Table of Contents
1. Background
2. Scope and Objectives of this Report
3. Collaboration with other Sectors and Organisations
4. Precautionary Principle Applied to Human Exposure to EMF
5. Analysis of Regulatory Policies in Some Countries
5.1 Côte d'Ivoire
5.2 Brazil
5.3 Republic of Korea
5.4 Israël
5.5 Venezuela
5.6 Hungary
5.7 Uzbekistan
5.8 Benin
5.9 India
6. ITU Project in Central America on Non-Ionising Electromagnetic Emissions and Regulation on Human Exposure Deployment of Wireless Networks and Associated Infrastructure
7. Guidance to Member States
8. Conclusion
9. Guidelines
9.1 Scope of Guidelines
9.2 Objective of Guidelines
9.3 Principles for Developing the Guidelines
9.4 Obligations of Operators on EMF Radiation
9.5 Targets
9.6 Measurements
9.7 Publication of Measurements by Regulators
9.8 Content and Format of Publication
9.9 Inspection and Investigations
9.10 Amendment of the Guidelines
I. Annexes
Annex 1: RF Exposure Units and Standards
Annex 2: ICNIRP 1998 Exposure Levels and IEEE Levels
Annex 3: Mandate of Question 23/1 (WTDC-10/139 (Rev.1))*.
Annex 4: WTSA-12* Resolution 72 on "Measurement concerns related tohuman exposure to electromagnetic fields"
Annex 5: WTDC-10* Resolution 62 on "Measurement concerns related tohuman exposure to EMF"
Annex 6: Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-10)* Resolution 176 on "Humanexposure to and measurement of electromagnetic fields".
Annex 7: ITU Project in Central America Document*
Annex 8: Q23/1 Work Plan
Annex 9: Documents for Q23/1*
Annex 10: A case study from India on EMF
Annex 10A: Wireless / Landline subscribers as on 31st March 2013 service area wise in India
Annex 10B: Number of base stations (service area wise) in India as on 31st May 2013
Annex 10C
II. List of Contributions
III. References