Output Report on ITU-D Question 5/2 Utilizing telecommunications/information and communication technologies for disaster risk reduction and managementStudy period 2018-2021
List of figures and tables
Executive summary
Abbreviations and acronyms
Chapter 1 – Introduction
     1.1 Background
     1.2 Aim of the report
     1.3 Telecommunications/ICTs and disaster management and relief
     1.4 Use of telecommunications/ICTs in all phases of disasters
     1.5 Enabling policy and regulatory environment
     1.6 Disaster communication technologies
     1.7 Existing response mechanisms
     1.8 Early-warning and alert systems
     1.9 Drills and exercises
     1.10 Good practices and guidelines
     1.11 Human factors and stakeholder collaboration
     1.12 ICTs for disaster management and smart sustainable development
     1.13 Accessibility considerations
Chapter 2 – Enabling policy and regulatory environment
     2.1 Policies for the deployment of emergency communication systems
     2.2 Policies for enabling early warnings, continuity of communications and more effective responses
     2.3 Policy interventions related to the COVID-19 pandemic
Chapter 3 – Disaster communication technologies
     3.1 Communication technologies
     3.2 Emerging technologies in disaster communications
          3.2.1 Mobile applications
          3.2.2 Utilizing social networking services
          3.2.3 Integrated public alert
          3.2.4 The use of manned or unmanned aerial vehicles
     3.3 Emerging technologies in disaster response and relief
     3.4 Terrestrial and satellite-based remote-sensing technologies to manage natural disasters
     3.5 Satellite communications
     3.6 Big-data analysis for disaster management
     3.7 Artificial intelligence for disaster management
     3.8 The Internet of Things for disaster management
     3.9 Smart-city disaster management
     3.10 Using emergency telecommunication systems during normal times
     3.11 Autonomous distributed ICT system
Chapter 4 – Early-warning and alert systems
     4.1 Use of ICTs to plan early-warning and alert systems
     4.2 Deploying early-warning systems for disaster risk reduction
          4.2.1 The Common Alerting Protocol and its use in early-warning systems
          4.2.2 Early-warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis
          4.2.3 Early-warning systems for cyclones
          4.2.4 Early-warning systems for torrential rainfall
          4.2.5 Early-warning systems for floods, landslides and mudslides
     4.3 Broadcast emergency warning systems
     4.4 Early-warning and alert system technology
          4.4.1 Multi-hazard early-warning systems
          4.4.2 Integrated Public Alert & Warning System
     4.5 Early-warning and remote-sensing systems
     4.6 Disaster information and relief systems
Chapter 5 – Drills and exercises
     5.1 Guidelines for preparing and conducting disaster communication exercises and drills
     5.2 Assessing and updating plans
Chapter 6 – Country and industry case studies
Chapter 7 – Good practices, guidelines and conclusions
     7.1 Analysis and identification of best practice guidelines and lessons learned
     7.2 Conclusions
     Annex 1: Detailed use cases
          A1.1 Enabling policy and regulatory environment
          A1.2 Disaster communication technologies
          A1.3 Early-warning and alert systems
          A1.4 Drills and exercises
          A1.5 Others
     Annex 2: ITU intra-Sector and inter-Sector mapping
          A2.1 Collaboration with other Questions in ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2
          A2.2 Mapping of ITU-T and ITU-D Questions
          A2.3 Mapping of ITU-R and ITU-D work
     Annex 3: Information from ITU-T and ITU-R
          A3.1 Framework of disaster management for network resilience and recovery (ITU‑T Study Group 15)
          A3.2 Informative update in the area of disaster communications (ITU‑R Disaster Relief Liaison Rapporteur)
          A3.3 Remote-sensing systems (ITU-R Working Party 7C)
          A3.4 Country national emergency telecom systems (ITU-T Study Group 2)
          A3.5 Terms and definitions for disaster relief systems, network resilience and recovery (ITU‑T Study Group 2)
          A3.6 Framework of disaster management for disaster relief systems (ITU-T Study Group 2)
          A3.7 Global broadband Internet access by fixed-satellite service systems (ITU‑R Working Party 4A)
          A3.8 The fast deployment emergency telecommunication network (ITU-T Study Group 11)
          A3.9 Fixed wireless systems for disaster mitigation and relief operations (ITU-R Study Group 5)
          A3.10 Satellite systems (ITU-R Working Party 4B)
          A3.11 Public protection and disaster relief (ITU-R Working Party 5A)
          A3.12 IMT Public protection and disaster relief (ITU-R Working Party 5D)
     Annex 4: Information on workshops and panel sessions
          A4.1 Panel session on early-warning systems
          A4.2 Session on disaster drills and emerging technologies on disaster management
          A4.3 Session on conducting national-level emergency communications drills and exercises: Guidelines for small island developing States and least developed countries
          A4.4 Public webinar on enabling policy environment for disaster management, including for COVID‑19 response
     Annex 5: List of contributions and liaison statements received on Question 5/2