RESOLUTION 9 (Rev. Doha, 2006) – Guidelines for the establishment of a coherent system of radio-frequency usage fees
1 Introduction
2 Definitions specific to this document
3 Basic principles
3.1 Legal principles
3.2 Economic principles
3.3 Reality principles
4 Guidelines for the establishment of administrative fees (or administrative charges)
4.1 Observations and general approaches
4.2 Rule for the allocation of administrative costs - example 1
4.3 Rule for the allocation of administrative costs - example 2
5 Guidelines for the establishment of spectrum fees
5.1 Observations and general approaches
5.2 Spectrum fees for frequencies intended for users' own requirements
5.3 Spectrum fees for frequencies used in the provision or marketing of services intended for a consumer market
6 Recommendations for international comparison of the fees applied
7 Outline of recommended fee system
8 Examples of fees applied by administrations
8.1 Case of United Arab Emirates
8.2 Case of Switzerland
8.3 Case of France
8.4 Case of Côte d'Ivoire
Annex 1 – Simplified example of a table giving the value of coefficient fibffl according to frequency band
Annex 2 – Example of a table giving the value of coefficient fiafl according to service
Annex 3 – Example of a table giving the value of coefficient ficfl according to the area of the allocation surface
Annex 4 – Factors which may be taken into account in an international comparison of fee levels
Appendix 1.1 (English) – United Arab Emirates: Basic elements of spectrum fees policy
Appendice 1.1 (Français) – Emirats Arabes Unis: Eléments fondamentaux de la politique en matière de redevances d'uti...
Appendix 1.2 (English) – United Arab Emirates: Proposed example on spectrum fees policy
Appendice 1.2 (Français) – Emirats arabes unis: Exemple de directive en matière de droits d'utilisation du spectre
Appendix 2.1 (English) – Switzerland Financing of spectrum management activities in Switzerland: Abstract
Appendice 2.1 (Français) – Suisse Financement des activités de gestion du spectre en Suisse: Résumé
Appendice 2.2 (Français) – Financement des activités de gestion du spectre en Suisse
Appendix 3.1 (English) – Example of fee system for frequency utilization in Côte d'Ivoire
Appendice 3.1 (Français) – Exemple de système de redevances liées à l'utilisation des fréquences en Côte d'Ivoire
Appendix 3.2