QUESTION 18/1 � Report on domestic enforcement of telecommunication laws: Guidelines for the international community
1 Source of enforcement powers
1.1 Overview
1.2 Country Examples
1.3 Challenges Identified
1.4 Guidelines: Source of Enforcement Powers
2 Enforcement practice and process; resolution of disputes
2.1 Overview
2.2 Country Examples
2.3 Challenges Identified
2.4 Guidelines: Enforcement Process and Practice; Resolution of Disputes
3 Independent decision-making
3.1 Overview
3.2 Country Examples
3.3 Challenges Identified
3.4 Guidelines: Independent Decision-Making
4 Sanctions and penalties
4.1 Overview
4.2 Country Examples
4.3 Challenges Identified
4.4 Guidelines: Sanctions and Penalties
5 Gender and enforcement
5.1 Overview
5.2 Country Examples
5.3 Challenges Identified
5.4 Guidelines: Gender and Enforcement
6 Organization and resources
6.1 Overview
6.2 Country Examples
6.3 Challenges Identified
6.4 Guidelines: Organization and Resources
Annex A � Summary of Guidelines
I. Source of enforcement powers
II. Enforcement practice and process; resolution of disputes
III. Independent decision-making
IV. Sanctions and penalties
V. Gender and enforcement
VI. Organization and resources
Annex B � Common enforcement challenges
A. Interconnection
B. Spectrum Issues
C. Internet Issues
D. Consumer Issues
E. Network Security Issues
F. Tariffs
Annex C � Index of country examples and references
Annex D � Case Studies, Best Practices, Guidelines
Annex D-1 � Best Practices for National Spectrum Management
Annex D-2 � Best Practice Guidelines for the Promotion of Low-Cost Broadband and Internet Connectivity
Annex D-3 � How to Combat Spam
Annex D-4 � VoIP in the world