QUESTION 11-2/2: Etude des techniques et des systèmes de radiodiffusion sonore et télévisuelle numérique de Terre, notamment sous l'angle d'analyses coûts/avantages, de l'interopérabilité des systèmes numériques de Terre avec les réseaux analogiques existants et des méthodes de transition des techniques analogiques de Terre aux techniques numériques
1 Cadre général
2 Les différentes approches possibles pour la mise en œuvre de la radiodiffusion numérique de Terre
3 Choix de la stratégie de transition
4 Passage à la TNT
5 Plates-formes et réseaux TNT
5.1 Remarques liminaires
5.3 Télévision à haute définition (TVHD)
5.4 Télévision mobile
5.5 Télévision interactive et services de transmission de données
5.6 Exposé général sur l'évolution des services et des réseaux
5.7 Cadre réglementaire
5.8 Passage au numérique
5.9 Dividende numérique
5.10 Modifications concernant les réseaux
5.10.1 Caractéristiques de rayonnement
5.10.2 Système TNT
6 Aspects économiques
7 Problèmes rencontrés par les téléspectateurs
8 Conclusions et recommandations relatives au passage à la TNT
9 Radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre (T-DAB): avantages, plates-formes techniques, méthodes possibles de mise e...
9.1 Avantages de la radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre
9.2 Mise en place de la radiodiffusion T-DAB
9.3 Technologies T-DAB (radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre)
9.4 Méthodes de mise en œuvre de la radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre
9.5 Choix d'une approche
9.6 Spécificités de la radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre
9.7 Phases de transition vers la radiodiffusion audionumérique de Terre
10 Autres conséquences
11 Glossaire des termes et des abréviations les plus fréquemment utilisés
12 Sites web recommandés pour obtenir plus d'informations
Annexe 1 European Membership Case Study
Annexe 2 The Brazilian Case Study
The digital terrestrial television broadcasting channel planning and the deployment of the DTTB in Brazil.
1 Introduction
2 Methodology applied for digital terrestrial television channel planning and its respective results
2.1 Digital television channel planning strategy
2.2 Phases of digital television channel planning
2.3. Channel planning results
3 Legislation and Regulatory adjustments for the deployment of Digital TV in Brazil
3.1 Phase 1: Creation of the Brazilian System of Digital Television (SBTVD)
3.2 Phase 2: Digital Technology updates in regulatory documentation
3.3 Phase 3: Creation of Basic Plan for Digital Channel Distribution (PBTVD)
3.4 Phase 4: Definition of the Digital Terrestrial Television system and the transition period guidelines
3.5 Phase 5: Establishment of conditions for assignment contract of the additional channel for the digital and ana...
4 The Brazilian Digital Television System (SBTVD) Forum
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Structure and Composition
4.3 Modules Assignments
4.4 Outline of the Technical Standards
5 Current Status of the DTTV deployment
5.1 DTTV market in 2008
6 Conclusion
Annexe 3 Case Study for the schedule of introduction of DTTV in France
1 Preamble
2 Schedule for digital terrestrial television (DTTV)
3 Schedule for terrestrial mobile television (PMT)
Annexe 4 EBU HDTV Receiver Requirements EBU Tech 3333
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Informative references
4 Video
4.1 Image formats
4.2 Random Access Points
4.3 Overscan
4.4 Scaling between HD and SD
4.5 Video Display Characteristics
4.5.1 Frame Cropping information
4.5.2 Format switching
4.5.3 Output format
4.5.4 Active Format Descriptor (AFD)
4.5.5 Colorimetry
4.6 Decoding compliance
4.6.1 Minimum bit-rate (e.g. static pictures)
5. Audio
6 SI and PSI
6.1 Multiple video compression
6.2 Logical channel number
6.3 HD_simulcast_LCN
6.4 Linkage descriptor
6.5 Service type (content)
6.6 DVB FTA_Content_Management_Descriptor
6.7 EPG
6.8 Dynamic switching PMT
6.9 Dynamic changes of service_names in SDT
6.10 Service_move_descriptor
6.11 Event_id
7 Access Services
7.1 DVB Subtitles
7.2 HD-DVB Subtitles
7.3 Clean Audio
7.4 Teletext Subtitles
7.5 RDS/Radio/Radio text plus
7.6 Hard of Hearing
7.7 Control of recording devices
7.7.1 Source is HDTV Set Top Box
7.7.2 HDTV PVRs
8.1 Teletext Services
8.2 Wide Screen Signalling (WSS)
8.3 Signalling over SCART
9 Content Management
9.1 Common Interface (CI)
9.2 CI+
9.3 Analogue HDTV/SDTV component output
9.4 HDCP on HDMI
9.5 HDCP switchable (via menu in STB)
9.6 USB, LAN access to audio/video data
9.7 FTA content management according to signalling by FTA content management descriptor
9.7.1 Semantics for the FTA content management descriptor
9.7.2 Fundamental requirements for HD content management
10 System Software Update
11 API
12 RF & Channel
12.1 DVB-S
12.2 DVB-S2
12.3 DVB-C
12.4 DVB-T
12.4.1 VHF/UHF S Band, 230 - 470 MHz.
12.4.2 C/N performance
12.4.3 Noise Figure
12.5 DVB-T2
13 Connectors and Interfacing
13.1 DVB-T and DVB-T2
13.2 DVB-C
13.3 DVB-S/S2
13.4 Connectors for iDTV
13.5 Connectors for STB
13.6 Remote control
13.7 HDMI
13.7.1 Video
13.7.2 Audio
13.8 HDMI control data
13.9 USB connector
13.10 Removable Media (USB-Connector)
13.11 LAN-Access (Fast Ethernet, Wireless LAN or Powerline)
13.12 Home Networking
14 Usability
14.1 Stand-by mode
14.2 Power Consumption in stand-by mode.
14.2 Power Switch-Off
14.3 Channel change time
14.4 HDCP control by user
14.5 Component descriptor display
14.6 Means of selecting an alternate language
14.7 User controls
14.8 Remote control
14.8.1 Remote Control Buttons
14.8.2 Audible feedback for buttons on the remote control
14.9 Display functionalities
14.9.1 Alphanumeric
14.9.2 Event Name
Appendix A (informative): Signalling for CE-HTML
A.1. Signalling and Application lifecycle
A.2. Transport protocols for HTML applications
A.2.1 Bidirectional IP connection
A.2.2 DSM-CC via Broadcast channel
A.3. HTML profile
Annexe 5 Matters Related to Consumers' Digital TV Receivers
Annex 5 - Part A Maximizing the Quality of SDTV in the Flat-Panel Environment
5.A.1 The changing environment
5.A.2 Recommendations for best practice:
5.A.3 Options for optimizing SDTV picture quality in a flat-panel environment
5.A.4 Quality and Impairment factors
5.A.5 The Broadcasters' objectives
5.A.6 Production and contribution arrangements to maximize quality
5.A.7 Delivery channel arrangements to maximize quality
5.A.8 Receiver arrangements to maximize quality
5.A.9 References:
5.A.10 EBU guidelines for Consumer Flat Panel Displays (FPDs)
Annex 5 - Part B HDTV and Progressing Scanning Approach
5.B.1 What if the core display was a 1080p display?
5.B.2 Interlaced/Progressive Scanning dilemma
5.B.3 Arguments for progressive scanning
5.B.4 How much quality do we gain with HD?
5.B.5 The balance between requirements for detail and spectrum efficiency
Annex 5 - Part C Status of HDTV Delivery Technology
5.C.1 System considerations
5.C.2 Distribution options
5.C.3 Accommodation of HDTV in the ITU RRC-06 (GE-06 Agreement and Plan)
5.C.5 Conclusions
5.C.6 Licence Fees for MPEG-4/AVC
5.C.7 Interactivity services and Teletext
5.C.8 Dynamic switching of HD and SD resolutions
5.C.9 Broadcast issues
5.C.10 Appendix: Digital HDTV broadcast security elements
Annexe 6 European Commission Launches Public Consultation on Digital Dividend
A. Background
B. EU roadmap for mid- and long-term action