QUESTION 10-3/2: Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas
Table of Contents
1 General
2 Introduction
2.1 Landlocked areas
2.2 Mountainous villages
2.3 Isolated remote islands in SIDS
2.4 Isolated villages in vast countries (desert, forest, no social infrastructure, etc.)
3 Challenges for the development of telecommunications/ICTs in rural and remote areas
3.1 Introductory background
3.2 Challenges for telecommunications/ICTs/broadband development in rural and remote areas
3.2.1 Policy, legal and regulatory perspectives
3.2.2 Operators’ perspectives
3.2.3 Consumers’ perspectives
3.2.4 Vendors’ perspectives
3.2.5 CPE manufacturers’ perspectives
3.2.6 Content developers’ perspectives
3.2.7 International organizations and bilateral and multilateral donor agencies’ perspectives
4 Telecommunications/ICTs services/applications/contents, benefits/ importance, and impacts of connecting unserved population
4.1 Background
4.2 Categorization of applications and services
4.3 E-applications
4.4 Applications vital and important for rural and remote areas
4.5 Contents
4.6 Speed requirements for different applications
4.7 Importance and impact of connecting the unconnected
5 Assessment of backhaul and access technologies for connecting rural and remote areas
5.1 Optic fiber technology
5.2 Topologies for optical user access
5.3 Technical characteristics of P2P optical access and PON
5.3.1 Point-to-point optical access (EFM: Ethernet in the First Mile)
5.3.2 EPON/GEPON/10G-EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network / Gigabit Ethernet PON/ 10 Gigabit Ethernet PON)
5.3.3 GPON/10G-PON (Gigabit-capable PON OR Gigabit PON/10 Gigabit PON)
5.3.4 G.epon/SIEPON
5.3.5 WDM PON (WavelengthDivision Multiplexing PON)
5.3.6 Outlook of optical user access technologies
5.4 Topologies for optical backhaul
5.4.1 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) backhaul
5.4.2 Ethernet backhaul (Carrier ethernet)
5.4.3 Ethernet backhaul with add /Drop optical wavelengths
5.4.4 Outlook of optical backhaul technologies
5.5 Terrestrial wireless technologies
5.5.1 Spectrum and bandwidth requirements
5.5.2 Range of possible solutions
5.5.3 Access deployment
5.5.4 Middle range transmission media
5.5.5 Backhauling
5.6 Technologies for connecting remote areas and rural communities
5.6.1 Overview of satellite-based solutions
5.6.2 Overview of Dynamic Spectrum Access -based solutions
6 Summary of the relevant contributions including case-libtrary and e-discussion forum
7 Selected country case studies
7.1 Satellite broadband supporting elections in Burkina Faso (Burkina Faso/SES World Skies (Netherlands))
7.2 Argentina Conectada (Argentina Connected)(Argentina)
7.3 Satellite connectivity plan for rural schools in Argentina (Argentina)
7.4 Livelihood opportunities and cultural preservation through a sustainable and ecofriendly ICT telecenter (Marshall Islands)
7.5 Mobile WiMAX in Japan (Japan)
7.6 Pilot project for the improved health & medical environment with ICT for rural areas in Lao P.D.R. (Lao P.D.R./Japan)
7.7 APT J3 Project: Pilot installation of tele-center for remote education and healthcare in rural areas and isolated islands in
7.8 Telecommunications/ICT development by ad-hoc communications network for rural Shiojiri City in Nagano prefecture, Japan (Jap
7.9 Mobile Health Information System: Providing access to information for healthcare workers (Project in South Africa /Qualcomm
7.10 Mobile microfranchising and AppLab initiatives (Project in Indonesia /Qualcomm Inc (United States))
7.11 Rural and remote areas (Madagascar)
7.12 Provision of basic telephone services for rural areas (Togo)
7.13 Project of terrestrial wireless broadband connectivity (Burundi)
7.14 Rural ICT Development Project in Iran (Iran)
7.15 Energy effective and low cost technology for wireless broadband access and GSM cellular networks (OJSC Intellect-Telecom (R
7.16 The Mawingu Project: Providing broadband access using TV White Spaces in rural Kenya (Project in Kenya/Microsoft Corporatio
7.17 Evaluating different access technology options (Egypt)
7.18 WiMAX and FiberWiFi Broadband in Rural Areas of Bhutan (Bhutan)
7.19 Fishing with 3G Nets (Project in Brazil/Qualcomm Inc (United States))
7.20 Let's Get Ready! Mobile Safety Project (Project in P.R. China/Qualcomm Inc (United States))
7.21 WLAN Coverage solutions in rural China (P.R. China)
7.22 Innovative technological solution for broadband use in rural areas – Data Rural Application Exchange (D-Rax from C-DoT) (In
7.23 Successful e-initiative for rural people in remote North Eastern part of India – Active community participation for sustain
7.24 Case Studies from Broadband Commission Reports
7.25 Analysis of selected case studies
7.25.1 Policy and regulatory solutions
7.25.2 Proposed measures and actions
7.26 List of technologies, applications and funding in ITU-D SG2 Q10-3/2 case studies
8 Conclusions and Recommendations
9 Acronyms and abbreviations
10 References
Annex 1: List of input contributions during the study period 2010-2014 and their summaries
Annex 2: Analysis of questionnaire replies for global survey on policy initiatives/interventions on telecommunications/ICTs/broa