health journey and identify the digital health moments
     Match DHP functionality and components to the health journey steps
Adopt and Deploy Standards
     Sources of standards for the DHP
     Types of standards
     Process for adding standards to the DHP design
     Develop a high-level standards strategy with stakeholders
     Publish standards and interface specifications once validated
     Additional guidance to consider for standards selection
Section 6 – Digital Health Platform Implementation
Approaches to DHP implementation
     Potential DHP implementation paths
     Guidance on DHP implementation
     Using maturity models to guide DHP development
Select software for your DHP
Establish the governance framework
Institutionalize the DHP
     Awareness raising and capacity building
     Acronyms and Abbreviations Used
Appendix A – Case Studies
Liberia case study
Estonia case study
Canada case study
India case study
Norway case study
Appendix B – How Health Sector Domains Use Common DHP Components
Appendix C – Identifying Pain Points and Possible Solutions during Business Process Mapping
Appendix D – Health Journeys
     Background on pregnant mother health journey
     Diagrams for pregnant mother health journey
     DHP solutions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease health journey: comprehensive version
Appendix E – Maturity Models
     Canada Health Infoway maturity model
     MEASURE interoperability maturity model
Appendix F – Description of Common Standards Used
     Units of measure
     Formats of health base data standards
     Health workflow standards
     Personal health device standards
Appendix G – Data Protection Measures
Appendix H – Internet of Things
     Uses of the Internet of things in health care
     Core principles
Appendix I – Organizational Resources for DHP Implementers
     Digital health standards developing organizations
     Communities of practice
List of acronyms and abbreviations