QUESTION 18-2/1: Enforcing national policies and regulationson consumer protection notably in aconverging environment
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Definition and terms of reference of the Question
1.2 Impact of convergence on consumers and most recent discussions
2 Legal and regulatory framework
2.1 General
2.1.1 Current status of consumer rights and consumer protection
2.1.2 Recent changes in regulation/legislation to adapt to a converging environment
2.2 Overview of legislation on consumer protection (country examples)
2.3 Legislation/regulation and specific projects on consumer protection (country examples)
3 Legal bodies or entities responsible for consumer protection
3.1 General
3.1.1 Overview of the entities involved in consumer protection
3.1.2 Coordination among entities working on consumer protection issues
3.2 State-governed consumer-protection entities, with country examples
3.2.1 Role of the national regulatory authority (NRA) (country examples)
3.2.2 Role of private entities
3.3 Examples of successful implementation
4 Consumer protection in a converging environment: challenges and outlook
4.1 Issues faced by entities involved in consumer protection
4.1.1 The meaning of convergence for regulation and consumers
4.1.2 Inexistent, inadequate or imprecise consumer-protection legislation, especially for converging services
4.1.3 Situation regarding consumer associations
4.2 Organizational methods and successful practices regarding consumer protection used by NRAs and other entities (...
5 Guidelines
5.1 Basic principles of a regulatory framework for consumer protection
5.2 Regulatory provisions and regulator obligations
5.3 Coordination between entities involved in consumer protection
5.4 Use of technology
5.5 International cooperation and sharing of experience
5.6 Education, coordination, information and capacity building for consumer associations
5.7 Regulatory measures to protect mobile telephony service consumers
5.8 Measures and golden rules for consumer protection in a converging environment
6 Conclusion
Annexe 1: Résultats du Questionnaire
Annexe 2: Autres sources et liens utiles