QUESTION 9-1/2 � Report on national cyberspace security infrastructure
1 Introduction
2 Network security and protection
2.1 Concept
2.2 Technologies
2.3 Routers
2.4 Firewalls
2.5 Antivirus protection
2.5.1 Scanners
2.5.2 Generic techniques
2.6 Intrusion detection systems
2.6.1 Categories of detection systems
2.6.2 Detection techniques
2.7 Virtual private networks (VPNs) and public key infrastructure (PKI)
2.8 Cryptography
2.9 Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
2.10 Review
3 Intrusions; automated attacks
3.1 Viruses
3.1.1 Multipartite and polymorphic viruses
3.1.2 Malware � the virus threat of tomorrow
3.2 Evasion and insertion techniques
3.2.1 Evasion techniques
3.2.2 Insertion techniques
3.3 Denial of service
3.3.1 Denial of service
3.3.2 Distributed denial of service
4 Network protection principles
4.1 Organization
4.2 Finding the origin of a security incident
4.3 Integrated cyberspace security solutions
5 Legal aspects (cybercrime)
5.1 Guidelines established by the United Nations and by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
5.2 Council of Europe
5.3 European Union
5.4 National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (USA)
5.5 Security measures taken by software writers
6 ISO Standards
7 World Summit on the Information Society
7.1 Declaration of Principles
7.2 Action Plan
8 Activities under way within ITU
8.1 WTSA-04 Resolutions (security)
8.2 ITU-T study groups
8.2.1 2001-2004 study period
8.2.2 2005-2008 period
8.3 Broadband and information security (ITU report)
8.4 ITU-T Manual on security in telecommunications and information technology
8.4.1 2003 edition
8.4.2 2004 edition
8.5 ITU-T cybersecurity symposium (October 2004)
8.6 Telebiometry
8.6.1 Introduction
8.6.2 Work at the global level
8.6.3 ITU-T activities
8.6.4 Case study: United States
8.7 Security Compendium
9 Data transmission monitoring and acquisition centre, including IP (DTMAC)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Description and architecture of a DTMAC
10 Case studies
10.1 ITU
10.2 Network security around the world
10.3 Combating spam
10.3.1 Its history and definition
10.3.2 A social and technical phenomenon
10.3.3 Key requirements in the fight against spam
10.3.4 Technical anti-spam solutions
10.3.5 OECD's work on spam
10.3.6 ITU workshop on spam
10.3.7 Global symposium for regulators (ITU)
10.4 Phishing
10.5 Convergence of information systems, goods and persons: IP network video surveillance